stp是什么意思   stp怎么读

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abbr.shielded-twisted pair 屏蔽双绞线; stoppage 停止; stopping 停止; stop 停止

abbr.shielded-twisted pair 屏蔽双绞线;stoppage 停止;stopping 停止;stop 停止


动词过去式: stowed | 动词过去分词: stowed | 动词现在分词: stowing | 动词第三人称单数: stows |



1. standard temperature and pressure

名词 stp:

standard temperature and pressure


stp[ 'esti:pi: ]n.standard temperature and pressure




This translation type is mapped into the local STP pair.



We make the basic direction of advertising stratagem through STP tactic, consumer's behavior pattern.

从STP战略 、 消费者行为模式来把握目标受众的广告心理特征,为后期的广告战略制定确定基本的方向和坐标.


STP profile control hard - gel is made up of polyacrylamide, cross - linking agent and retardant.

STP强凝胶调剖剂由聚丙烯酰胺 、 交联剂 和延缓剂组成.


The gtt form is used to derive a STP point code for a given translation type.



Market Segmentation is an important step in STP and Customer Relationship Management.



Signal Transfer Point Code 2 ( ITU - T 14 b ) _ The STP Point Code 2.

SignalTransferPointcode2 ( ITU-T14b ) --STPPointcode2.


Signal Transfer Point Code 1 ( ITU - T 14 b ) _ The STP Point Code 1.

SignalTransferpointCode1 ( ITU-T14b ) --STPpointCode1.



AUTOPLEX MSC and one of the local STP pairs must have Type of Link set to A

/AUTOPLEX MSC 和本地 STP 对之一间的所有链路将 Type of Link 设置为 "A"。

AUTOPLEX MSC and one of the local STP pairs must have Type of Link set to _

/AUTOPLEX MSC 和本地 STP 对之一间的所有链路将 Type of Link 设置为 _

8 RJ45 for 1-4 workplaces. Choose between modules for Cat5e or Cat6, STP or UTP.


6 Marking L L.An Approach for Additive Toxicity of Chemical Mixtures.In: Mayor L L, Hamelink J L,eds;Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Evaluation;ASTM STP 634.American Society for Testing and Materials.


Access Methods for C & C08 STP

C &C08 STP的接入方式

The CFM conformance suite is the latest in the comprehensive range of Carrier Ethernet conformance suites offered on N2X, which include STP, RSTP, MSTP, LACP, VLAN, 802.1x, MEF 9 and MEF 14.

CFM一致性测试组件是N2X方案中的多种运营级以太网一致性组件的最新版组件,该组件包括STP, RSTP, MSTP, LACP, VLAN, 802.1x, MEF 9以及MEF 14。

Combined Link Set = all links to the local STP pair must be assigned the same combined link set value

Combined Link Set = 必须为所有连到本地 STP 对的链路赋予同一个组合链路群值

Combined Link Set = all links to the local STP pair must be assigned the same combined link set value.

Combined link Set = 必须为所有连到本地 STP 对的链路赋予同一个组合链路群值。

Far-End CLLI-the Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) associated with the STP or 5ESS DCS at the far end of this signaling link.

Far-End CLLI -- 与该信令链路远端处 STP 或 5ESS DCS 相关的公用语言位置标识符 (CLLI)。

Far-End CLLI = the Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) that is associated with the STP or 5ESS DCS at the far end of this signaling link.

Far-End CLLI = 与该信令链路远端处的 STP 或 5ESS DCS 相关的公用语言位置标识符 (CLLI)。

Far-End CLLI is the Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) associated with the STP or 5ESS DCS at the far end of this signaling link.

Far-End CLLI 是与该信令链路远端处 STP 或 5ESS DCS 相关的公用语言位置标识符 (CLLI)。

Far-End Function Number = the type of STP at the far end of this link when this office is connected to the SS7 application (a ??would be entered for ANSI-standard networks and 1 to 32767 for non- ANSI networks.

Far-End Function Number = 该局连到 SS7 应用程序时,该链路远端的 STP 类型(ANSI 标准网络输入

Far-End STP = used for load balancing.

