a. 饰有穗(或缨、流苏)的
s fringed or adorned with tassels
原型:tassel 过去式:tasselled
The daffodil breaks under foot, and the tasselled larch.
Embroidered tasselled cape worn as part of ceremonial dress by noblewomen in former times.
霞帔我国古时贵族妇女礼服的一部分, 类似披肩。
Look at the embroidery, the tassels, the lace.
看这些刺绣 流苏 蕾丝边
It's a tampon with a tassel, so you could pull it right out.
就是带流苏的卫生棉 这样可以直接拉出来
little tassels off the back of his seat.
Tassels is gonna have to wait. I think I figured this out.
流苏的事要等等了 我觉得我搞明白了
I cut the tassels off my mum's special rug.
He's a hedgefund guy pink shirt, loafers with those tassels.
他是做对冲基金的 粉衬衣 休闲鞋配着流苏
Wait a minute, they were supposed to be cut to size with the tassels attached.
等一下 窗帘应该 切割成一定尺寸 再缝上流苏的
I think if you pull on the gold tassel it'll slide right out.
如果你夹住后面的金色流苏 它会滑出来的
I got your 80 feet of red velvet curtains and six boxes of tassels.
我送来了80英尺红丝绒窗帘 和6箱流苏
I am gonna create and market a tampon with a ring and a tassel off the end of it so women never lose their string.
我要创造 推销一种卫生棉 在尾部套个环还有流苏 这样女人们就不会找不到棉线了