v.撤回或撤消( retract的现在分词 ); 拒绝执行或遵守; 缩回; 拉回v.撤回或撤消( retract的现在分词 );拒绝执行或遵守;缩回;拉回
动词 retract:
formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure
同义词:abjure, recant, forswear, retract, resile
pull away from a source of disgust or fear
同义词:shrink back, retract
use a surgical instrument to hold open (the edges of a wound or an organ)
同义词:retract, pull back, draw back
pull inward or towards a center
同义词:draw in, retract
retractv.formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure
"He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"
pull away from a source of disgust or fear同义词:shrink back
use a surgical instrument to hold open (the edges of a wound or an organ)同义词:pull backdraw back
pull inward or towards a center"The cat retracted his claws"
同义词:draw in
Press the buttons and retract the clamping cylinder for clamping ring on quick release coupling on carrier center section.
“Shadow, get to the retracting zone now!
She said and did her own share of foolish things during the 1960s, later retracting her notorious remark about the white “race“ being a “cancer“ by saying that it slandered cancer patients.
"This was levelled [at us] by some frustrated director at the French club and he's now going to have to retract.
"That you'll retract, and be my Lady Towers?
The consciousness of some species that are going extinct are retracting at this time and returning to the creation of origin that the original genealogy came from.
Some kingdoms are retracting as they have genetics from other creations and cannot attain such a state upon earth.
A GROUP of Concerned Malaysians issued a joint press statement on January 22, demanding PJ Utara Member of Parliament Chew Mei Fun (BN-MCA) to retract her fear-mongering statement invoking May 13 and apologise to Malaysians.
Silver himself appeared less terrible in contrast with this creature of the woods, and I turned on my heel, and looking sharply behind me over my shoulder, began to retract my steps in the direction of the boats.
与这林中的怪物相比,甚至连希尔弗本人也没那么可怕了。 于是我转过身,一边警惕地回头注意背后的动静,一边开始朝小船停泊的方向撤退。
Silk, Scents And Spice: Retracting The World's Great Trade Routes
An armored cockpit floor protects the pilots.The g limits of Pucara is +6/-3.The stalky main landing gear struts retract forward into the engine nacelles.
Hold the both sides of the Retractable USB Hotsync/Charging Cable, pull them outwards just a little and retract the cable easily.
The stalky main landing gear struts retract forward into the engine nacelles.The nose gear retracts forward into a well ahead of the cockpit.
Then he isolated the nerves and cut them causing them to retract and reducing the potential for "phantom pain ? the feeling of a ache in a portion of limb that no longer exists in reality but still sends signals to the brain.
At the same time, the EDS swing arms and Ares V core stage collect "chocks" will retract, and the booster will then lift off from the pad.
Free the ulnar nerve from the triceps muscle and retract it medially;then separate the triceps from the posterior surface of the medial intermuscular septum and the adjacent humeral shaft.
They are soulless because the electrical preoccupations that their parents rely upon to baby-sit their form causes soul to retract.
They tried to persuade me to retract my words.
A perfect drawer, he would say, had to slide in on a cushion of air, and when pulled out had to cause the other drawers to retract, very slightly, into the almost airtight case.
The beauty of the space, he explained, is its flexibility: the walls retract, the stage moves and the tiers of seats can be hoisted.
To her embarrassment, the former first lady had to retract a story that she had run for cover from sniper fire upon landing when she visited Bosnia in 1996.
The Israeli decision sparked wide concern and condemnation around the world, and the UN passed a resolutiondemanding Israel to retract the decision.
The Israeli decision sparked wide concern and condemnation around the world, and the UN passed a resolution demanding Israel to retract the decision.
retracting spring-tooth pickup cylinder
So then it was too late to retract.
He did not, however, retract controversial statements casting doubt on whether the prostitutes had been coerced.
low retracting prestressed anchorage
Mike AllenHow do you get a circular dome to retract, and to telescope at one end of the stadium? That seemed like the impossibility for us.
You may retract that statement.
To remove a tape from read/write head of the tape machine, or retract a magnetic head from read/write proximity to the disk surface.
To remove a tape from read/write head of the tape machine,or retract a magnetic head from read/write proximity to the disk surface.
After completing a series of forged evidences, Huang Xuezhong informs Huang Tao who takes into custody in the lockup to retract a confession.
Yet He also is wise and will bring disaster And does not retract His words, But will arise against the house of evildoers And against the help of the workers of iniquity.
