n.律法,圣经旧约之首五卷n.教律, 律法, 圣经旧约之首五卷
Noun1. the whole body of the Jewish sacred writings and tradition including the oral tradition
2. the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit
3. (Judaism) the scroll of parchment on which the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture is written; is used in a synagogue during services
名词 torah:
the whole body of the Jewish sacred writings and tradition including the oral tradition
the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit
同义词:Pentateuch, Laws
(Judaism) the scroll of parchment on which the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture is written; is used in a synagogue during servicesTorah[ 'tɔrə, 'təu-, təu'rɑ: ]n.the whole body of the Jewish sacred writings and tradition including the oral traditionthe first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit
(Judaism) the scroll of parchment on which the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture is written; is used in a synagogue during servicestorah中文词源:
Torah 律法书,摩西五经 来自希伯来语 torah,教导,来自 to-,表动名词,比较 Talmud,horah,教导,展示。引申词义律 法书,摩西五经。torah用法和例句:
Torah doesn't prohibIt'sincere, healthy needs.
torah 圣经并不禁止诚实的健康的需要.
The motive of the torah operation lies in the pressure.
Easy speech , the pressure is a torah to exist and the entity habit that torah enforce.
The Torah uses familiar terms to allegorically to express God's relation to His creation.
Torah demands that one verbally admit the transgression, to say it out loud.
圣经要我们口里承认错误, 就是要大声说出来.
"I have heard that the court may ... pronounce sentences even where not [warranted] by the Torah;yet not with the intention of disregarding the Torah but [on the contrary] in order to safeguard it.
" 法院执行律法的时候如果没有得到圣经的应证,应该是捍卫圣经,而不是抛弃圣经。
Simhath Torah
(犹太教)庆法节(在犹太历每年7月23日, 庆祝一年会堂诵经结束, 新的一年更始)
The SEFER YETZIRAH exists in more manuscript copies than any other work in Hebrew, apart from the scrolls of the Torah.
They are the road map toward the goals of happiness, fulfillment, and personal growth, as defined by the Torah.
The two primary words that are translated “law” in the Bible are the Old Testament Hebrew word, “torah”, and the New Testament Greek word, “nomos.”
Some of them chose to seek forgiveness and were exempted from killing, but many others chose to die to apply the Torah.
But Banu Quraizhah said, "No, we will never violate the judgment of the Torah.
The Torah leaves the identity of this Pharaoh unstated.
The Torah obligates the husband to meet the sexual needs of his wife.
In fact, without the traditional pillars of Torah, faith and language to bind them, the majority of Jews in America turned increasingly to the Holocaust as their vicariously shared memory.
The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.
He was concerned not with formulating a coherent metaphysical system, but with the elaboration and interpretation of verses of scripture from the Torah, often in the form of obscure mystical allegorizations.
They hold that the texts of the Bible were edited together from a number of sources over a long period of time, and the authorship and timing of the Torah is debated.
They were all masters of torah,proficient in fuses,and brutal and wealthy person.
He used to say, on three things does the world depend, on Torah, on service, and on acts of kindness.
He believed that Scripture contained many implied meanings in addition to its overt meaning, and he regarded written law (Torah) and oral law (Halakah) as ultimately one.
Genesis is the first book of the Law or Torah which consists of the first five books of the Bible.
Qabbalah refers to an oral tradition of esoteric or secret knowledge concerning' essentially' the mysteries of Nature, and more overtly, the hidden teachings concerning the Hebrew Torah.
With his reason a man understands the law of God either through revealed Torah, if a Jew, or through his innate conscience, if a Gentile.
Muslim and Jewish religious leaders were free to say whatever they wished, and were able to quote freely from the Torah and the Koran.
DNA - the ancient cabalistic Tree Of Life portrayed in the Biblical Torah, is now coming to be viewed as a live vibrating structure, rather than a fixed tape recording.
During the 40 years afterwards, the common people lifted Ark of the Covenant whose inside was put by Torah as well as the Joseph remains' coffin.
