n. 宣判者;判决
n. One who pronounced a sentence or condemnation.
That's why it was the death sentence, and then the life sentence.
所以才判了死刑 所以才判了无期
Well, it is a blessing, but my sentence was always my sentence.
这是我的福气 但我的裁决从来没变
You translate sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph.
要一句一句地翻译 一段一段地翻译
These pictures are sequenced together to form sentences, and these sentences are spoken out.
这些图片排列成句子 然后这些句子被读出来
There's a list of sentences, and you're supposed to say if each one's a complete sentence or not.
下列的句子中 你得判断出 哪句是完整的句子
Therefore, I sentence you to the maximum custodial sentence of 30 years in prison.
因此 本庭宣判 處以你最高監禁刑罰 刑期30年
I'll say some simple declarative sentences about me, and maybe you respond with some simple declarative sentences about you.
我会陈述一些自己的个人信息 也许你能回复一些你的个人信息给我吗
Even if we ever get to sentencing, you were acting under duress. I have everything I need to keep them from sentencing you to death.
即使真要审判 你也是 的 我完全可以 打赢官司 不让你被判死刑
To sentence the defendant to life in prison, the same sentence that drug dealers, career burglars, nonviolent offenders are serving is to dishonor the dead.
若判处被告终身监禁 这种与那些毒贩 职业窃贼 和非暴力罪犯们所服的一样的刑罚 是对死者的侮辱
I do wish I had some discretion as to a sentence, but the number of pills in your possession triggered what is called a mandatory minimum sentence of six to 30 years.
我很希望在判决上能有自由裁量权 但你所拥有的药片数量 已经达到了强制性最低量刑的标准 将会面临六到三十年刑期