The most special of it lies in that the appellee will still institute incidental appeal if the deadline for apellee? appeal expires, if the appelle give up appeal or retract it.
Several pro-Israeli organizations put pressure on Fox to halt its probe and retract its story.
To refuse baptism and to retract after baptism were crimes punishable by death.
The results of cutting test showed that the part of drive worked steadily and the part of cut was able to set the length feel and retract automatically,rapidly and accurately.
Retract Before Firing Contractor
To retract(an oath), often by swearing another oath.
As soon as I shall be convinced, I will instantly retract all my errors, and will myself be the first to seize my writings, and commit them to the flames.
Can I retract my bid?
Coke has been blamed for pressuring Qian and his firm to retract the statements a charge that the company strongly denies.
Retract the triceps muscle medially to expose the posterior humeral shaft (Fig. 1-102, C).
Retract the radial nerve anteriorly.The radial nerve passes through the lateral intermuscular septum at the junction of the middle and distal thirds of the humerus (Fig. 1-102, .
The retracting spring pulls the pressure plate away from the clutch plate thus disengaging the clutch .
Too little retract to cause the non-return valve closing unstably
In death the human body dehydrates severely, retracting enough skin to expose more nail and hair.
Fig. 1-38 Method of mobilizing and retracting common peroneal nere when approaching proximal fibula.
A lesser confrontation, in which he as good as called Andrew Johnson, the Everton striker, a cheat before being forced to retract his comments, was also unhelpful.
Before the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, any bidder may retract his bid.
Another problem is accidental keypresses.These tend to be caused by reaching for one key without fully retracting the other fingers.
Under water, a transparent nictitating membrane lubricated by special glands, protects the eye. The crocodile can also partially retract its eyes to protect them from damage.
On the occasion of the bankrupt manager's self and interrelated transaction, the creditor should be correspondingly given the right by law to retract.
With this conception, Beijing Government designed the system of justice's independent trial during the judicial reform to retract consular jurisdiction.
Smith urged Ariza to retract his trade request and be patient several times before finally acquiescing.
Everton boss David Moyes was unhappy with Mourinho's criticism and the club have issued a statement calling on the Chelsea chief to retract his comments.
The day is very black, will receive a station, it is the male friend that that I think to dumbstruck, with my play chess, allow the booby of my retract a false move in a chess game and lazy chess.
It was not often necessary for her to retract a statement.
She had to retract her charge.
She had committed herself so fully to the policeman that she could not well retract.
In the event of any disputes, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to disqualify any entry and/or retract any award from the entrant.
However, as Riza often said before retracting, what goes one way can go the other, what fell can rise, and all that it requires is persistence.
When you have to retract the telescoping guard manually (as is necessary for starting pocket cuts) always use the retracting lever.
If spirit cannot evolve through form, it shall retract.
Merge the gears together into one single object if they all share the same animation, for example if the retract back into the hull vertically.
If this angle is exceeded, the monitor may not open up or retract properly.
Dissonance through non-resonant relations only causes them to become ill if it prevails long enough in the day-to-day interactions, and so they retract out of the need to remain in peace and harmony within.
They have three unique characteristics:they can become shorter,they can stretch;and they can retract to their original positions.
Install shoe upper and lower return sprinNeedle nose pliers can be used to connect spring to each shoOperate lever to verify that shoes expand and retract properly.
Sorry, dear. The fat is in the fire. No way can you retract the" offer" without doing a lot of damage to the relationship.
Sorry, dear. The fat is in the fire. No way can you retract the "offer" without doing a lot of damage to the relationship.
For balance with a rectangular pan and a weighing capacity of < 10kg:Retract the two auxiliary feet located at the back of the balance.
You must be more reserved when it comes to talking about your feelings.Jumping in with two feet will be a mistake that will be difficult for you to retract when you realize you have a change of heart.
Much like the roar of a Bengal Tiger, those who would threaten to continue to do damage to one's field are held at bay as one stands their ground and terrorizes the forces of the dark into retracting.
Although this may be sad from a physical point of view, all nonphysical forces shall retract and carry on, returning to those creations that they are resonant with for their own return cycle ahead.
Berlusconi has refused to apologise or retract his statement, although on Wednesday he told reporters he had used "debatable irony" when referring to the babies.
Expanding and Retracting the Server Explorer Window
Arc ignition: retracting and scraping.
Then I retract the gear by releasing the pull cable which is pulled in with a bungie elastic cord.
As all of earth enters Tao time, those continuing to spin time in the old manner will cease to have any time remaining;and as a result will retract out of physicality.