n. inelegance indicated by a lack of good taste
副词: tastelessly 名词: tastelessness
They were tasteless, but at least they didn't it up.
他们毫无品味 但至少没弄得一团糟
Every tasteless salad is bad for you.
Tasteless...the way they dress those waitresses there.
太粗俗了 他们的服务员打扮成那样
Then they decided it was way too tasteless for mass production.
It's a soft metal. It's odorless, colorless, tasteless, but extremely toxic.
一种软金属 无香 无色 无味 但剧毒
An uncivilised, unsightly, filthy bore, with your tasteless clothes and with your hair like thistledown.
一个没文化 难看又肮脏的讨厌鬼 穿着毫无品味的衣服 留着跟蓟花冠毛一样的头发
And rule number three, anyone doing tasteless or vulgar movements will be disqualified.
第三条规则 谁要是做出不雅或低俗动作 将被取消比赛资格
Better than making her skin blue to match the tasteless red tile floor that you would paint her on.
最好把她的皮肤涂成蓝色 来搭配你画她用的 毫无品味的红瓷砖地板
I'm not unfamiliar with the sensation of this table growing longer nor the food growing more tasteless upon the plate.
我并不是 没有注意到餐桌在逐渐变长 桌上的食物也在逐渐变得寡淡无味
But that's not gonna happen if she films a bunch of old people spitting out this tasteless slop into their napkins.
但如果她拍下的是 一帮老家伙把这难吃的 泔水吐在餐巾里 这事就黄了