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英式:['sʌbtaɪp]    美式:['sʌbtaɪp]


n. 子类型






Peipheral T-cell Lymphoma with Distinct Perifollicular Growth Pattern.A Distinct Subtype of T-cell Lymphoma.

- 具有明显滤泡旁生长方式的外周T细胞性淋巴瘤--T细胞性淋巴瘤的又一特殊亚型?

The expression of VEGF in NSCLC was 64%,there was not significantly relationship between the expression of VEGF and histologic subtype,differentiation,p-TNM stage,and lymph nodal metastases(P>0.05).


All the isolated viruses grew very well in MDCK cells, but there were only 6 strains (2.1%) in embryonated chick eggs. 21 Avian influenza surveillance specimens were all negative in H5 subtype by.


Thirty patients were subtype adr and only one patients was adw.

30例adr亚型 ,1例adw亚型 ;

In all 40 patients, 36 patients belongs to subtype adw and 4 patients to subtype adr.

40例样本中,ADW型36 例,ADR型4例。

SNI also resulted in a significant increase in the mRNA expression of 5-HT_7 receptor subtype at 1 d, then maintained at a high level to 28 d.

5-HT7 受体亚型mRNA的表达在术后 1d时即显著升高,一直维持高水平的表达至28d。

In all 81 patients, 38 patients belong to subtype adr and 43 patients to subtype adw.


AE1/ AE3 is Monoclonal antibody which can relate with several CK subtype, It can be used to mark the tumor of epithelial cell, especially identify and judge the metastasis tumor weather is epithelial cell.


AML1-ETO fusion gene can not only be regarded as a molecular marker of acute myelocytic leukemia subtype M2b, but also is helpful in evaluating prognosis and monitoring remant leukemia.


The CRF01- AE subtype was the main epidemic strain.


Subtype code for datetime and SQL-92 interval data types.

datetime及SQL-92 interval数据类型的子类型代码。

Subtype code for datetime and SQL-92 interval data type.

datetime和SQL-92 interval数据类型的子类型代码。

Analysis of E domain indicated that cloned grass carp IGF I belonged to IGF IEa 2 subtype.

E区域分析结果表明 ,所克隆的草鱼IGF I序列属于IGF IEa 2亚型

The subtype of GBM and MGMT expression were prognosticators for GBM.


Subtypes ad-w and adr are the major types in Sunan area. S gene sepuence of HBV has its variability, especially in subtype adw.


The HCV isolate from two Nanjing-born patients was closely related to that in Japan. The adr and adw were found to be 55.6% and 38.4%,respectively in serum samples by HBsAg subtype identification.

HBV亚型分析:adr 占55.6% ,adw 占38.4% 。

The different HBV subtypes have different patterns of geographic distribution. Subtype adw is the major type in Hakka area of Guangdong.

HBV亚型的分布具有明显的域性,广东客家人感染的HBV亚型主要为ADW型,只有少数为ADR 型。

"Soap bubble" sign of HD of bone might have some relationship with the histologic subtype.


These expression plasmids were transfected into HepG2-N10 cells, a cell line which stably express HBsAg,HBeAg and adw2 subtype Dane Particles.


The etiology of IHA,the main subtype,is related with increased abnormal aldosterone excreted factor and genovariation.


ISH is a subtype of hypertension mainly in the elderly, and the prevalence rate of ISH in females is significantly higher than thatin males.


MIME types are specified in two parts.The top-level media type declares the general type of media, and the subtype defines the specific format for that media.


Capabilities and management of a PC video controller, a subtype of video controller.


In SDS-PAGE and western-blot analysis of McAb 4E4, specific bands emerged at the site of 60KD, which indicated that 4E4 might react with NP protein of H5 subtype AIV.

SDS-PAGE 和Western-blot分析结果表明,4E4单抗与H5N1亚型的AIV在60KD附近出现一条特异性条带,说明这株单抗可能是针对AIV病毒的NP蛋白;

As a new subtype, UAH is rarely seen.


Capabilities and management of a WORM drive, a subtype of media access device.


Lei ZH,Li JX,Yu HY,et al.Generatoin of transgenic mice habouring hepatitis B virus genome(ayw subtype)[J].Di-er Junyi Daxue Xuebao(Acad J Sec Mil Med Univ),1997,18(3):201-204.


XU LZ,ZHOU XY,ZHU WP,et al.Detection of peripheral blood lymphocyte subtype and analysis of the rDNA transcriptional activity[J].China Oncology,1999,9(4):265-268.


Harlequin ichthyosis (HI)is a severe subtype of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyoses (ARCI).


Each HI-infected region of the world tends to hae a predominant genetic subtype of the irus.


WTO officials warned that H5N1 bird flu strain was mutating into a new subtype,which could be transmitted among humans.


Volcanic type uranium deposits in China are mainly located in southeastern China with the predominant mono uranium subtype in ore composition.


To satisfy the alternative cost, you may return any basic land you control to its owner's hand, regardless of that land's subtype or whether it's tapped.


Human hepatitis B virus is the prototype for a family of viruses, referred to as hepadnaviridae. It has at least 4 subtypes, ayw, adr, ayr, and adw, among which subtype adr is the most prevailing in China.


They hope to find a profile of genes and proteins to diagnose CFS and its subtype.


It is interesting to note that ADHD might not be detected in girls because they have the inattentive subtype, he said.


A token is subject to anything that affects permanents in general or that affects the token's card type or subtype.


But it is difficult to classify the histopathological subtype of the non-small cell lung carcinomas only based on the concerned nuclear stereologic parameters.


Subsequent observations have revealed it to be a morph of the zergling, the most numerous zerg subtype.


