treadmill是什么意思   treadmill怎么读

英式:[ˈtredmɪl]    美式:[ˈtredmɪl]



n.踏车; 单调的工作; (锻炼身体的)跑步机
n.踏车, 繁重的工作, 跑步机


名词: treadler | 动词过去式: treadled | 动词过去分词: treadled | 动词现在分词: treadling | 动词第三人称单数: treadles |



1. an exercise device consisting of an endless belt on which a person can walk or jog without changing place

2. a mill that is powered by men or animals walking on a circular belt or climbing steps

3. a job involving drudgery and confinement

名词 treadmill:

an exercise device consisting of an endless belt on which a person can walk or jog without changing place

a mill that is powered by men or animals walking on a circular belt or climbing steps

同义词:treadwheel, tread-wheel

a job involving drudgery and confinement

同义词:salt mine

treadmill[ 'tredmil ] exercise device consisting of an endless belt on which a person can walk or jog without changing placea mill that is powered by men or animals walking on a circular belt or climbing steps


a job involving drudgery and confinement

同义词:salt mine



I'd like to escape the office treadmill.


Mr Stocks can expect a gruelling week on the publicity treadmill.


Endowment funds are earning nothing until they have outpaced the inflation treadmill.


The runners were observed on a treadmill machine. Sometimes they wore running shoes, other.

跑步者在跑步机上接受观察, 有时他们穿跑鞋, 有时他们赤脚.

Walks on a treadmill every morning while making phone calls with a headset.


Objective : To discuss diagnostic value of exercise treadmill test in latent coronary heart disease.

目的: 探讨平板运动试验对隐匿型冠心病的诊断价值.

Run the treadmill. Pull the blocks and hang from the tree.

单调地踩着踏车, 拉动石块,悬在树边.

Two weeks after injection, PH was confirmed by echocardiography, and treadmill training was initiated.

注射两周后, 肺动脉高压通过超声心动来测定, 踏车训练随即开始.

Want to be stuck on the career treadmill?


Astronauts walk on a treadmill moving base , while watching a projected image that's also moving.

受训练的宇航员将在跑步机上一边行走, 一边观看研究人员准备的动态图像.

Spin Bike , Treadmill , Gym Machine, Bike Trainer , Propeller Weight Vest Body Building and Gym Equipments.

采购产品快速旋转脚踏车,踏车,建身房机器, 脚踏车训练者, 螺旋桨,建身房设备.

Why spend 15 minutes driving to a gym to spend half an hour on a treadmill?

为什么你开车用15分钟到健身馆去做半个小时的走步运动 呢 ?

The Clippers'Elton Brand used the treadmill during his recovery from his ruptured Achilles.


It observed the effects of treadmill running and cerebral ischemia on hippocampus neurogenesis of adult rats.


The treadmill has a heart rate monitor.



An investigation with recreational athletes on a treadmill has shown that Pycnogenol? increased endurance.

一个关于健身运动员踏车的调查显示碧萝芷? 能够增强耐力.

Drugs remove man from the treadmill of routine.



It's time to off the treadmill and get into nature to squeeze in a little exercise.


Method: Treadmill exercise test was used by Bruce protocol.

方法: 依Bruce方案采用活动平板试验.

I can't get off the office treadmill.



ObjectiveTo study the effects of treadmill training on balance of convalescent stroke patients.


To a man of true genius drudgerya school a racehorse on a treadmill.


The runners were observed train mill treadmill machine.


Clerk: Sure. Then what about trying the treadmill or the skipping rope.

职员: 当然. 那么要不要试试跑步机或者是跳绳?

Avoid weight training and concentrate on running, swimming, and doing the treadmill.

避免消耗过大的运动,跑步 、 游泳和骑单车会是不错的选择.

Jenkins lowers the treadmill back to zero, and I cool down at a slow walk.

Jenkins降低跑步机到零度, 我慢速步行冷静下来.

Li Weifeng went to the gym to get treadmill Vent and tirelessly raised a barbell.


The exercise including walking, using a treadmill or exercise bike.

所进行的锻炼包括步行, 使用跑步机或健身车.

The workout: simply walk backwards on the treadmill at an easy pace.

锻炼要求: 只是在跑步机上用容易的步伐向后行走.


As Rice ran on the treadmill and Bush worked out on a glider,the college professor began a two year tutorial of her most important student yet.