Far-End STP = 用于负载平衡。

the Far-End STP must be NOSTP

Far-End STP 必须是 NOSTP

All of the links in a link set between a Flexent/AUTOPLEX MSC and one of the local STP pairs must have the same value (for example VEN?).

Flexent/AUTOPLEX MSC 和本地 STP 对之一间某个链路群中的所有链路都要设置为同一个值(例如 "EVEN")。

All of the links in a link set between an Flexent?AUTOPLEX MSC and one of the local STP pairs must have the same value (for example EVEN).

Flexent?/AUTOPLEX MSC 和 STP 对之一间某个链路群内的所有链路必须是同一个值(例如 "EVEN")。

All of the links in a link set between a Flexent?AUTOPLEX MSC and one of the local STP pairs must have the same value (for example EVEN).

Flexent?/AUTOPLEX MSC 和本地 STP 对之一间某个链路群中的所有链路都要设置为同一个值(例如 "EVEN")。

The gtt form is used to derive a STP point code for a given translation type.

gtt 表用于获得给定转换类型的 STP 点编码。

} function stp(word){ clearTimeout(go);esh.


Link Set-or the local STP clusters, this field should indicate the link set used to route messages to the individual STP.

Link Set -- 对于本地 STP 群集,该字段应该指示用于将消息路由到各 STP 的链路群。

Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol(MSTP) was designed to solve the problem of the slow astringency speed in Spanning Tree Protocol(STP) and no 802.1Q VLAN sharing in Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol(RSTP).


Signal Transfer Point Code 1 (ANSI/ITU-T 24b) _This is the first value in the ANSI/ITU-T 24b STP pair.

Signal Transfer Point Code 1 (ANSI/ITU-T 24b) -- 这是 ANSI/ITU-T 24b STP 对中的第一个值。

Signal Transfer Point Code 1 (ITU-T 14b) _The STP Point Code 1.

Signal Transfer Point Code 1 (ITU-T 14b) -- STP Point Code 1。

Signal Transfer Point Code 2 (ANSI/ITU-T 24b)-this is the second value in the ANSI/ITU-T 24b STP pair.

Signal Transfer Point Code 2 (ANSI/ITU-T 24b) -- 这是 ANSI/ITU-T 24b STP 对中的第二个值。

Signal Transfer Point Code 2 (ITU-T 14b) _The STP Point Code 2.

Signal Transfer point Code 2 (ITU-T 14b) -- STP point Code 2。

SS7 Functionality,Signaling Points Signaling Point (STP) Signaling Point (MSC B)

SS7 功能,信令点信令点 (STP) 信令点 (MSC B)

SS7 Functionality, Signaling PointsSignaling Point (STP)Signaling Point (MSC B)

SS7 功能,信令点信令点 (STP)信令点 (msc B)

Fortunately, the STP analytic tools can indicat us how to identify market segments and select target markets.


Spanning Tree Protocol(STP)


Around and around in a loop. STP works around this issue by blocking bridge ports


STP technology


STP profile control hard-gel is made up of polyarylamide, cross-linking agent and retardant.


The performance of STP hard-gel in deep profile controlling


STP mooring system


STP also uses inner foil shields to protect each wire pair from noise generated by the other pairs.


STP cable contains an outer conductive shield that is electrically grounded to insulate the signals from external electrical noise.


STP marketing


STP goes through three steps to achieve a loop-free topology


STP projects




Trimeric sodium phosphate (STP)


Service Transfer Points (STP)

业务传输点 (STP)

Can also provide customers with products based on the design of a complete 2D and 3D map die (which can be identified by the client), we can accept IGES, DXF, DWG, STP, PRT, and other file formats.


The EMS has the ability to provide seamless routing to the broking community, compliance checks, removal of manual intervention and straight thru processing (STP) to Back Office .


We make the basic direction of advertising stratagem through STP tactic, consumer's behavior pattern.


As the traditional trade theory tells us that free trade is the best trade policy, the STP is totally conflict to it.


STP; Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources;


PAIgG in 30 healthyblood donors, 88 patients with ITP and 31 patients withsecondary thrombocytopenic purpura (STP ) were esti-mated.


Keywords The brand of aged clothing;STP market mode;Segmenting;Targeting;Positioning;


Disable STP on the specified VLAN; see the following Cautions for information regarding this command.


It refers to the international marketing research, STP,international products, international pricing, international marketing channel and international promotion.


Analyzing the working principles, structures and characteristics of different STP projects, and especially researching the basic theory of heating propellant which took advantage of the collected solar radiant energy.

分析了不同方案STP的工作原理、结构和性能特点。 重点研究了STP中太阳辐射聚能加热工质的基本理论,为STP光热转换机理及地面实验系统的建立奠定了理论基础。

List templates are stored as files with the. Stp extension.


Two types of twisted-pair cable are shielded twisted-pair (STP) and unshielded twisted pair (UTP).


sample time period [STP]


The scalable test platform simplifies the testing process since STP takes care of building the kernel, setting up the test, running the test, and gathering results.


Every unit model and upper PC is connected with STP (shielded twisted pair).


So the thesis canprovide some clews to the country STP and local industry development policy by the conception of the model and the internalization of theoretic tools on industry spatial analysis.


In the course of this study, the use of SWOT and STP brand positioning strategy for the real estate business analysis;


Furthermore, during the growth duration of rice, the content of STP, organic phosphorus, Al-P, Fe-P, Ca-P, O-P presented decreasing tendency.


And using relevant analytical means freely such as Market Prediction, Localization of target client demand, carried on STP strategic analysis.


Some of the data found on this form is passed on to the STP.

在该表中发现的一些数据会传送到 STP。

This value must be unique within a link set and must agree with information in the far end STP or 5ESS DCS.

在链路群中,该值必须是唯一的,而且必须与远端 STP 或 5ESS DCS 上的信息一致。

Design and Implementation of StP CASE Tool - based Software Automatic Test Environment

基于StP CASE工具的软件自动测试环境的设计与实现

An Algorithm Based on STP For Ethernet Physical Topology Discovery


3D Compound Geologic Modeling Based on Tin and STP


Basic Theory and MethodMarketing theory is the basic theory in this article, which researches Huahui Company by using analysis tools such as SWOT, STP, 4PS and life cycle of product.

基本理论和方法本文的理论基础是市场营销学理论,运用了 SWOT、STP、4PS、产品生命周期理论等分析工具,对华汇公司进行了实证研究。

regional STP


Disabled -The port is inactive and does not participate in STP.


How to succeed a new column through STP marketing strategy


Some solars are up, some are down.Here's hoping STP gets some Olympic publicity!


For full details on Suntech Power Holdings Co Ltd (STP) click here.


stp: s'il te plait lol: rire mdr: mort de rire kwa: quoi slt:...


It can be run longer distances than shielded twisted pair, STP, unshielded twisted pair, UTP, and screened twisted pair, ScTP, cable without the need for repeaters.


Manager, Customer Services (STP) Unit

客户服务经理 (学生证)

the adsorption heat is decreased from 344 to 288.8 J/mol when the quantity of adsorption is rised from 10 to 170 cm~3(STP)/g;

对 H_2的最大吸附量为170cm~3(STP)/g; 吸附热由吸附量的10cm~3(STP)/g 的344J/mol(1440cal/mol)降到170cm~3(STP)/g 的238.8J/mol(1000cal/mol);

For a general-purpose SS7 point code, this field should contain the CLLI name that is used throughout the SS7 network to refer to the specific STP at the far end of the link.

对于一般用途的 SS7 点编码,该字段应该包含 CLLI 名,整个 SS7 网络都可用这一名称引用该链路远端处的特定 STP。

For each STP, MSC and all other signaling points in the network, there exists a pccm form.

对于每个 STP、msc 和网络内的所有其他信令点,都存在有一个 pccm 表。

For each STP,MSC and all other signaling points in the network,there exists a pccm form.

对于每个 STP、MSC 和网络内的所有其他信令点,都存在有一个pccm 表。

STP sensitivity to toxic substances
