taipan是什么意思   taipan怎么读

英式:['taɪpæn]    美式:['taɪpæn]


n.大班(指旧时在中国的外国公司经理); (产于澳大利亚,属眼镜蛇科的)大毒蛇
[中]大班(旧中国洋行老板), 澳大利亚北部产的一种毒蛇




1. large highly venomous snake of northeastern Australia

名词 taipan:

large highly venomous snake of northeastern Australia

同义词:Oxyuranus scutellatus

taipan[ 'taipæn, 'tai'pɑ:n ]n.large highly venomous snake of northeastern Australia

同义词:Oxyuranus scutellatus




1.Indicate to the taipan that you are not happy with his service.

1. 向该大班表示你并不满意他的服务.

Discovered in an isolated and arid region of Australia in 2007, the Central Ranges taipan is one of the most venomous snakes in the world.


3.The taipan also wants you to enjoy your trip so that you will return next time.

3. 大班亦希望你能享受该次行程, 并因而再次光顾.

5.Invite the taipan to drink and play dice during ask table.This helps establish the relationship.Obviously, if the taipan can't drink, don't force him/her.

5. 在问枱时, 邀请大班饮酒和玩骰盅, 这有助于建立关系. 当然, 若该名大班不懂喝酒, 不要迫他/她.

Inland Taipan

n. 小鳞太攀蛇(眼镜蛇科,小鳞太攀蛇)

Coastal Taipan

n. 海岸太攀蛇(眼镜蛇科,盾太攀蛇)

For example it was the taipan's business to pay for the English-language stationery and forms and the compradore's business to pay for Chinese-language forms.


It was the custom for the compradore to live frugally and save his money and for the taipan to live lavishly and spend his.


The compradore paid the insurance to cargo until it was stored in the taipan's godown, where it became his responsibility.


He was not unaware of the fact that the young man he was placing under such obligations might in a few years be sitting at the taipan's desk.


You may have to pay for the beer you drink, depending on the NC and your relationship with the taipan.


If you wish further references, please communicate with Mr. Horace Greene, the president of the Taipan Woolen company, or Mr. Frank Morse of the First Bank.


This year, Wing Wah cuts all forks (last year it distributed 4 pieces a box) and Taipan does it without cutlery.


For special services, ask the girl direct or (if you feel embarassed) ask the taipan.


I am a student from Sin-Pu High School in Jun-I.I live at Jun-I County in TaiPan village, around the Guy’s Gulf.


Australian taipan and tiger snakes.


cobras; kraits; mambas; coral snakes; Australian taipan and tiger snakes


cobras ; kraits; mambas; coral snakes; Australian taipan and tiger snakes.


The old-fashioned taipan luxuriated in his ignorance of the Chinese language and of everything that was connected with China.


If you meet a bad taipan but you still want to visit that NC because of the high quality of girls, what should you do?

若你踫到一位差劲的大班, 而基于高质素的囡囡, 你仍想光顾该夜总会, 你可以怎样做?

Many an unwise young foreigner who gambled too heavily had his credit saved by the compradore who honor his order in settlement and discreetly said nothing about it to the taipan.


This did not involve any change in the relationship between the compradore and the taipan except that the former had a little more to say about running the business.


It often happened that a compradore would be rolling in wealth while the firm of which he was an employee would be struggling for an existence and the taipan unable to meet his personal bills.


The compradore paid the insurance to cargo until it was stored in the taipan's godown, where it became his responsibility.

The old-fashioned taipan luxuriated in his ignorance of the Chinese language and of everything that was connected with China.