v.<正>使良心得到宽慰,减轻内疚感( salve的过去式和过去分词 )n.药膏, 缓解物, 慰藉 v.涂软膏,安慰, 抢救
v.使良心得到宽慰,减轻内疚感( salve的过去式和过去分词 );
动词 salve:
save from ruin, destruction, or harm
同义词:salvage, salve, relieve, save
apply a salve to, usually for the purpose of healing
salve[ sælv ]n.semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation同义词:ointmentunctionunguentbalm
anything that remedies or heals or soothes"he needed a salve for his conscience" from ruin, destruction, or harm同义词:salvagerelievesave
apply a salve to, usually for the purpose of healingsalved中文词源:
Keywords salved patients;nursing;habit;safety ;
"Payment" means any reward, remuneration or compensation for salvage operations to be paid by the salved party to the salvor pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.
In case of any deficiency, the salvor has the right of recourse against the party salved.
Through taking decreasing pouring temperature used of external chill of plate type,taking 70 core and reasonable arrangement of pouring system the question of casting crack can be salved effectively.
The value prescribed in the preceding paragraph does not include the value of the salved personal belongings of the crew and that of the cabin luggage of the passengers.
Yet continuing prosperity partly salved the anxiety.
My conscience is salved somewhat by the knowledge that neither Copland nor Needle ever caught on.
Threat is no longer a concern on the majority of fights as long as you got your trust salv buff.
she literally bound up the wounds and salved the sickness of innumerable kinsmen and neighbors;
If the salved party failed to do so, they shall be responsible for the result to which the salvor has no fault.
If the salvor has reason to believe that the party salved is to or attempts to violate the provision of this Paragraph, the salvor is entitled to apply for measure of property security.
It salved his people's consciences; it compounded the problem for all other peoples.
It salved his people's consciences; it compounded the problem for all other peoples
The comparison group(48 cases) had been salved by routine dosage naloxone hydrochloride.
The remedial group(62 cases) had been salved by large dosage naloxone hydrochloride;
Promptly accept the request of the salvor to take delivery of the ship or property salved when such ship or property has been brought to a place of safety.
The reward shall not exceed the value of the ship and other property salved.
Nothing in this Article shall affect the right of recourse on the part of the shipowner against any other parties salved.
In this paper,the necessity, the measures and the achievements of the reform experimental teaching were expounded, and the Problems needed to be salved were also mentioned.
Try to divide difficult tesks into small jobs, and the problem will be salved easily.
salv salvage
海滩救助 救助费
salved my conscience by apologizing.
A sea in front of my eyes, the fisherman salved one time, both of those are lovely tropical fishes, but none of them are you.
During the salvage operation, the salvor shall owe a duty to the salved party to
Acontract for salvage operations at sea is concluded when an agreement has been reached between the salvor and the salved party regarding the salvage operations to be undertaken.
Article 188 After the completion of the salvage operation, the party salved shall, at the request of the salvor, provide satisfactory security for salvage reward and other charges.
4.During the salvage operations, the salvor and the salved party and the master are under an obligation to exercise due care to prevent or minimize pollution damage to the environment.
第四条 在救助作业过程中,救助方和被救助方、船长均有义务以应有的谨慎防止或减少环境污染损害。
During the salvage operations, the salvor and the salved party and the master are under an obligation to exercise due care to prevent or minimize pollution damage to the environment.
Conclusion:To prevent accidents and improve nursing quality,nursing recording,changing salved patient habits and using protective measures,such as bed side-rails and belt,are vevy important.
Value of the ship and other property salved;
salved property
salved value
Such payment, if made in advance by the salved party according to the aforesaid award of the arbitration tribunal, shall be deducted accordingly from the sum provided as security.
On the basis of the payment on account made by the party salved in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the security provided under Article 188 of this Code shall be reduced accordingly.
The freak worktable and unexceptionably salved aforesaid developedhas solved this key problem very well.
(1) Value of the ship and other property salved;
3) "Payment" means any reward, remuneration or compensation for salvage operations to be paid by the salved party to the salvor pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.
3) Promptly accept the request of the salvor to take delivery of the ship or property salved when such ship or property has been brought to a place of safety.
用作名词(n.)The salve will heal slight burns.
This kind of salve is used on wounds.
This is an inevitable result of the cheap credit that has been applied as a salve for the financial crisis.
She paid the repair bill as a salve to her conscience.
He took them presents to salve his conscience.
He tried to salve his conscience with excuses, but he knew he was doing wrong.
Doctors tried their best to salve his life.
We were unable to salve anything from the factory's fire.