strafes是什么意思   strafes怎么读

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v.用机枪扫射,猛烈炮轰,惩罚( strafe的第三人称单数 )
v.(低空)扫射 n.(低空)扫射
v.用机枪扫射,猛烈炮轰,惩罚( strafe的第三人称单数 );



名词 strafe:

an attack of machine-gun fire or cannon fire from a low flying airplane


动词 strafe:

attack with machine guns or cannon fire from a low-flying plane


strafe[ streif, strɑ:f ] attack of machine-gun fire or cannon fire from a low flying airplane

"the next morning they carried out a strafe of enemy airfields"

v.attack with machine guns or cannon fire from a low-flying plane

"civilians were strafed in an effort to force the country's surrender"




9 see joke: A cameraman in Vietnam war takes a such pictures: Jump over enemy of strafe of for military use, have a lot of civilian by manslaughter, topple in succession.

9看笑话: 越南战争中的一位摄影师拍到这样一幅画面:越军用机枪扫射敌人,有许多平民被误杀,纷纷倒下。

The machine I was using used the arrow keys to turn my character and camera simultaneously, and the WASD (and QE) keys to move and turn and strafe my character independant of the camera.


Start by running forward. When you jump. Stop move forward, strafe left and turn to the left smooth.


SK|fisker:Start by running forward..when you jump.stop move forward,strafe left and turn to the left smooth.


The Amazon's Strafe skill now correctly enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage.


The car that he takes is to make a surprise attack by bomb first, the strafe that be used by the armed element of unidentified identity is after.


Ihm droht eine Strafe.


But the Liverpool's in Ella 80th minute scores a goal. 5 minutes later, Pennant passes a ball, storehouse Iraq flies high especially the strafe, score locking is 3:2.


But after competing starts, Everton to pinch prestige of the main floor combat to take the lead to start to fiercely attack, spends Laney's to have the threat in forbidden area left leg strafe.


to strafe

低空扫射 猛烈炮轰

strafe | to strafe

低空扫射| 猛烈炮轰

You can navigate using the W,A,S,D keys much like you would navigate in game to move forward and backward and to strafe left and right.

你可以操作 W,A,S,D 键,和你在游戏里的前进后退左右平移等操作差不多。

Napalm Rocket Strafe


The first 5 minute Zhu Ting strafe, in the Dong Fangzhuo forbidden area flushed goes against takes to Fu Bin to bring not the small trouble.


May in fact you the ray which strafes with the sun really be unbearable.


In the words of General Hill: "The first thing I noticed when we broke into string to strafe the field, there were more than three airplanes in our pattern.


7 on my 255, 8 the day after where I got 256, if I cant feel 8 strafes I’m just gonna do 7, but if I feel 8, which happened twice in my life, well im gonna do 8!


The teeming Invid swarmed in to slay the last of the VTs and strafe the flagship's remains.


Ok, as soon as Ice Block expires you want to pop Frost Nova and Ice Barrier again as you strafe (don't backup, slower wow gold movement speed) out of the groups melee range.


strafe a line of soldiers


Regardless of being close combat's violent strafe is the long-distance accurate burst, you might certainly find the good gun which one were most convenient, most likes.


It was in the Strafe that my mother met Tom yesterday


Brother Laz: Are there skills that affect the way you use your ranged weapons? The equivalent of Multishot, Strafe or GA for laser guns?


Now Soviet Stormovik fighter-bombers appeared over the battlefield in large numbers to strafe the Waffen-SS attack troops.


strafe strB:f vt.;n. vt.

用机枪扫射, 猛烈炮轰, 惩罚;

Aus Angst vor Strafe hat er zu Hause nichts gesagt.


The 13th minute, rolls Fess meets hopes plan Er Si Begg after forbidden area left wing straight, before the gate, left leg's strafe is actually clinging the right post!


The 83rd minute, Ma the Qiao right passes on, the Hamm Sieck forbidden area on-line right foot flies high the strafe to be higher than the crossbeam.


Republicans have shrewdly stockpiled a mammoth arsenal of past scandals to strafe Hillary with.


In cabin on display board dense and numerous button and line, in astronaut head lamp “strafe” under sometimes Ming Shian.


8.To attack(an enemy) with heavy firepower; strafe or bombard.


6. To attack(an enemy) with heavy firepower; strafe or bombard.


These maneuverable, computer-guided craft tear through enemy flight formations and relentlessly strafe slower ground targets with potent plasma charges.


It seemed the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town.


Due to his aggressiveness, exceptional combat skills, and determination to strafe ground targets, Caldwell soon acquired the nickname "Killer" which he apparently was not particularly proud of.



It seemed the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town.


The Amazon's Strafe skill now correctly enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage.