(reoccur 的现在分词) vi. 重新发生, 重新出现
-ing form of reoccur
recur vs reoccurring 复发与再发
And there are some symbols that seem to reoccur.
此外 某些图腾似乎一再出现
I felt a sensation that has often reoccurred in my life, the joy of the new.
我感觉到了后来在我的生命里常常出现的一种感觉 对新鲜事物的喜悦
If it reoccurs, which I doubt we can always think about having some tests done.
如果再发生 尽管我觉得不大可能 可以考虑做一些检查
Last week, you saw a dermatologist for a reoccurring case of athlete's foot.
上周 你去皮肤科看了病 因为你脚气复发了
Mycotoxins in mould spores may cause your asthmatic bronchitis to reoccur.
孢子里的霉菌毒素 可能会引起你哮喘性支气管炎复发
God, she's like some reoccurring infection that just pops up at the worst time.
老天 她就像感染复发 总在最坏的时候冒出来
The trach tube he needs to breathe continues to cause reoccurring infections and pneumonias.
这根帮助他呼吸的气管 反复引起感染和肺炎
Repetition forms patterns on the brain, and as those patterns reoccur, it forms a calming influence on the child.
重复会在大脑形成模式 等这些模式重现 就能让孩子镇静下来