n.图腾; 图腾形象; 崇拜物n.图腾, 图腾形象
复数:totems;形容词:totemic;形容词: totemic |
Noun1. a clan identified by their kinship to a common totemic object
2. emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians)
名词 totem:
a clan or tribe identified by their kinship to a common totemic object
emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians)totem[ 'təutəm ]n.a clan or tribe identified by their kinship to a common totemic objectemblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians)
totem 图腾 来自北美印第安土著语-doodem,图腾,家族符号。totem用法和例句:
totemic animals
This opera is one of the cultural totems of Western civilisation.
Closer view of the totem pole.
Totem A Totem is a special kind of Shaman ongoing ability.
One Fuwa is a panda, the totem of Sichuan.
其中的一个福娃是熊猫, 这是四川的象征.
Did Kenai like his totem? And why?
可奈喜欢她的图腾 吗 ?为什么?
At that time, the business was my totem, while the love was her belief.
那时, 事业是我的图腾, 爱情是她的信仰.
Grounding Totem would be the best choice here, followed by casting your fastest heal.
根基图腾是这里最好的选择, 并且应该注意用最快的治疗.
Wolf totem is a novel about wolves intrepidity, initiation, strong sense of kindred and group spirit.
《狼图腾》是一部描写蒙古草原狼无畏 、 积极进取 、 强烈家族意识和团队精神的小说.
Our 41 point talent gives 3 % to crit and 3 % to hit as a totem.
With the totem of their ancestors visualized on vault of heaven.
Normally, there are money, eagle, frog, whale, small people carved on the totem pole.
正常的情况下, 有钱, 老鹰, 青蛙, 鲸鱼, 小人形的图案雕刻在图腾柱上.
Grounding Totem: This totem will no longer absorb multiple effects from Entrapment in a 10 second period.
根基图腾: 根基图腾不会在10秒内多次吸收猎人陷阱造成的诱捕效果.
Shaman : Earthbind Totem will now immobilize all Rogues in the same zone.
萨满: 地缚图腾将对所有该地图内的盗贼起定身作用.
Vindication: This effect will no longer be absorbed by Grounding Totem.
辩护: 该效果不再被根基图腾吸收.
Examples would be drinking potions, but not natural regen, or the Shaman's mana spring totem.
喝药水等都算, 但是人物的自然回复的那部分以及撒满图腾提供的回复都无仇恨.
Tribesmen select totem creatures as a bridge between the separate worlds of spirit and dreams.
Adoring need creates a idol, every blood moving thing right and the like like the totem.
崇拜需要创造一个偶像, 就像图腾之类没血没肉的东西.
Mana Spring Totem: Duration increased to 2 minutes.
法力之泉图腾: 持续时间增加至两分钟.
The image decorations ancient painted pottery mainly originated from the totem tokens of clan.
The tribe takes its name from its totem, the great cannibal spirit of winter.
部族的名字来自他们的图腾, 冬天出现的伟大饿兽之魂.
Oh, look. We've just passed a totem pole. The Native art collection can't be far away.
嘿, 看, 我们刚经过了一个图腾柱. 土著艺术品的展览一定不会太远了.
The Shaman spell Fire Nova Totem will no longer sometimes detonate without doing any damage.
Principles of survival are frequently illustrated in The Call of Wild and The Totem of Wolf.
You can use stone claw totem to off of you and have the trees attack it.
I am the slow man on the totem pole.
Once they create their totem pole they will then write a story that goes along with.
I didn't want to be low man on the totem pole for ever.
The "Fish Dance" originated in primitive tribes that took the fish as a totem.
The "Fish Dance"originated in primitive tribes that took the fish as a totem.
Tremor Totem now pulses every 3 seconds, down from 4.
Flametongue Totem damage effects now also reduce healing done to the target by 50% and lasts 5 seconds.
Tujia people believe in white tiger and regard it as the totem for ages. This tradition is just associated with the beautiful myth.
The tattoo customer, the choice western-style totem dragon's design punctures frequently in the left leg flank.
Hamas will now galvanise support using the most powerful symbol possible, a martyr whose face was already a national totem.
Be careful in battle grounds though, as this makes your pet susceptable to Stoneclaw Totem and other taunt abilities like the growls of other hunters' pets!
Meanwhile, the "tree" is a totem of the human spirit.
The phoenix worship of China is fetish worship not totem adoration.
Chinese dragon totem is the basic feature It is enshrined in the national common totem God.Totemism is a most primitive form of religion.
中国的龙,具有图腾的基本特征,它是各民族共同崇奉的图腾神. 图腾崇拜是一种最原始的宗教形式。
As Chinese's totem element and spirit support, the origin of Chinese red traces back to the ancient times of god-fearing kowtowing on knees of Sun-God.
Red China as a cultural totem of the Chinese people and the spirit of conversion, its origins date back to ancient Japan devout worship of God.
There are totem column in the Yalong Bay center square .Around the column there are China ancient mythical legend and sculpture group of the culture.
Send him flying from one skull to another, but avoid those horrible totem poles.
KS: In terms of the work, does one “totem” represent one work, or is the work the group of pillars together?
Ever since, the French have seen their semi-detached status in NATO as a guarantor of their strategic autonomy and a totem of their refusal to accept American supremacy.
The Haida continue to be known for their craftsmanship and their art, which includes totem poles.
He may give the Screw Machine a pair of lobsterlike pincers instead of a buzz saw, or he welds a flamethrower to one arm of 25-foot-tall Big Totem.
