v.(事实,秘密等)被人知道( transpire的过去式和过去分词 ); 泄露; 显露; 发生v. 蒸发, 排出, 泄露
v.(事实,秘密等)被人知道( transpire的过去式和过去分词 );泄露;显露;发生
动词 transpire:
pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas
同义词:transpire, transpirate
exude water vapor
come to light; become known
come about, happen, or occur
give off (water) through the skin
transpire[ træn'spaiə, trænz'p-, trɑ:n- ]v.pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas同义词:transpirate
exude water vapor"plants transpire"
come to light; become known"It transpired that she had worked as spy in East Germany"
come about, happen, or occur"Several important events transpired last week"
give off (water) through the skintranspired中文词源:
In 2006, Estulin predicted that the U.S. housing market would be allowed to soar before the bubble was cruelly popped, which is exactly what transpired.
More than 90 journalists from a large South African media group, Naspers, petitioned the company's board after it transpired that a subsidiary of the group had printed material used by ZANU-PF.
Everything that transpired since Herschell collapsed in convulsions was a hallucination brought on by the drugs.
Not only was the counsel disinclined to pay very old bills on principle, it also transpired that the majority of the items were not legally recoverable.
I do not know what transpired in the final hours of her life, but I do know she had been under a tremendous amount of stress.
Job knew, however, that God was his only Witness who had been watchful and registered everything that had transpired.
Against this backdrop events transpired which are recorded in the Scriptures, both Jewish and Christian.
It transpired that the two Aguri drivers did not touch on lap 10, when both pitted.
The main thing, the actual murder, transpired with the quiet and simplicity of any commonest occurrence--the bursting of bud or pod in the growth of vegetation, for instance.
The events that transpired after September 11 have had a huge impact on the American psyche.
knowledge of what had transpired aboard the Cowrie.
And so it nearly transpired that same night when we attended the official opening of Universal Studios' Globe Theatre, a new arena for special events
Zhang DanFeng and YunLei's relationship then transpired into a heart wrenching story of love, of hate and of revenge.
What a fascinating week it was that transpired after Daina's sudden, untimely and tragic death.
but the banker, recollecting what had transpired the day before, did not wish him admitted.
The rockery was, it transpired, masking the entrance to the Satrap's secret jail.
This, to a certain extent, is due to the vast number of communications and the numerous ways that they transpired.
He was always and ever aware of what transpired within the hearts and minds of everyone, whether they be, His devotees or not.
They couldn't see what was going on under that Lake( we know this since Mercus has to explain to Dumbledore what transpired), nor could they see into the maze, or Moody wouldn't have been able to manipulate events without everyone knowing.
They extract a promise: If I decide not to write the story, I must agree never to disclose what transpired in Madison County, Iowa, in 1965 or other related events that followed over the next twenty-four years. All right, that's reasonable.
Although they are all historians, they are also storytellers giving their opinion on what version of events actually transpired.
It transpired that they needed 453,060 points todescribe E{-8} but that they also needed to express the relationship betweeneach of these points.
It later transpired that he hadn't been telling the truth.
他当时没说真话, 这在后来显露出来了。
Here is what transpired when Hillary sat down to talk with Herb.
a written account of what transpired at a meeting
a written account of what transpired at a meeting.
But, as it transpired, apart from the occasional display of motorised lunacy, the going was trouble-free, while most of the routes were in better shape than elsewhere in Eastern Europe.
But much of the action transpired behind closed doors, with journalists left to glean bits of information from after-the-fact briefings.
But in the end it transpired that the allusion was characteristically to an Edwardian popular song.
But it soon transpired that Fawzi had no authority to resume diplomatic relations.
But in our discussions he could scarcely conceal his anger and he wasn't able to articulate sound lessons learned from what transpired.
As it transpired, Hernan Crespo proved to be the striker shown the Stamford Bridge exit door in joining Internazionale, but seemingly not before Lyon declared interest in Drogba.
People are understandably angry and our industry has to account for its role in what has transpired.
It transpired that there was also smoke around the rear of the car, and the masks donned by mechanics who moved in to investigate later suggested that the KERS batteries may have overheated.
Later,it transpired she had failed the examination.
This story, it later transpired, was untrue.
It later transpired that he had lied about the money.
The panel cited the "egregiousness" of the doctor's alleged acts, as well as the doctor's "inability or unwillingness to recognize what transpired with these patients."