The “hedonic treadmill” describes our tendency to adapt quickly to changed circumstances -- which means you'll get a big kick out of the TV for a short while, but you'll soon take it for granted.


Do you run on a treadmill?


Twenty-seven patients diagnosed coronary heart disease (CHD) were performeddobutamine electrocardiography testing (DET) and treadmill exercise testing (TET) before coro-nary angiography.


Five years ago, business magazines were full of breathless articles about chief executives who stayed on top of their schedules by e-mailing while they ran on the treadmill.


The level of PAI:A and Fg in patients with CHD in the treadmill exercise test negative subgroup were all higher than that in control group pre - and aft - exercise.


The MRIs showed increased blood oxygenation and flow in the brain stem and cerebellum of the stroke survivors who had used the treadmill but not in those who did stretching.


The hedonic treadmill describes our tendency to adapt quickly to changed circumstances -- which means you'll get a big kick out of the TV for a short while, but you'll soon take it for granted.


Walks on a treadmill every morning while making phone calls with a headset.


An investigation with recreational athletes on a treadmill has shown that Pycnogenol? increased endurance.


The treadmill stretches away to infinitude, the hatches are closed down tight, logic runs rampant, with bloody cleaver flashing.


Get off that boring old treadmill and belt out a cheesy Elvis song on the exercise bike, instead.


However, if you plan to use the treadmill even after getting into shape, then the exercise fitness equipment should have features such as incline to keep the workouts challenging and effective.


Both groups completed Bruce protocol exercise on the treadmill before and after IHE. The HRPRP, SOD, GSH-PX, MDA were measured at rest and post exercise respectively.

两组均在实验开始前、结束后按Bruce方案进行力竭运动 ,并在安静和运动后取血测试HRPRP、SOD、GSH -PX、MDA。

The main purpose of this thesis is to plan a active-charactered testing system on treadmill.


medium intensity treadmill exercise


"Among rehabilitation paradigms developed to improve mobility in stroke subjects, the most popular is treadmill training, alone or combined with partial body weight support (BWS).


Studies have shown that body weight support treadmill training (BWSTT) is effective in restoring locomotor function in cats with a complete spinal lesion.


Working with weights sculpts your muscles, while the cycle, treadmill, and rower are great for fat-burning.


submaximal treadmill exercise test

亚极量活动平板运动试验, 亚急量踏车运动试验

submaximal effort multistage treadmill exercise test


Then there's the guy at the gym who spent more time sneezing than sweating on the treadmill before you used it.


People are stuck on a treadmill:as they achieve a better standard of living, they become inured to its pleasures.


People are stuck on a treadmill: as they achieve a better standard of living, they become inured to its pleasures.


a treadmill driven by manpower rather than water-power


Today, I ran on the treadmill until I got completely bored and jello-y in the legs.


One drug, known as Aicar, increased the mice's endurance on a treadmill by 44 percent after just four weeks of treatment.


Their physical fitness was assessed by measuring their peak oxygen demand while on a treadmill, and brain shrinkage was estimated by MRI scans.


They know that with a little creativity a treadmill workout can be just as satisfying as an outdoor jaunt.


He constructed the first known treadmill desk along with his laptop and headset in hopes of incorporating more movement for deskbound jobs.


These alterations in gait appear to have the common goal of stability enhancement in compensation for an increased demand in dynamic balance control on the treadmill.


A dog formerly used in a treadmill to turn a roasting spit.


Cardiovascular stress test using treadmill


Anything great is overwhelming, so breaking it down into small steps helps, as if it is actually a staircase that you are building and not a treadmill.


But the general cheapening of scientific labor means that even the most talented stay on the postdoctoral treadmill for a very long time; consider the job candidates described above.


Well, it was a great holiday. But I'm afraid it's back to the treadmill Monday morning with everybody else. However, I have two more weeks of vacation at summer time.


The slow stretches and meditations of yoga don‘ t burn calories like a run on the treadmill.


Keywords Treadmill exercise test;QTd;QTcd;Myocardial ischemia;


In an exercise in irony, most health club members drive to an exercise studio to go running on a treadmill.


body weight support treadmill training


graded exercise treadmill test


exhaustion treadmill running


Maybe.But the general cheapening of scientific labor means that even the most talented stay on the postdoctoral treadmill for a very long time;consider the job candidates described above.