He be so ugly, the last time i see him he be the top of a totem pole in seattle .
Totem pole at Jasper, Alberta, Canada.
Elemental Fury: Tooltip now indicates it increases the critical damage for Searing Totem, Magma Totem, and Fire Nova Totem.
For generations, this hexagonal star- the totem sign of King Solomon- has served as a symbol of mystical power, igniting the supreme wisdom within us.
Key words:Nation , dialect , China-Japan cultural exchange , totem.
One Fuwa is a panda, the totem of Sichuan.
You look at the origin of the totem ancestors, which is my totem.
Phoenix, like dragon, is the totem of the Chinese people.The bird patterns drawed on the ancient potteries of the New Stone Age are the origin figures of the phoenix.
Phoenix,like dragon, is the totem of the Chinese people.
Phoenix,like dragon, is the totem of the Chinese people.The bird patterns drawed on the ancient potteries of the New Stone Age are the origin figures of the phoenix.
Ketchikan brims with history.Its parks and museums display arts and crafts of Native Alaskans, including the world's largest collection of totem poles.
Sword-Lion was ever the traditional totem of Anping but once omitted with time. With some advocates, sword-Lion has came to live again and then Sword-Lion Square occurred.
The North American Indians used to make totem poles.
Rising to the colour totem, listening to the remote songs, looking at the pure heaven, recalling to the birthplace returning.
China LotSynergy Xian, China totem.
The kind of dance was popular among northern Chinese tribes, a result of primitive hunting, fishing and totem worshipping activities.
Did Kenai like his totem? And why?
What did Kenai's totem stand for?
Eat ham you can wantonly destroyed, the indigenous people of the totem clearance can be completely destroyed, another was carefully seize the indigenous people, and limited time.
Totem,Moses and God are incarnations of father.
各种宗教信仰的对象 ,如图腾、摩西、上帝等都是“父亲”的化身 ;
He also hits pretty hard with his totem.
Also, casting Grounding Totem well forces the other team to use a GCD as well.
The folk dance named "Black Bears Fighting" is just the heritage of primitive totem worship activities.
Examples would be drinking potions, but not natural regen, or the Shaman& apos; s mana spring totem.
Oh, look. We've just passed a totem pole. The Native art collection can't be far away.
Because each one of these Enneagram numbers also has its own totem animal, and the totem of a 2 is a cat.
"And take this for your effort.It allows you to create a totem of pacifism that will stop any fighting within it's range.
"Aurax, take this for your effort.It allows you to create a totem of pacifism that will stop any fighting within it's range.
To add to the difficulty, certain cards are almost identical, which can trick a hapless player into grabbing the Totem by mistake - a grave error.
Totem: Is it the ancient myth or the modern myth?
Totem: an Ancient Myth or a Modern Prophesy?
Totem | totem worship to mark-based, to strengthen the brand image of the faith.
Totem is also the sign and symbol of the pioneer social organization.It has an important significance for the solidarity and extrogamy of gens.
Totem poles are modern rather than prehistoric.
Closer view of the totem pole.
Totem timer icons will now show up under your player portrait when you cast totem spells. Right-clicking a totem timer icon will destroy that totem.
Glyph of Earth Elemental Totem - Reduces the cooldown of your Earth Elemental Totem by 4 min. Up from 3 min.
Since a paladin can dispell your frost shock, save your shock CD for ES, and use earthbind totem if you need a snare.
Principles of survival are frequently illustrated in The Call of Wild and The Totem of Wolf.
In the determinate culture circles, the same totem belief predicates having the common ancestor.
To be low man on the totem pole is to have an inferior place in the hierarchy.
In Chinese totem art,dragon is the symbol of the Chinese since it is the patron saint of the Hans.
The boomerangs, totem poles and other gifts lavished on the queen during her tours distract only briefly from the 60-year-old electrical system.
As I climbed the Morgan totem pole, I took tremendous pride in what I did and how I did it.
Earthbind Totem: This totem will no longer break Rogue stealth.
Free romantic passion is the spirit of Haley-Davidson totem, is a way of life.
Ancestors of the Zhuang ethnic group had a frogas a totem.
Davidson says he's the lowest man on the Ranger totem pole.
Strength of Earth Totem - Duration of ranks 1 through 4 increased.
The training cost for "Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 5)" is now correct.
Probably not. We have another idea for the mana totem.
The clan insignia in the Dawenkou was the compound totem of a flying bird carrying the sun on its back.
大汶口文化的族徽“”就是“飞鸟负日”的复合图腾 ;
Fire Resistance Totem - Duration fixed to be 5minutes.
"Residing in their permanent villages, the Kwakiutl developed an extensive ceremonial and artistic life that included the carving of totem poles to represent clan figures.
If you have had success with your tremor totem during the fight, go ahead and trinket out of the death coil to prevent him from regaining his life.
If you have the money and the available skin, in fact, you can have an entire menagerie of tattoo designs, providing an animal totem for each of your personality traits.
Loners still has members worldwide but they on the bottom of the totem pole here in Canada.
Scholars believe the "Gaoqiao" originates from the totem worship of primitive clans and the fishermen's lives along the coast.
Sentry Totem: Can no longer be used for its innumerable exploits.
Improved Fire Nova Totem: Renamed Improved Fire Nova. This talent now provides an additional 10/20% damage to the spell and reduces the cooldown by 2/4 seconds.
The change of au-o output type will only take effect when Totem is restarted.
用作名词(n.)He also hits pretty hard with his totem.
A social system is based on affiliations to totems.