adv. 不可动摇地, 坚定不移地
r with determination; in a determined manner
The mood in Washington was unshakably jolly.
A belief as strong as yours, that's unshakeable.
你有如此强的 无法动摇的信念
I highly doubt it. I am unshakeable.
我对此深表怀疑 我是不会动摇的
Faith... is an unshakable acceptance with no room for doubt.
Eight loyal men, my wits, and an unshakable captain.
八名忠心耿耿的船员 我的头脑 还有不可动摇的船长
There are people out there who have belief systems that are absolute delusions, and they're unshakeable.
有些人的信念体系 是绝对的错觉妄想 却还坚不可摧
American journalists are working right now, exceptional minds with years of experience and an unshakeable devotion to reporting the news.
新闻工作者目前仍然在奋战 凭借其卓越的思想 多年的经验 和坚定不移的热忱 为大家播报着新闻
I've studied him intimately, someone with a great deal to lose and someone with an unshakeable belief in his right to kill in order to protect himself.
我密切研究過他 他有很多懼怕失去的 并且堅定認為 為自保他有權殺人