Both Christians and Jews adhere to the first forty-six books of the Bible, collectively termed the Old Testament in Christianity and the Torah in Judaism.
"We will use the term Mexican flu in order not to have to pronounce the word swine," said Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman of the ultra-religious United Torah Judaism party.
small Torah scroll
Enough alphabet for a torah sits on the tongue. And all shards from the winds'end gather again.
Simhat Torah
Rejoicing of the Law (Simbath Torah)
When Saints Peter and Paul came to Rome, the Torah was already being read and the Sabbath observed in the capital of the Roman Empire.
The Torah is, of course, the first five books of what Christians call the Old Testament, and the oldest surviving of the Judaic liturgical texts.
Which books of the Torah are missing from this list?- EXODUS NUMBERS and DEUTERONOMY.
The Torah is inadequate for that.
The Torah expresses the good values of a structured society shaped by God's will.Even the very structure of Psalm 119 reflects that orderliness.
Torah Concept
We should not keep the torah in order to merit salvation.
I have found real models of masculinity -- and heroism -- in the pages of the Torah and Talmud, and in every Jewish community in which I've lived.
Thus the Counting of the Omer demonstrates how much a Jew desires to accept the Torah in his own life.
According to oral tradition, Feast of Weeks was the time of giving The Torah or The Law of Moses at Mount Sinai.
The next and most important thing for Moses to do was to hand over the torah (the written Law) to the priesthood.
Near the end of his life, Moses taught the laws of the Torah to the new generation that had grown up in the desert. He then transferred leadership to Joshua.
CJB) All who have sinned outside the framework of Torah will die outside the framework of Torah;
2,The Torah uses familiar terms to allegorically to express God's relation to His creation.
"Open my eyes, so that I may behold wondrous things out of Your Torah" (Psalms 119:18).
Esoteric Kabbala is also "tradition" inasmuch as it lays claim to secret knowledge of the unwritten Torah (divine revelation) that was communicated by God to Moses and Adam.
Playing with a dreidel is a big part of the Hanukkah celebration for Jewish children, since it commemorates a period where Jews were not allowed to study Torah by the Romans.
The Jewish holy book, the Torah, explains: “And the Lord will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other, and there you shall serve other gods of wood and stone.”
The Jewish holy book, the Torah, explains: "And the Lord will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other, and there you shall serve other gods of wood and stone."
Judaism, consequently, was presented not as a religion of immutable truths but as one for which each cycle, or eon, was said to have a different Torah.
In the eyes of most Chinese people, Confucian books are composed of human words while the Jewish Torah and Mishnah have been traditionally regarded as divine revelation.
Every word of the Torah braided crowns for the godhead
As Muslims have a Shari`ah (Law) to live by, the Jews have their Halakha (a compendium of laws, based on the Torah).
The Essenes were a strict Torah observant, Messianic, apocalyptic, baptist, wilderness, new covenant Jewish sect.
Spain also produced the famous Sefer ha-zohar ("Book of Splendour"), a book that in some circles was invested with a sanctity rivaling that of the Torah itself.
The significance of this conversation is evident when we recall that in the Torah of the Jews, it was written that a Prophet would come who would lead those who followed him to victory.
This style of writing is known as STA"M (an abbreviation for "Sifrei Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzot," which is where you will see that style of writing.
Opponents of this view point to the fact that the religion of the Torah seems very different to Atenism in everything except the central feature of devotion to a single god.
the laws (beginning with the Ten Commandments) that God gave to the Israelites through Moses; it includes many rules of religious observance given in the first five books of the Old Testament (in Judaism these books are called the Torah)
the laws (beginning with the Ten Commandments) that God gave to the Israelites through Moses; it includes many rules of religious observance given in the first five books of the Old Testament (in Judaism these books are called the Torah).
用作名词(n.)They were all masters of Torah,proficient in fuses,and brutal and wealthy person.
We should not keep the Torah in order to merit salvation.