n.酒石; 牙垢; 鞑靼人; 凶悍的人n. 牙垢, 牙结石, [化]酒石 Tartar: 鞑靼人, 凶悍的人, 难对付的人adj. 鞑靼的=Tatar
Noun1. a salt used especially in baking powder
2. a fiercely vigilant and unpleasant woman
3. an incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums
名词 tartar:
a salt used especially in baking powder
同义词:cream of tartar, potassium bitartrate, potassium hydrogen tartrate
a fiercely vigilant and unpleasant woman
a member of the Mongolian people of central Asia who invaded Russia in the 13th century
同义词:Tatar, Mongol Tatar
an incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums
同义词:calculus, tophus
tartar[ 'tɑ:tə ]n.a salt used especially in baking powder同义词:cream of tartarpotassium bitartratepotassium hydrogen tartrate
a fiercely vigilant and unpleasant woman同义词:dragon
a member of the Mongolian people of central Asia who invaded Russia in the 13th century同义词:TatarMongol Tatar
an incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums同义词:calculustophus
tartar 酒石,牙石,牙垢 Tartar 鞑靼,暴君,残暴者 来自希腊语 tartaron,酿酒后覆盖于酒桶的沉淀物,酒石,可能最终来自闪语。引申词义牙石, 牙垢。 来自拉丁语 Tartarus,鞑靼人,蒙古人,来自波斯语 Tatar,鞑靼,特别是用于指成吉思汗,最 终来自 Tata,鞑靼,蒙古族自称。由于 13 世纪,成吉思汗横扫欧洲,给欧洲人留下了极强的 心理阴影,因而引申诸多野蛮词义。其拼写受到原拉丁语 Tartarus 影响。tartar用法和例句:
She can be quite a tartar.
Tartar hordes scattered on the plain.
Though a Tartar strain in many North China peasants, there is also a veneer of civilization.
虽然不少华北农民具有鞑靼民族的血统, 但同时他们也拥有悠久的文明传统.
It is often mixed with grain cream of tartar, a fine powder commonly used in cooking.
常常和酒石, 一种通常用在烹饪中的精炼粉末,混在一起.
The central Tartar city gate ( the Chienmen ), was still in its original form.
内城中央的城门 ( 前门 ) 仍旧保持着原来的样子.
It is difficult to scale off the tartar on the inside of one's teeth.
Whatever his origin and status in English life , the young Roderick Armstrong was a tartar.
The nationalities including Uighur, Kazak , Hui, Kyrgyz , Tajik, Tartar all believe in Islam almost.
维吾尔族 、 萨克族 、 族、尔克孜族 、 吉克族、塔尔族等民族,几乎是全民族信仰伊斯兰教.
He doesn't go and clean his mouth , even though there is tartar in it.
他满嘴的牙石, 也不知道去清理一下.
The use of a toothbrush to keep tartar down is very helpful.
Scratch a Russian, and you will find a Tartar.
剥去文明人的外衣, 他就变成野蛮人了.
C : No, thank you. Tartar sauce is already on the plate.
不, 谢谢你, 在盘子上已经有酱油了.
Dextrorotary ammonium tartrate can be prepared from by product tartar produced in grape wine factory.
Scratch a Russian, and you ( will ) find a tartar.
剥下俄罗斯人的一层皮, 你就会到鞑靼人了. ( 文明不能改变本性. )(文明人与野蛮人所差不过一张皮. )
The crunchy kibbles help gently scrub away plaque and prevent tartar build up on the outside.
It is often mixed with cream of torter tartar, a fine powder commonly used in cooking.
它通常和酒石混合在一起用, 酒石是一种常用于烹调的细粉.
He is a tartar , each time i met him, he would jump down my thraot.
他是个刺头, 我每次遇到他, 他都那么火气十足.
The Tartar pipe is a musical instrument often used by the nomadic minorities in Northern China.
Tartar forms on the inside of a cask in which wine is fermented.
Let me gather up my flowers. Here is Tartar ( dog ) coming: he will tread upon them.
让我把鲜花收收拢. 鞑靼 来了,它会踩在花上.
It is often mixed with cream of tartar, a powder commonly used in cooking.
它经常和酒石霜混合, 这是一种用于烹饪的常见的粉末物质.
Whatever his origins and status in English life , the young Roderick Armstrong was a tartar.
It is often mix mixed with cream of tartar , a fine powder commonly used in cooking.
它经常与酒石乳脂, 一种常用于烹饪的粉末,混用.
He likes playing the Tartar pipe and can play it beautifully.
She can be quite a tartar.
The Tartar pipe is a musical instrument often used by the nomadic minorities in Northern China.
In mice fed tartar emetic 27 mg/kg,the alimentary Sb content was 29% lower in the group with simultaneous administration of BAL-glucoside 0.21g/kg than that in the group without BAL-glucoside.
(二)小鼠口服吐酒石27mg/kg加BAL-glucoside 0.21g/kg的消化道含Sb量较不加者低29%;
Within 24 hours, plaque can harden to form tartar, which can only be removed by a professional.
In the 14-day-course treatment of schistosomiasis japonica in mice and in rabbits,intrave- nous injections of Sb-11 and Sb-5 exhibited a higher therapeutic activity-than tartar emetic.
Sb-11 与 Sb-5 在治疗日本血吸虫病小白鼠及家兔的14天疗程中,疗效均优于吐酒石.
A Colonel Azizov, a swarthy, sardonic, pipe-smoking Tartar, awaited Levchenko.
The Tartar steeds would not dare to cross the frontier.
Hartz? DENTAL? Chew' n Clean? are patented balls that help clean your dog's teeth and gums, removing harmful tartar.
It's because of him that you were attacked by those Tartar soldiers this morning.
He sat silent still caressing Tartar, who slobbered with exceeding affection.
It survived and gained power in the constant fight with the Teutonic Knights, supported by almost the whole of Catholic Europe, the Tartar hordes and Muscovite Russia.
He likes playing the Tartar pipe and can play it beautifully.
He took a fancy to a nice Tartar pipe in a musical instrument shop.
He told himself: For all she's such a tartar, she may have sense enough to take such a chance to let the servants make a bit more money.
He is a tartar, each time I met him he would jump down my throat.
He is a tartar,each time i met him ,he would jump down my thraot.
He doesn't go and clean his mouth, even though there is tartar in it.
He hadn't been married for longwhen he realized he had caught a tartar.
He hadn't been married for long when he realized he had caught a tartar.
His very own goldfish, with tartar sauce and fries?
The tartar or this paper is an eve poetic tars in which Pure Land School's teaching started in Taiwan;the distribution of its temples and accomplishments in. cultural and educational activities.
Neither Buddhism nor Tartar invasion could break this torpor as did Christianity and barbarian rule in the West.
Do you sigh for the frugality of the wandering Tartar, or regret being born amidst the luxury and dissimulation of the polite?
The use of a toothbrush to keep tartar down is very helpful.
Of course, if it was just a question of dealing with Tartar agents or collaborators, it would be a different matter.Even if we ended up getting killed ourselves, we'd be dying for the cause.
Brushing with Glister Multi-Action Fluoride Toothpaste can help to remove plaque before it has time to harden and become tartar.
relating to or derived from or resembling tartar.
It's most valuable part is the history of Tartar,Siam and so on during Lung-Ch'ing and Wa-Li period.
其最有价值的部分是作者记载的隆庆、万历年间鞑靼、暹罗等历史 ,以及有关四夷馆活动的内容
The central Tartar city gate (the Chienmen), was still in its original form.
The bristle is made of imported nylon material of DUBANG brand, with international popular shape and design, which can clear tartar very well.
It is difficult to scale off the tartar on the inside of one 's teeth.
Scratch a Russian, and you (will) find a tartar.
Scratch a Russian, and you will find a Tartar.
The north wind rolls the white grasses and breaks them; And the Eighth-month snow across the Tartar sky Is like a spring gale, come up in the night, Blowing open the petals of ten thousand peartrees.
北风卷地白草折, 胡天八月即飞雪; 忽如一夜春风来, 千树万树梨花开。
Basically ultrasonic vibrations are used to dislodge both plaque and tartar from the tooth surface .
Carol: Mike, this is bigger than tartar sauce.
A medieval ruler of a Mongol, Tartar, or Turkish tribe.
Made with essential vitamins and minerals, Lams Biscuits are formulated using high-quality ingredients. The crunchy texture helps control tartar to promote clean teeth ,fresh breath and healthy gums.
Good - humoured mockery seems to be a proper rod but great caution and skill are necessary in the use of it or you may happen to catch a tartar.
In the wide spaces of eastern Europe, towns needed to be able to defend themselves against raids by Turkish or Tartar horsemen.
The ratio stays same as cream of tartar calls for the recipe.
Tartar Lancers ride into battle dressed in lamellar armour and with a sharpened sword in hand.
