subsonic是什么意思   subsonic怎么读

英式:[ ,sʌb'sɑnɪk]    美式:[ ,sʌb'sɑnɪk]



a. 比音速稍慢的, 次音速的
[医] 听域下的

a. (of speed) less than that of sound in a designated medium




subsonic frequency [医] 听域下频率

subsonic speed [化] 亚声速

Subsonic Cruise Armed Decoy 亚音速巡航武装诱饵

Subsonic Cruise Armed Missile 亚音速巡航武装导弹

Subsonic Cruise Unarmed Decoy 亚音速巡航无武装诱饵

subsonic velocity 亚音速

high subsonic speed 高亚音速

high subsonic stream 高亚音速气流

high-subsonic aircraft 高亚音速飞机

high-subsonic flight 高次音速飞行

high-subsonic mach number 高亚音速马赫数

subsonic acceleration 亚音速加速度

subsonic accidents 亚音速事故

subsonic air jet 亚音速空气射流

subsonic aircraft 亚音速飞机,次音速飞机

subsonic airfoil 亚音速翼型

subsonic area 亚音速区域

subsonic climb 亚音速爬升

subsonic combat 亚音速战斗


The animals are drawn to the subsonic frequency of the core.

这些动物会被 中心的亚音速频率吸引

But these were subsonic 5.7by28s, custom rounds.

但這些子彈是5.7乘28毫米口徑消聲彈 定製型的

It produces a subsonic vibration that only galt should be able to hear.

它产生一种次音速声波 只有高尔特才能够听到

You have to remove the subsonic inlets before you can reconfigure the thermalize pla a cartridges.

你得先拆除亚音速进气道 再重置热等离子弹

Nobody was going to want to fly on a subsonic plane when you can get on a supersonic transport and fly two and a half times the speed of sound and get to your destination in a fraction of the time.

有了超音速飞机 没人想坐亚音速飞机 超音速飞机能达到音速的两倍半 转眼就可以达到目的地