n.(尤指男子)同性恋者n. (尤指男子)同性恋者
"Right here, in this urn," the peddler replied, so Lu rolled up his sleeve and stuck his arm into the urn to choose a plump eel.
The practice of lot-drawing from the golden urn not only upholds the central government's supreme authority and the sovereignty of the State, but religiously displays the "decision by Sakyamuni's Dharma" as well.
Urn burial is to put the dead into a large urn as coffin.
P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 32.15pt; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0"><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-micros ...
P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /> -->[政务公告]-->旅游局领导班子关爱农村困难老党员[图 P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 32pt; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0"><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft ... -->[文字新闻]-->学校领导解国栋、樊振华参加中央电大奥鹏学习中心“2008年第四期公共服务体系业务骨干教师高级研修班” P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 16.5pt; mso-pagination: widow-orphan"><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-micro ... -->[科研活动]-->我校领导带头践行“转变作风,狠抓落实”[图 16.The lathe chuck is used for chuching the work that is for clamping it so that is will rotate without mobbling whiler urning. 16. 车床卡盘是用来固定机件,也就是用来夹紧机件,以至于在运行时不用运动就可以旋转。 In 1964 found that cultural depth of 2 meters, the relics are exposed folder Li Hung intoxicated, the urn, tanks, kettle, Gray Taoweng folder Li Wen tile fragments and ropes, and so on. 1964年发现,文化层深度为2米左右,暴露遗物有夹嫠红陶醉、瓮、缸、釜、夹嫠灰陶瓮残片及绳子纹瓦等。 Hindus from all over the world bathe and splash in the River Ganges during the Kumbh Mela, or Urn Festival, in Allahabad, India, Jan. 14, 2007. 2007年1月14日印度安拉阿巴德市,来自世界各地的印度教徒于苦米拉节期间,在恒河中沐浴嬉水。(照片:美联社 Schema for the XSD annotations added by the DataSet class, "urn: schemas-microsoft-com: xml-msdata". DataSet类添加的XSD批注的架构“urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata”。 Bren:Juno, did you by any chance barf in my urn? Juno,你有没有在我的缸子里呕吐过? Generalized Polya urn models Pólya罐模型 A URN can provide a mechanism for locating and retrieving a schema file that defines a particular namespace. URN可以提供一种机制,用于查找和检索定义特定命名空间的架构文件。 {I've got your urn back for you. {我把你的“老婆”找回来了。 "Urn, miss?" a man's voice called. “呃,这位小姐。”一个男人的声音响起。 "Urn, yes. Your lawn needs cutting," said Dave. “噢,对了,你的草坪该整修了,”戴夫说。 "Ode on an Grecian Urn" shows the contrast between the permanence of art and the transience of human passion. “希腊古瓮颂”展示了永恒的艺术与短暂的人类热情之间的对比。 "Right here, in this urn," the peddler replied, so Lu rolled up his sleeve and stuck his arm into the urn to choose a plump eel. “有,在这个缸里。”小贩回答。于是陆生卷起了袖子,伸手到缸里去挑那些肥鳝鱼。 The practice of lot-drawing from the golden urn not only upholds the central government's supreme authority and the sovereignty of the State, but religiously displays the 'decision by Sakyamuni's Dharma'' as well. “金瓶掣签”既坚持了中央政府的最高权威,维护了国家主权,又在宗教上体现了释迦牟尼的“法断”。 Whereas a more emotional man might describe her as "an excellent jewel", "extremely beautiful", "precious", the Englishman will flatly state "Urn, she's all right". 一个情感丰富的男人可能会形容她如“无暇的美玉”,“美到极点”,“国色天香”。然而,英国人只会平淡地说:“哦,她还可以”。 Kong Qidi, an 11-year-old boy with the Qufu Shiyan Primary School and 74th-generation descendant of Confucius, lit the fire in a bronze urn symbolizing Chinese culture handed down through generations. 一名曲阜实验初中的11岁的小男孩孔奇弟和孔子的第74代子孙点燃了在青铜瓮的火种象征着中华文化的代代相传. A good book is often the best urn of a life, enshrining the best that life could think out; 一本好书往往就是作者的人生结晶,里面蕴藏着他穷其一生的求索成果。 What with one thing and another, everybody forgot all about the eels in the urn. 不知何因,所有人都把瓮里的鳗鱼忘掉了。 Lee and separated by long distances, but still have the same feelings of Dingzhou city north east of the urn Jun Ru Guan Cun. 与李女士相隔很远,却有着同样心情的还有定州市北城区东关村的瓮俊茹。 