a. 短命的;短暂的
原型:shortlive 过去式:shortlived
Shortlived or ephemeral, as a life.
A shortlived popular fashion a fad.
Almost the prevail singers were very shortlived.
Herbs biennial, rarely shortlived perennial, glaucous above.
二年生草本, 很少短暂多年生植物, 在上面。
Annuals or shortlived perennials, dwarf, densely tufted.
一年生草本的或短暂多年生植物, 使显得小, 浓密丛生。
The upturn following a decline is often shortlived and prices might resume their decline.
Especially from the last part which suggests that his friend to ask for refund for that shortlived bulb.
Gillards elevation will be shortlived, with Rudd due to rechanging to Australia late Thursday.
But their effect, while spectacular, is also shortlived.
但它们的效果虽然壮观 却很短暂
Well, they have, but it was during my shortlived parkour phase.
还是捞过的 那时候 我短暂地迷上了跑酷
Tell him to enjoy his shortlived, illgotten victory.
It was a romance that was sweet for a time, but it was shortlived and drugaddled.
他们的爱情曾有过一时美好 但好景不长 还被 冲昏了头脑
I'd say congratulations, but I think your victory will be shortlived.
我本该向你道声恭喜 不过我觉得你的胜利只是昙花一现
Faced with these dangers, advanced civilisations could be relatively shortlived.
面对这些危机 先进的文明可能会相对短命
This guy's methods were unorthodox, and the clinical trials were very shortlived.
这家伙的方法并不正规 而且临床试验也非常短暂
Well, the good news with sarin, if there is such a thing, is that it's a relatively shortlived threat.
好消息是如果真是沙林毒气 那就是相对短时间的威胁
I will hunt you down and ensure that whatever time you have left is both shortlived and agonising.
我会想办法找到你 让你的余生 短暂而痛苦不堪
Whatever satisfaction you think you're gonna get out of all of this is gonna be very in' shortlived.
不管你认为你能从这一切中 得到什么满足感 的都会非常短暂