tallis是什么意思   tallis怎么读

英式:['tɑ:lɪs]    美式:['tɑ:lɪs]


n. 犹太教男人晨祷时的披巾




1. (Judaism) a shawl with a ritually knotted fringe at each corner; worn by Jews at morning prayer

名词 tallis:

English organist and composer of church and secular music; was granted a monopoly in music printing with William Byrd (1505-1585)

同义词:Thomas Tallis

(Judaism) a shawl with a ritually knotted fringe at each corner; worn by Jews at morning prayer

同义词:prayer shawl, tallith

tallis[ 'tɑ:lis ]n.English organist and composer of church and secular music; was granted a monopoly in music printing with William Byrd (1505-1585)

同义词:Thomas Tallis

(Judaism) a shawl with a ritually knotted fringe at each corner; worn by Jews at morning prayer

同义词:prayer shawltallith



She glanced at Tallis , who pointed to the comer.

她瞧了一眼塔利斯, 塔利斯指了指墙角.

英汉非文学 - 科幻

Tallis leaned back, hands in the pockets of his freshly pressed suit.

塔利斯身子往后一靠, 双手插在他那刚烫过的西装口袋里.

英汉非文学 - 科幻

She noticed Tallis behind the door and walked towards him.


英汉非文学 - 科幻

His mouth worked silently, eyes fixed on Tallis.

他的嘴无声地嚅动着, 双眼直盯着塔利斯!

英汉非文学 - 科幻

For Tallis, this period in the apartment was a time of increasing fragmentation.

对塔利斯来说, 在公寓里的这些日子是心智愈来愈错乱的一段时光.

英汉非文学 - 科幻

Tallis sat down on the roof of a car buried in the sand.


英汉非文学 - 科幻

After a pause , during which he scrutinised Tallis closely, the psychiatrist began to speak.

内森博士仔细地打量了一会塔利斯, 然后这位精神病学家开口讲话.

英汉非文学 - 科幻

When Coma called at the apartment Tallis rose from his chair by Karen Novotny's body.


英汉非文学 - 科幻

Cecilia Tallis: [ in a letter ] My darling , Briony found my address somehow and sent a letter.

塞西莉亚: ( 在信中), 布莱欧妮不知怎么找到了我的地址写了封信给我.



In 1935, 13-year-old fledgling writer Briony Tallis (Saoirse Ronan) and her family live a life of wealth and privilege in their enormous mansion.


The Tallis Fantasia grows out of the simplest Renaissance plainchant into glowing string textures of ravishing beauty.


Despite the monopoly, Tallis and Byrd were not successful in their printing endeavors;


Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis


Dr Tallis said that before the 18th Century lovesickness had been accepted as a natural state of mind for thousands of years.


Tallis waited in the deserted cafe terrace beside the entrance, scraping with a burnt-out match at the gull droppings that had fallen through the tattered awning on to the green metal tables.


Tallis was immediately struck by the unusual planes of her face, intersecting each other like the dunes around her.

塔利斯立刻就被她那不同凡响的有棱有面的脸所吸引。 这些棱面就像她周围的沙丘一样一一相交。

Tallis stood behind the door of the lounge, shielded from the sunlight on the balcony, and considered the white cube of the room.


Cecilia Tallis: No I told you I wouldn't.


Cecilia Tallis: No I told you I wouldn't. Leon waited outside the hospital last week I just pushed past him.


Cecilia Tallis: Robbie didnt you read my letters?


Cecilia Tallis: Robbie didnt you read my letters? Had I been allowed to visit you? Had they let me, every day, I would have been there every day.


Cecilia Tallis: Robbie, look at me, come back, come back to me.


Cecilia Tallis: [in a letter] My darling, Briony found my address somehow and sent a letter.


She glanced at Tallis, who pointed to the comer.


For Tallis, this period in the apartment was a time of increasing fragmentation.


When Coma called at the apartment Tallis rose from his chair by Karen Novotny's body.

当柯玛来到公寓时,塔利斯从卡伦 - 诺弗特尼尸体边的椅子上站起身来。

Collections were the inspiration(灵感) for a project at Thomas Tallis School, which formed part of the Imagine Children's Literature Festival last autumn.

汇集是为一个项目在托马斯学校, 构成想象儿童文学节日的部分去年秋天。

This Venus of the dunes, virgin of the time-slopes, rose above Tallis into the meridian sky.


Leon Tallis arrives with his friend Paul Marshall, an aspiring businessman who plans to sell chocolate bars to the Army.