He was actually cremated and his urn sent to the Order of The Silver Hand for safekeeping. 事实上国王被火化之后由白银之手骑士团保管他的骨灰罐。 Instead, he sent people to fetch an urn of fine wine and said, "I've heard that if one does not accompany fine horsemeat with fine wine, the stomach will not be able to take it. 于是叫人抬来一缸美酒,并说:“我听说吃了宝马的肉如不用好酒佐食,肠胃会撑不住。 Pepper products are frozen urn, Yidu Gonganjiao, bullets first, the United States-such as free purchase locations. 产品有冷冻金塔辣椒,益都红干椒,子弹头,美国红等,免费提供收购地点。 Origin: Tongliao open Lu Jilin Taonan Fushun varieties: urn Yidu red chili pepper specifications :10-15 cm time to market: August 25 - September 1 in 06 fresh / dry start receiving orders pepper! 产地:通辽开鲁吉林洮南福顺品种:金塔辣椒益都红辣椒规格:10-15公分上市时间:8月25日--9月1日06年鲜/干辣椒开始接受定单! One person language, such as acoustic Dangyang in the urn. 人语其中,声波荡漾如在瓮。 Since 1792, in the reincarnation system of the Grand Living Buddhas of Tibetan Buddhism over 70 "soul boys" have been identified by confirmation through lot-drawing from the golden urn and with the approval of the central government. 从1792年至本世纪,在藏语系佛教大活佛转世系统中,有70多位转世灵童是经过“金瓶掣签”认定后报中央政府批准的。 This urn coffin is to use two urns from mouth to mouth to contain an one year-old baby. 从骨骼大小及牙齿萌发的情形来看,死亡年龄在一岁半左右。 They buried the urn in the cemetery. 他们将骨灰瓮埋在了公墓里。 T urning beauty into filth and greed. 任由肮脏和贪婪将美丽占有。 Even though eels are a great delicacy for most Chinese, the Yus never killed anything, so their servants put the eels into a big pottery urn and prepared to let them go someday. 但是余家从未杀生,余家的仆人们就把这些鳗鱼放到一个大瓮里,准备哪天把它们放掉。 Even though eels are a great delicacy for most Chinese, the Yus never killed anything, so their servants put the eels into a big pottery urn and prepared to let them go someday. 但是余家从未杀生,遂余家的仆人们就把这些鳗鱼放到一个大瓮里,准备哪天把它们放掉。 Urn in the lower reaches of Tam Tam phase grounding and warehouses, Yuan Yangxi water urn this was after the two-soft tan stone into an only 10 metres wide-Xikou, caving in and, massive. 位于瓮潭下游与仓潭相接处,鸳鸯溪水至此被瓮潭后的双鳖石逼入仅十米许宽的溪口,倾泻而下,声势浩大。 As major burial objects, pre-historical jade cicadas, mainly found from the bottom of urn coffin of the Shijiahe culture in the middle Yangtze River range, are related to funeral ceremony and the concept of soul in the Han dynast. 作为汉代主要葬玉之一的?蝉,在史前时期主要发现于长江中游的石家河文化中,并且主要出土于瓮棺葬的底部,应该与某种丧葬仪式或灵魂观有关。 You earn your living and you urn your dead. 你们谋求生计,火化死者。 A funereal urn awaiting a few tears? 你可是等待几滴眼泪的一只骨灰瓮? Do you know the purpose of this urn? 你知道这个瓮的用途吗? Suzhou city jurisdiction, Yumen, Dunhuang, urn,gua zhou , Subei, Aksay 7 counties, the city of Suzhou People's Government in the District. 全市共辖肃州、玉门、敦煌、金塔、瓜州、肃北、阿克塞7县市区,市人民政府驻肃州区。 The huge round urn of all Acrylic glass is 11 meters in diameter and 13 meters in depth, with water body totaled 1000 metric tons. 全部用亚克力玻璃筑成的大圆缸,直径有11米,水深13米,高达三层楼体,水体达1000吨。 In fact, the legend is always legend, the golden urn with the weir cylinder In fact, without the slightest relationship. 其实,传说总归是传说,金刚堰与瓮缸其实无丝毫关系。 The cabinet is surmounted by a finely cast gilt bronze urn finial. 内阁是克服了一套精心铸造金铜瓮顶尖。 Army before the fear of free wine, Chengdu, a lot of good wine, 50 urn can be for three cars, to the military before and zhang jiang jun and drink General Carneiro pain. 军前恐无好酒,成都佳酿极多,可将五十瓮作三车,送到军前,与张将军和罗将军疼饮。” an urn in which coffee is made and kept hot. 冲咖啡并且保温的壶。 an urn in which tea is brewed and from which it is served 冲茶并且供应茶水的壶 an urn in which tea is brewed and from which it is served. 冲茶并且供应茶水的壶。 The results showed that they are Stemphylium sp, Fusella Sacc, Alternaria sp, Fu5ari urn sp, Gibberella sp, Sphacelia sp, Actinomyces, Dematium Pers. 初步鉴定结果分别属于匐柄霉、丛梗孢属、交链孢属、镰孢霉属、赤霉属、蜜孢霉、放线菌属和暗梗单孢霉属。 A airtight large-diameter urn was made in which electromagnetic radiation (EMR) antennae can be placed and the experimental system was set up that can detect EMR signals during gas flowing in coal. 