n. 同步装置, 同步闪光装置
[电] 同步器
n an instrument that indicates whether two periodic motions are synchronous (especially an instrument that enables a pilot to synchronize the propellers of a plane that has two or more engines)
automatic synchronizer [电] 自动同步
channel synchronizer [计] 通道同步器
data synchronizer [电] 资料同步器
digital multiplexing synchronizer [计] 数字多路同步器
electric clock synchronizer [电] 电钟同步机
frame synchronizer [计] 帧同步器
free-running local synchronizer oscillator [电] 无载本身同步振荡器
loop synchronizer [计] 循环同步程序
master synchronizer [计] 主同步器
tape synchronizer [计] 纸带同步装置; 磁带同步装置
synchronizer sleeve 同步器啮合套
synchronizer knob 同步旋钮
synchronizer trigger 同步触发器
synchronizer hub 同步器毂
clock synchronizer 母钟;时钟同步器
course synchronizer 航向同步器
differential synchronizer 差速器同步器
gun synchronizer 枪同步器
bit synchronizer 位同步器
I think it was more of a synchronized event.
They're completely synchronized with what's going on here.
So in fact, our brains become synchronized.
事实上 我们的大脑变得同步了
The way it's ticking synchronizes with your heartbeat.
听着它的滴答声 跟你的心跳同步
And I believe we should do a little synchronized swimming.
So you want to know how to synchronize detonators.
And now I attempt to synchronize it with one that is moving.
如果我要想要为移动的钟 同步时间
Facebook has recently shown the potential of account synchronization.
Facebook最近展示了 同步账户的可能性
Once we're hitched, we really need to synchronize our watches, baby.
亲爱的 等我们结了婚 我们一定要把各自的表调到同步
An unconscious synchronization that creates an intimacy between your thoughts and your hands.
这种无意识的同步在你的大脑与双手之间 营造出一种亲密无间的和谐感