unintelligibly是什么意思   unintelligibly怎么读

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adv. 难以理解地

r. in an unintelligible manner




unintelligibly def 莫名其妙的定义

unintelligibly defined 难以理解的定义

unintelligibly meaning 莫名其妙的意思

unintelligibly definition 难以理解的定义

unintelligibly means 莫名其妙的意思


All the women you kill strike me as seriously unintelligent.


From the earliest unintelligible babble to the emergence of a very first word.

从最初并无实际意义的牙牙学语 直到第一个完整单词的出现

Neighbor of the deceased called the tip line, left an unintelligible message.

死者邻居打电话举报 留下了莫名其妙的信息

Newcastle comes to mind where the local accent is equally unintelligible to our ears.

比如说纽卡斯尔 当地的口音听起来也难以理解

And then, if I think back to the start of our conversation, how you coped with the unintelligibility of the world, after the death of your mother, how you took back some level of control by, in a way by making or creating problems for yourself elsewhere.

然后 我回想我们对话的开头 在你母亲去世后 你应对了世界的难懂性 你通过在其他地方制造问题 夺回了一定的控制权