The subtype of bacteria -- called E. coli 0111 -- is "not normally found in this form of outbreak," said Leslea Bennett-Webb, director of communication for the Oklahoma State Department of Health.


Chromosome analysis and detection of fusion genes are helpful in the diagnosis of AML and the differentiation diagnosis of AML subtype.


Lingual foramen cecum and fistula without connection with oral cavity was classified into subtype.


Peipheral T-cell Lymphoma with Distinct Perifollicular Growth Pattern. A Distinct Subtype of T-cell Lymphoma.


A content type is metadata which defines a part's media type, a subtype, and a set of optional parameters.


HA test was conducted with the harvested allantioc fluid,the average titer was 29.HI test was carried out with subtype H5、H7、H9 AIV antisera and ND antiserum .


Richard,A.C.,Lung.Sang,K.,ka-lun.S.,et al.Detection of highly pathogenic and Iov pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5(Eurasian lineage)using NASBA[J].Vir01.Meth 2002 103:213.225.


Parameter must be either a COM-imported type or a subtype of a COM-imported type.


One pair of primers were designed on the basis of HA gene of AIV, allowing simultaneous detection of AIV subtype H9 and H5, and the specific amplicons were 579bp and 177bp in size respectively.


The sequencing data of the major S fragmen from the patient showed that two HBV strains subtype adr and adw existed in the blood samples.

发现患者及其母亲血清中均存在adr和adw两种亚型的HBV DNA。

Subjects were 8 to 18 years of age, 71% were male, 67% met criteria for mixed subtype with both inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms, and 38% had comorbid oppositional defiant disorder.


HBV has at least 4 serosubtypes, ayw, adr, ayr, and adw, among which adr is the most prevailing subtype in China.


A creature with landwalk is unblockable as long as the defending player controls at least one land with the specified subtype and/or supertype. (See rule 309, "Declare Blockers Step.


A creature with landwalk is unblockable as long as the defending player controls at least one land which has the specified subtype or supertype.


The same type cannot be the subtype and the supertype.


A spell's card type, supertype, and subtype are the same as those of its card.


Pirenzenpine is a relatively selective M1 subtype muscarinic receptor antagonist and used to treat digestive system ulcer.


Thus, inactivation of NF2, often combined with the presence of macro-mutation on 22q, is likely not as important for the development of the meningothelial subtype, as opposed to the fibroblastic form.

因此,与成纤维细胞瘤形成不同,NF2的钝化和经常伴随的22q巨突变 ,在脑膜瘤亚型的发展中或许并非同等重要。

Fig 1 MSCT of plasma cell mastitis of left breast, quadrant subtype of inflammation type. Coronal cut of 3D reconstruction of MSCT showed lesion location.


Laboratory tests completed today in Turkey have detected the H5 virus subtype in post-mortem specimens taken from a 12-year-old girl, from Agri Province, who died 7 January.


This tumor is a histologic subtype of sweat gland carcinoma.


During both in vivo and in vitro development, CGC depend on the activity of the NMDA glutamate receptor subtype for survival and full differentiation [3].


Laboratory tests conducted in Turkey have confirmed detection of the H5 subtype of avian influenza virus in samples from an additional two patients.


The game effect of a Tomb is that all undead inside it gain fast healing 1 and cannot be Turned or Rebuked, and spells with the [Tomb] subtype can be cast within it.


Click a chart type in the first box, and then click the chart subtype that you want to use in the second box.


In a follow up study of 47 HBsAg families, nine mothers from nine families were subtype adr and three mothers from three families were subtype adw.

在随访的47户HBsAg阳性家庭中有9户母亲的HBsAg属adr亚型; 3户母亲的HBsAg属adw亚型。

Substitution Principle: a variable of a given type may be assigned a value of any subtype of that type, and a method with a parameter of a given type may be invoked with an argument of any subtype of that type.


If two or more planeswalkers that share a subtype are in play, they're all put into their owners' graveyards as a state-based effect.


If two or more planeswalkers in play share a planeswalker subtype, all are put into their owners' graveyards.


You can sacrifice a nonbasic land this way as long as it has the subtype Forest or Plains.


No systemic chemotherapy or radiotherapy should be performed without cytohistologic evidence of cancer and its subtype.


It's a common respiratory ailment in pigs, but this strain appears to be a subtype never before seen in pigs or humans.


It is a subtype of trichothiodystrophy.


The analysis of V3 loop amino sequence of 12 subtype B HIV-1 reveals that V3-tip motif of 6 samples (50%) is GPGQ and that of 3 samples (25%) is GPGR. In addition, the codon of arginine (R) of all the strains is CGA instead of AGA.


A review of the current literature revealed no other cases of this uncommon alhistologic subtype of thymic carcinoma metastatic to the cranium.


Analytical results of sequence isolated from seven children and one mother showed: Genotype and subtype of one case is B and adw, the other are C and adr.

对来自7例孩子和1例母亲的HBVS区扩增片断进行了序列测定。 结果为:1例基因型为B,血清型为adw,其余7例基因型均为C,血清型均为adr。

To predict antigen epitopes on B cell of VP2 of canine parvovirus 2b subtype(CPV-2b),the VP2 gene of CPV-2b was cloned and sequenced.


Named sets defined on the key attribute of a dimension are converted to a subtype of the entity.


An object's characteristics are name, mana cost, color, card type, subtype, supertype, expansion symbol, rules text, abilities, power, toughness, and loyalty.


Only the characteristics name, type, subtype, supertype, rules text, abilities, power, and toughness are affected by flipping a permanent.


As a main method to prevent AIV,inactive vaccine was applied in the practice, this kind of vaccine has the subtype specificity which limit its application.