Polysaccharid and phenolic compounds from red wine significantly impacted on tartar stabilization of white and red wine.
Smoked pomfret fish with tartar sauce
It is often mixed with cream of tartar, a fine powder commonly used in cooking.
It use offen is often mixed with chrim cream of charger tartar, a fine powder common they commonly used in cookiescooking.
The mechanism and the factor of tartar formation in wine are studied. The methods to tartar stabilization are introduced.
对葡萄酒中酒石的形成机理和影响酒石形成的因素进行了分析和探讨 ,并提出了解决葡萄酒酒石稳定性的措施。
Mix 8 grams of alum with 7 grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water.
Using electric mixer on full speed, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until solf peaks.
Mice were fed tartar emetic 55 mg/kg or fed 25 mg/kg plus BAL-glucoside 194 mg/kg daily for 14 days.
小鼠每天灌胃吐酒石55mg/kg或每天灌胃吐酒石25mg/kg加BAL-glucoside 194mg/kg,共给药14天,然后测定内脏含Sb量。
Want him to follow your order? No way! He's a tartar - a hard nut to crack.
I have a lot of tartar on my teeth.
Mix 80 grams alum with 7 grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water.
Mannoprotein abstracted from dead yeast has significant effect on white wine tartar and protein stability when it is added into wine.
Scratch a Russsian, and you('ll) find a Tartar.
Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tartar.
Whatever his origins and status in English life, the young Roderick Armstrong was a tartar.
Whatever his origin and status in English life, the young Roderick Armstrong was a tartar.
Allon Alum is sold in many stores.It is often next mixed with cream of torder-a tartar, a fine powder commonly used in cooking.
The supper consisted of a roast pheasant garnished with Corsican blackbirds; a boar's ham with jelly, a quarter of a kid with tartar sauce, a glorious turbot, and a gigantic lobster.
Lemon juice, vinegar and cream of tartar, also known as tartaric acid, are all inexpensive ingredients you might have in your kitchen pantry.
Every clear night tartar is a matter of a few seconds, but its role is very big.
China marches its men down Baideng Road While Tartar troops peer across Blue waters of the Bay....
汉下白登道, 胡窥青海湾。
I particularly enjoyed the Raw Fish Tartar, which, despite the perhaps unappealing name, had a light lemony taste and a fresh crunch of raw onions and peppers.
I am still feeding him dry food, although, i have already bought the Nutripet can food and the wafer biscuit treat for him, so he will have fresh breath and clean teeth and to avoid the tartar.
The most popular wool mordants in current use are alum and cream of tartar and they are quite safe.
Mannoprotein abstracted from spent yeast has shown significant effect to wine tartar stability when added into wine.
Scaling for the first time, as more tartar, and some may be uncomfortable, but if persevered, and attention to oral hygiene, Scaling will be much better next time.
The results indicated that the value index on tartar stabilization treated by import equipment was not inapplicable to Chinese wine-making due to the ecological difference.
The results were as follows: (1) In mice the acute and subacute LD_(50) after intraperitoneal injection of tartar emetic were found to be 38 and 35 mg/kg/day respectively.
结果如下: (一)小白鼠腹腔注射吐酒石急性及亚急性LD_(50)分别为38及35毫克/千克/天。
The nationalities including Uighur, Kazak, Hui, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Tartar all believe in Islam almost.
A Tartar under the willows is lamenting on his flute. That spring never blows to him through the Jade Pass.
羌笛何须怨杨柳, 春风不度玉门关。
As the plaque gets harder and thicker, it becomes what is known as dental calculus or tartar, a hard calcified layer that is irtually impossible to shift with normal brushing, you would hae to get the dental hygienist to do it.
To make egg white foam, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until mixture forms solf peaks.
Let me gather up my flowers. Here is Tartar (dog)coming: he will tread upon them.
On reaching the door opposite the bedroom he heard animated voices speaking rapidly in Tartar.
The plains were overrun by Tartar hordes.
Tartar stabilization of four wines during the rapid cold-stabilization treatment was studied by determining the absolute conductivity, contact conductivity and saturated temperature.
Each ultrasonic scaler attached 4 pieces scaling tips.The 3# scaling tip can be used to eliminate the subgingival tartar.
Tartar forms on the inside of a cask in which wine is fermented.
Tartaric acid; acid of tartar,(found in many plants and the juice of fruit,and used in making baking powder,etc.
用作名词(n.)I have a lot of tartar on my teeth.
Tartar forms on the inside of a cask in which wine is fermented.
Mix 8 grams of alum with 7 grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water.