It transpired that the King was dead.
Under the different indoor environment, choose the best plant in the function of nitrogen fixation and oxygen release,transpired water release, absorbed caloric, bacteriostatic action .
”It transpired after a confused five minutes that the man had heard Gatsby's name around his office in a connection which he either wouldn't reveal or didn't fully understand.
The skippers had been offered a waypoint, it later transpired, but after looking at shipping reports and satellite pictures, had declined thinking it would compromise them.
After you talked with the Misturaled UN team, you were looking satisfied. What transpired there?
We see no right, nor wrong in anything that has transpired, only learning, only understanding, only illumination.
At the end of each day, they meet to discuss what transpired during the trial and how the day's events affected their evolving opinion.
It is to confirm what has already transpired in their hearts.
Much has transpired upon Earth that the Great Central Sun has had no knowledge of up until now, and in not knowing could not assist nor prevent.
Financial Sector Reform: In the wake of what has transpired on Wall Street over the past year, it would be hard to justify reshaping China's financial sector to look like that of the U.
Most parents have hopes for their children, but here the parents' aspirations would be press-ganged by what had transpired in the life of the original clone.
The amnesiac, fortunate enough to overcome this condition, however, has no memory of the events that transpired when he or she suffered the memory loss.
It transpired that she had worked as spy in East Germany.
Cosmologists continue to debate how the expansion got going and what transpired early on, but these uncertainties do not matter greatly for galaxy formation.
When things went wrong, one of the brokers, Merrill Lynch, tried to sell its collateral but soon stopped when it transpired it was only succeeding in driving prices sharply lower.
When it transpired that Joe the plumber had fears about Obama's tax plans, the Democrat speculated that was because he was watching McCain's ads.
As all parts understand and choose to alter what has occurred through free will choice, then all that has transpired can be forgiven and all may go home;
36. When some event has transpired that was supposed to have transpired, never report this fact with a dialog box.
NEW YORK -- A nasty cough and fever pinned Joe Girardi behind closed doors in his Yankee Stadium office.What transpired up the dugout runway couldn't have made him feel much better.
I don’t know how that transpired.
我不知道这事怎么传出去的" 。
I gave an honest account of what transpired.
I know everyone was anxious to hear my feelings after we lost game 7 to the Lakers, but for me to truly reflect on the year that had transpired, I needed a week to decompress, and collect my thoughts.
I briefly related to him what had transpired.
Open the most recent log file to see the details of what transpired during the XML Access execution.
打开最近的日志文件,查看执行XML Access期间具体发生了什么。
Visit Queen Catherine. Since Thursday, many things have transpired that I must report to her.
3. It transpired that the fire was caused by a careless smoker .
It transpired that the gang had a contact inside the bank
It transpired that the gang had had a contact inside the bank.
The transpired air does not include any oil content, which remove the vexation of the facilites with air and the secondary products polluted the oil.
The transpired air does not include any oil content, which remove the vexation of the facilities with air and the secondary products polluted the oil.
What transpired next was as great a dark night of the soul experience as the light I had embodied in my ascent.
Whatever the longer-term implications of the 2008 Olympics, what has transpired thus far bears little resemblance to Beijing's dreams of Olympic glory.
An important event transpired yesterday.
It has been shown that potential wheat yields are 20 kg of grain per ha per mm of water transpired, in situations where yields rarely reach half that level.
This book describes the relationship between China and the United States during the past quarter century and the events that have transpired between the two.
All the forces of isolationism would have been aroused if any part of these interchanges had transpired.
As it transpired afterwards, she had availed herself of the anthropophagous customs of the Amahagger to organize this sacrifice in revenge of the slight put upon her by Job.
This, it later transpired, was untrue .
This, it later transpired, was untrue.
Whether Hine maintained a fidelity to what transpired in real time may or may not be relevant to its symbolic import.
However, if you want to lead a successful and productive life, it is imperative that you release the past and not blame yourself for events which have already transpired and which cannot be changed.
However, the tragic events that transpired in the Heysel Stadium in Brussles, would unfortunately haunt the backdrop of Fagan's spell as Reds boss.
This, it later transpired, was untrue.
It transpired that the gang had had a contact inside the bank.
You're meeting him tomorrow? Let me know what transpires.
你是明天见他吗? 把见面後的情况告诉我。