themself是什么意思   themself怎么读

英式:[ðəmˈself]    美式:[ðəmˈself]


pron. [俚]他自己;[俚]其本身




enjoy themself 尽情享受吧


Whoever it was, they got themself down.

不管是什么人 他們下來了

Those near death delivered themself to the dead.


It is time for my people to rid themself of this burden.

我的人民 该摆脱这个负担了

A good leader is supposed to challenge themself.


Our clan pledged themself to you and raised up an army.

我们领主效忠于你 并且召集了一支军队

Kill the only person who's ever devoted themself entirely to you.

杀死唯一 将一生完完全全奉献给你的人

And none of them, at this point anyway, are a danger to themself or others.

无论如何 目前他们中没有人 会对自己或他人造成危险

and at the appropriate moment, somebody will present themself to you.

在合适的时机 会有人向你表明身份

The individual sacrificing themself for the whole can be the most beautiful thing there is.

牺牲小我成全大家 可能是世上最美好的事

All these little melodramas people make up for themself, they don't mean anything.

所有的小闹剧都是他们自找的 对你没有任何影响