a. Not cared for; not heeded; -- with for.
uncared for a. 无人照顾的;无人关心的;被忽视的
uncared-for a. 没人管的, 无人照顾的, 被忽视的
And you are too mean and uncaring, some days.
你有时候太刻薄 太漫不经心了
The universe is a cruel, uncaring void.
In case you haven't noticed, it is cruel and uncaring.
如果你没有注意到 生活就是残酷和漠然的
It's because she's cold, she's uncaring, she betrays the people she cares about the most.
因为她很冷淡 很冷漠 她会背叛她最爱的人
My hunger for fame made me hard and uncaring.
It's uncaring and it's impersonal, and I guess it's starting to get to me.
这样冷漠 毫无人情味 我觉得我开始被这种事影响了
So I don't want to hear any of that business about me being a terrible, uncaring boss.
我可不想听人说 我是个冷酷无情的坏老板
And instead of thanking me, you cast me as expedient, uncaring, a disappointment.
而你不但不感谢我 还觉得我冷漠无情 只为了权宜之计 让你失望
Caspere will get closed, the world will turn uncaring of our struggles.
卡斯珀雷的事情也会了结 世界还是继续运转
On this uncaring, unforgiving highway, the safest, largest ship in the world took her first voyage.
在这条冷漠无情的海洋大路上 世界上最安全最庞大的邮轮 开始了她的第一次航行