abbr.universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter 通用异步接收器-发射器abbr. [电子]通用异步收发报机(=Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)
abbr.universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter 通用异步接收器-发射器;
AVR Siemens colour display driver, UART 2 LCD complete source code, has been tested.
(译):AVR单片机西门子彩色显示屏驱动器,液晶显示器完整的UART 2源代码,已经过测试。
C51 UART function, transmiter and receiver complete source code, has been tested.
(译):C51实现的UART功能, transmiter和接收完整的源代码,已经过测试。
LPC 2129 based UART code source code integrity, and can be used directly.
uart using verilog hdl complete source code can be used directly.
(译):异步使用Verilog HDL语言完整的源代码可以直接使用。
uart instance, have been tested fully pass?? UART instance, have been tested and fully approved, fully tested through the test has passed.
this file contains verilog code of uart file complete source code, has been tested.
UART verilog TX / RX OpenCores share the full source code can be directly used by the test.
Hardware Design with VHDL Design Example: UART complete source code, has been tested.
This Verilog file is a desription of an UART, which is a piece of computer hardware that translates data between parallel and serial forms.
(译):这Verilog的文件是一个desription一个个UART ,这是一块计算机硬件之间的数据转换并行和串行的形式。
APB modules include APB bridge, UART, Timers and INTC.
AMBA APB总线的相关模块有APB桥,UART,定时器和中断控制器。
The main role of BDMA is to transfer the data between external memory and internal peripherals like UART, IIS and SIO, which are attached to SPB。
C8051F020 connects with DM642 though the I2C bus and general purpose I/O, receives the I2C data, and outputs the data useing the two entire duplexes UART directly.
The application of a CAN bus driver to the UART distributed measurement and control system
CPLP is mostly written in ANSI C, supplied for a reusable framework library that provides hardware-abstract peripheral access and control to AC97, USB, LCD, and UART etc, mainly called by the OS kernel and device drivers.
GPRS and GSM chips usually have a UART interface to the system.
Uart application of Tirner_A and Timer_B in MSP430
MSP430中Timer_A and Timer_B的UART运用
UART interface -PS 2 can be connected with standard keyboard -DSU Debugging port
PS 2接口:可以连接标准的键盘
Realization of the RS-485/422 Criterion UART in the DSP System
The Sharp Bluetooth CF card uses a UART transport to transfer HCI packets.
Sharp Bluetooth CF卡使用UART传输器来传送HCI数据分组。
Research on SystemC Application in UART IP Soft Core Design
Implementing Communication between TMS320C6000 and UART
UART ( Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter)
UART 16550
UART receiver
Typically, the UART is connected between a processor and a peripheral.
一般, UART连接在处理器和外围设备之间。
extended UART
UART timing
UART communication
serial UART interface
The host system has access to the complete status of the UART at any time.
This paper introduces a technique using I/O port line of MCU Simulate UART,it can be use in multi-MCU system.
This paper details a high speed serial communication circuit betwwen the Digital Signal Processor TMS320C50 and PC based on the UART TL16C750.The system can be reliable at the 38400 Baud rate.
介绍了一种数字信号处理器TMS32 0C5 0与PC机的高速通信电路 ,该通信电路结构简单 ,在波特率 3840 0下可以可靠通信。
This paper details a high speed serial communica tion circuit betwwen the Digital Signal Processor TMS320C50 and PC based on the UART TL16C750.The system can be reliable at the 38400 Baud rate.
This paper introduces the functions,meaning of pins and working principles of Max3100,which is a new UART product of MAXIM. An example is given in application in serial communication with MCU AVR.
Job Description: 1. Implement Linux 2.6.x device drivers, for UART, I2C and Ethernet, etc.2. Cooperate with Hard...... ...
Keywords the rapier looms;microprocessor;latitude-yarn;UART;monitoring;
Can facilitate the UART and other equipment seamless connection.
To advance the performance and stability, the FPGA technic is used to implement the kerneled code including serial bus time-sequence switching to VXI interface time-sequence, the UART, the Parameterized Baud Generator and"Pipeling frame".
synchronous UART
Figure 2 shows the architecture of a 16550 UART module.
图2显示一个16550 UART模块的建筑学。
Fourthly,on the ground of studing of UART IP and I~2C bus controller IP,the whole progress of wrapping two IPs are shown in the paper and the criteria of wrapping IPs as slave device of APB is put forward.
在对UART和I~2C总线控制器IP核研究的基础上,详述了基于AMBA APB总线的IP核封装过程,提出基于APB总线从设备的IP核封装规范。
Design of a Multi-channel High-speed UART based on PXI with FPGA
Design and Realization of UART Controller Based on FPGA
The Realization of Bluetooth HCI Based on UART Transfer Layer
Full Duplex and Programmable UART Based on FSM Methodology
FSM-Based Design Methodology for UART
C the ASCI code (7F) for the virtual keys with serial UART to amend the order analytic procedures, the revised RTC pcf8563 interruption part.