制造了大直径密封缸体,建立了瓦斯气体流动及电磁辐射测试的实验系统,用傅里叶变换对不同压力梯度和不同种类瓦斯气体在煤体中流动时电磁辐射的频谱进行了分析。 The large urn ahead is an incense burner. 前面的坛是香炉。 Kerry Ha on, a research scientist in the Department of Chemistry at UCR, said that su cree do an excellent job protecting agai t su urn(8) when used correctly. 加州大学河滨分校化学系研究员克里。汉森说防晒霜在正确使用的情况下能出色地完成保护我们不被晒黑的工作。 ROBIN Urn, and included in these are the pictorial forms of print media, like maps . . . 包括这些印刷媒体的图案形式,如地图。 Beijing Smart Automation Co.,Ltd incorporated with Beijing Huaxiashouke Technology Co.,Ltd,then changed name to xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Beijing Huaxiashouke. 北京斯马特自动化有限公司与北京华夏首科科技有限公司合并,更名为北京华夏首科科技有限公司。 Study on the Reconstruction Planning for the Urn City of Zhengyang Gate in Beijing 北京正阳门瓮城复建工程规划研究 Keywords Double urn latrine with funnel shaped pan Non hazardous treatment Characteristic parameter; 双瓮漏斗厕所;无害化;粪液特性参数; Another, not so common type of URI is the Universal Resource Name (URN). 另一种不太普遍的URI是通用资源名称(URN)。 You can use a URN to talk about a resource without implying its location or how to dereference it. 可以用URN表示资源,而不用指明资源的位置或者如何取消对它的引用。 Taonan city, Jilin Province urn Biology Group, the oil companies are the only company in Jilin Province of biological products company. 吉林省洮南市金塔集团生物油公司是吉林省唯一一家生物制品公司。 Bad mojo similar to #2, as this is how unburnt bones are moved to the urn at a cremation. 因为在尸体火化过程中就是这样把未燃化的骨头移到骨灰缸的。 So we suggest:Whether can can see device in the appropriate position gearing in the gasification stove, for the purpose of etter supervision urn the work circumstance of mouth. 因此我们建议:是否可以在气化炉内的适当位置安装可视装置,以便更好的监控烧嘴的工作情况。 Eva C. L Vic C. <?xml:namespace prefix =o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 圣是所有人眼中的迷雾,却是自己眼中的清朗,当他望向零度地平线,入目仅剩那一抹熟悉的红,冲动、执拗,所经之处狂焰冲天 In the 1.0 version of the specification, this value is required to be "urn:uddi-org:api". 在1.0版本的定义中,这个值必须是”urn:uddi-org:api”。 Early this year, a funerary urn that contained human ashes, as well as bone fragments that appeared to be from a sheep, were found in one of the necropolis tombs. 在今年早些时候,在该墓地的其中一个墓穴里还发现了一个装有人类骨灰的骨灰缸和一些看似是羊的骨骼碎片。 After six years, human remains buried in public cemeteries have to be exhumed to be either cremated or reburied in an urn cemetery. 在公众坟场土葬的遗骸,必须于六年后捡拾,然后火化或重葬于金塔坟场。 URN's not internally supported, use an HTTP proxy server 在内部不支持URN,请使用http代理服务器 In Qom urn fabrics Dalao a camel market, every Tuesday morning in summer and winter Monday, Tuesday and Sunday morning is here Go days. 在库姆瓮布的达劳有一个骆驼市场,夏季每周二的早晨和冬季周一、周二与周日的早晨是这里赶集的日子。 a metal urn with a spigot at the base; 在底部有拴的金属壶; a metal urn with a spigot at the base; used in Russia to boil water for tea. 在底部有拴的金属壶;在俄国用来煮沸水冲茶。 Of 31 states with law label requirements, 16 require registration and can issue a URN. 在有法律标要求的31个国家中,16个国家要求注册法律标并授予URN。 On the server side the URN is extracted and used to look up the class that should receive the request. 在服务器端,URN被抽取出来并用来查找应接收该请求的类。 Research on the feature interaction detection methods based on URN 基于URN的特征交互检测方法研究 Multiple Criterion Decisions Based On Urn Model and Its Application In Image Segmentatioin 基于瓦罐模型的多判据判决及其在图像分割中的应用 A recess in a wall, as for holding a statue or an urn. 壁龛墙壁上凹进去的空间,用来悬挂雕像或装饰品 a recess in a wall,as for holding a statue or an urn 壁龛,墙壁上凹进去的空间,用来悬挂雕像或装饰品 Note: Beijing Avini urn off to the airport landing flight tickets will not be required to pay. 备注信息:北京起飞到阿维尼瓮机场降落航班机票时无须付款。 Large hard pottery urn with double-F pattern 夔纹硬陶大瓮 A Kind of Urn Models in Clinical Trials With Multi-Outcome 多档次试验结果下的一种罐子模型 Everybody looked at him, and saw that all the eels in the urn had attacked Lu's arm, and were biting him as hard as they could. 大家都看着他,发现缸里所有的鳝鱼都攻击他的手臂,还拼命地咬他。