The North California Medical Association now wants the phenomenon, which is affecting a growing number of 40-somethings who take to the treadmill to recreate their youthfulness, to take Stone's name.

北加利福尼亚医学协会想把这种正在影响越来越多40多岁的人的现象冠以莎伦·斯通的名字。 这些人喜爱踏车运动,以此唤回青春的活力。

The North California Medical Association now wants the phenomenon,which is affecting a growing number of 40-somethings who take to the treadmill to recreate their youthfulness,to take Stone's name.


In medicine, a stress test is when the doctor puts you on a treadmill to check your heart.


Oxygen consumption (VO 2), pulmonary (VE), blood lactate (BLa), heart rate (HR), T(testosterone),Cor (cortisol) and Hb (hemoglobin) were obtained during an incremental exercise test to exhaustion on a treadmill for 20 subjects.

同时测定气体代谢最大吸氧量 (VO2max)、通气量 (VE)、血乳酸(BLa)、心率 (HR)、血睾酮 (T)、皮质醇 (Cor)及血红蛋白 (Hb)。

The Research of Exercise Treadmill Test and QT Dispersion on Diagnosing Coronary Heart Disease.


It was expected that increased levels of salivary cortisol would be associated with a negative shift in affect in response to a submaximal and maximal treadmill test.


Before ascension, I was on a virtual treadmill replaying the same patterns and experiences, over and over again.


Ratner Sr, who had never been to a gym before, looked at the members pounding away on a treadmill before asking: “What are they trying to achieve?


The men exercised on a treadmill after each exposure and control period.


Restrained to the treadmill in a harness so she wouldn't float away and wearing Boston Red Sox socks, Williams ran at a brisk pace at the start of the 26.2-mile race.


In a deep sense, humanity has been on a treadmill of repetitive patterns without evolution, without assessment, without growth and without assistance ever since.


As incomes in the U.S. tend to rise over the course of our lifetimes, individuals may find themselves onasort of treadmill , consuming more and more just to level of happiness, they write.


In the latest attempt to find an explanation, researchers trained five chimpanzees to walk on a treadmill while wearing masks that allowed measurement of their oxygen consumption.


Before and after endurance exercise training,these neurohormones were measured by radioimmunoassay in resting condition andafter peak treadmill exercise.


In that room, we talk, we laugh, we eat a LOT of cupcakes, we jog on the treadmill to burn off those cupcakes and most importantly, we come up with the story lines for the season and for each episode.


multistage treadmill exercise test


Endowment funds are earningnothing until they have outpaced the inflation treadmill.


A university is an Alma Mater to its children, not a treadmill.


And she went through the days drearily. There was nothing now But this empty treadmill of what Clifford called the integrated life, the long living together of two people, who are in the habit of Being in the same house with one another.


OK. I will. Could you help me with the treadmill? I found it difficult to get the setting right like last time.


If you always run on the treadmill, run outside on a nice day.


And if it starts to feel like you're on an uphill treadmill toward liberation, then change something.


If you want to tone up your legs, I recommend using the treadmill.


Will replied that the only thing he can think of is that he ‘isn’t afraid to die on a treadmill’ - that he ‘cannot be outworked’.


Bruce's multistage treadmill test


Bruce multistage treadmill test


Exercise treadmill electrocardiogram-test


Analysis of QT dispersion value of different time zone in treadmill exercise test.


Treadmill Electrocardiogram Test (TET) is one of the most popular methods in the evaluation and diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD).


You can be ploughing away on the treadmill and it makes a difference when the manager pops in to see you.


With HIIT, the workouts are shorter, yes, but you'll actually be working harder than the guy on the treadmill next to you.


As Rice ran on the treadmill and Bush worked out on a glider, the college professor began a two-year tutorial of her most important student yet.


During exercise stress testing, your blood pressure and EKG readings are monitored while you walk or run on a treadmill or pedal a bicycle.


Across the hall, the Clippers' season has gone to pieces after Elton Brand blew out his Achilles tendon over the summer.Now, the only time Brand breaks a sweat is on a treadmill.


Treadmill electrocardiogramtest


Microvolt T-wave alternans detection during a treadmill stress test


The subjects ran at their own pace on a treadmill, first in modern running shoes and then again barefoot.



A dog formerly used in a treadmill to turn a roasting spit.

I can't get off the office treadmill.

Theoretically there is no limit to the size of treadmill.