增加ASCII.C的一个ASCI码(7F),用于虚拟按键用 修改UART串口的命令解析程序,修改RTC的pcf8563中断部分。
C a ASCI code (7F), uses in the hypothesized pressed key with to revise the UART string mouth the order analysis procedure, revises RTC the pcf8563 severance part.
实用单片机系统.rar - 增加ASCII.C的一个ASCI码(7F),用于虚拟按键用 修改UART串口的命令解析程序,修改RTC的pcf8563中断部分。
What’s more, this thesis also introduced the working mode of the UART, the interpose of the register and the communication agreement.
Embedded C8051F020 source, debugging serial use, UART, the test has been passed, welcome to download
The Application of the UART Chip16C550into Telecommunication
The problem with your UART baudrate may be clock related.
Secondly, it is concluded through analyzing time order that simulating SPI operation using UART mode 0 is effective after proper data transformation.
The approach of mobile digital TV based on bonding on system level are elaborated, which synchronize dual embedded processors through UART communication.
A low-power design scheme for integrating universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) to the DSP micro-processor is proposed.
Communication of the UART is given.
# mpu401 -- Type of MPU-401 to emulate: none, uart or intelligent.
SCM control UART IIC and the source!
This paper introduces transaction-based verification methodology(TBV) and the establishment of UART s testbench based on TBV.
This paper introduces the function, structure and implementation of UART.
The asynchronous serial communication between DSP TMS320DM642 and PIC16F877 via TL16C752B,the setting of the UART chip(TL16C752B) has been introduced.
This paper is based FPGA component design to implement UART, and CRC is used.
本文应用EDA技术,基于FPGA器件设计与实现UART,并采用CRC校验。 主要工作如下:
This paper presents a design of vehicle GPS device based on the STR720, and through USB, UART interface upgrade software.Electronic maps can be effectively used in positioning of the car.
The innovation of this design is the successful usage of separate CRC module and UART module,as can improve the speed and performance of this chip greatly.
本设计的创新之处在于成功的实现了硬件CRC校验模块和用于接收发送的UART模块与作为CPU的DW8051 CORE的分立,以此来提高整个系统的性能。
Linux uart driver for Infineon ADM5120 SOC Uart port. This is good reference to operate the SOC uartt port.
Simulated UART
studying and developping the connection between RS232 UART and Internet and the connection between RS232 and X10 controller based Embedded Linux and Qt/E;
Hardware designs mainly include MCU, expand UART, ERICSSON ROK 101 008 interface, CODEC and speech process, etc.
硬件主要包括MCU电路、扩展UART电路、ERICSSON ROK101 008接口电路、CODEC及话音处理电路等。
Keywords MSP430;Spine;Diagnostic;LCD display;UART;
dummy UART interface
The hardware platform of the touch panel adopts S3C44B0X as CPU, including LCD module, touch panel module, UART module, Flash module, SDRAM module, SRAM module and other modules.
The experiment give the proof that the UART base on DMA saving much time for CPU and further increasing the communication efficiency.
It uses LCD to display, keyboard to set parameters, and UART to transfer data.
该谐波分析仪通过液晶LCD显示电网参数,用键盘进行参数设置和显示切换,通过JTAG UART进行数据传输。
-CSM100 microprocessor is an integrated, CAN-bus controller, CAN-bus transceiver, DC / DC modules, high-speed optoelectronic integrated isolation switch to UART chip embedded CAN.
详细说明: CSM100 是集成微处理器、 CAN-bus 控制 器、CAN-bus收发器、DC/DC 模块、高速光 电隔离于一体的嵌入式 CAN转 UART 芯片。
-FSK communications programming, and so on, the use of the 2051 series, to mock UART.
详细说明: FSK通信的编程等等,使用2051编的,有模拟UART.
-Luminary monolithic integrated circuit, LM3S series monolithic integrated circuit serial (UART) promotion application note.
详细说明: Luminary单片机,LM3S系列单片机串行(UART)升级应用笔记。
-The use of FPGA-FIFO, state machine, ping-pong operation to achieve the asynchronous UART.
详细说明: 使用FPGA的FIFO,状态机,乒乓操作等实现了异步UART。
-In the DOS environment, UART serial port to use interrupt receive data and receive data sent from serial port.
详细说明: 在DOS环境下,UART利用中断方式接收串口数据,并将接收到的数据从串口发送出去。
-based on the UART NIOSII the original code can be directly applied.
详细说明: 基于NIOSII的UART的原代码,可以直接运用。