redirects是什么意思   redirects怎么读

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v.(以新的方式或目的)重新使用( redirect的第三人称单数 ); 改寄,改变投递方向
adj. 再直接的v. 重新传入, 重新寄送
v.(以新的方式或目的)重新使用( redirect的第三人称单数 );改寄,改变投递方向;



动词 redirect:

channel into a new direction

同义词:redirect, airt into a new direction

"redirect your attention to the danger from the fundamentalists"





"Saucepan" redirects here. In Australia "the Saucepan" is sometimes used as an unofficial name for part of the constellation of Pavo, when finding the south by the stars.


Increased functionality so that customers can use "lt;""Gt;"As a filename prefix to redirect stdin and stdout descr iptors.

3. 增加功能以使用户可以使用"<"和">"作为文件名前缀来重定向stdin和stdout描述符。

The HTTP adapter supports HTTP 1.1 and accompanying features such as redirects and cookies.

HTTP 适配器支持HTTP 1.1 及其带有的重定向和cookies 之类的特性。

The ICMP type 5 contains a redirect message to send data packets on alternative route.

ICMP 类型 5 包含了一个在备用路由上发送数据包的重定向消息。

ICMP redirect messages are used by routers to notify the hosts on the data link that a better route is available for a particular destination.

ICMP 重定向消息是由路由器用来通知数据链路上的主机,有一个更好的路由可用于 某个特定的目的地。

The error output of the Lookup Currency Key transformation redirects to the Script transformation any data rows that failed the lookup operation.

Lookup Currency Key转换的错误输出将无法执行查找操作的所有数据行重定向到脚本转换。

The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service was not able to redirect the call with ID "%1" to an available Unified Messaging Worker Process.

Microsoft Exchange统一消息服务无法将ID为“%1”的呼叫重定向到可用的统一消息工作进程。

REDIRECT alters the destination IP address to send the packet to the machine itself.


Service Broker routing is aware of database mirroring, and can transparently redirect conversations to the active partner of a mirrored database.

Service Broker路由支持数据库镜像,并且可以将会话透明地重定向到镜像数据库的活动方。

The URL rewrite module is needed to automatically redirect OPTIONS requests so we can set DAV headers, and to generate short URLs without query strings.


Gets the URL that the FormsAuthentication class will redirect to if no redirect URL is specified.


One person is probably expected to provide solutions when it's time to install the wireless network, redirect the satellite dish, or retrieve a lost document.


A value that indicates whether to redirect the connection from the default SQL Server Express instance to a runtime-initiated instance running under the account of the caller.

一个值,用于指示是否将连接从默认的SQL Server速成版实例重定向到调用方帐户下运行的运行时启动的实例。

One common scam is the creation of "shadow" domains that funnel users to a site by using deceptive redirects.


Level1- Gives4% chance to redirect incoming damage into the area near her.


What function would you use to redirect the browser to a new page?


Imagine when heavy duty spammers add in other features, like redirects at the destination URLs, changed and leased for a fee to whoever is willing to pay.


DO NOT try to login going around the redirects!


Recall, however, that forwarding through a request dispatcher is implemented on the server side, while redirects are performed by the browser.


There is no need to redirect the user to a new page with a form, then to another page again for the answer to be displayed.


Action and Indication: Diffuses and redirects the lung Qi downward, alleviates wheezing, transforms phlegm, clears heat. Symptoms like wheezing, asthma, cough with phlegm.


Slave redirects its own login link to the master login system or removes it all together.


Still, it took time to recover from the initial blow and to regroup, reorganize, and redirect the line of advance.


They have already developed a prototype high-resolution microscope that redirects monochromatic light beams with artificial muscle membranes.


The following redirects link to a non-existing pages.


However, if you connect to a second remote computer from the first one, you can't redirect and use the Plug and Play device with the second computer.


However, when you substitute a new snapshot for an existing one, you need to redirect clients to the new snapshot.


But, in one of his first efforts to redirect the NYSE, he has proposed an ineffectual reform that still leaves the fox guarding the henhouse.


As drafted, FDA’s budget would eliminate the FCN program and redirect those funds to programs with higher priorities.

作为起草, FDA的预算将消除友好通商航海计划和调整这些资金的程序具有较高的优先事项。

What it does: The needles supposedly redirect a spiritual energy or life force called qi to the spots on your face you want to fix.


Do you offer email redirects?


You will have the same functionality as these free names - except there will be no ads delivered on your web redirects.

你将会有与这些相同的功能性自由地命名 - 除了将会没有在你的网上被递送的广告之外重新传入。

You can redirect each of these streams to or from a file.


Instead, interrupt gracefully. Redirect the dialogue so those you can assert your point.


Instead, interrupt gracefully. Redirect the dialogue so that you can assert your point.


With URL redirects, incoming links to an outdated URL can be sent to the correct location.


Use special programs that can redirect selected network traffic through a SOCKS server. I provide an example of this later on.


Use this event to redirect to another page or to dynamically set the text in the control.


For example, you can redirect and use a Plug and Play device attached to your local computer when you connect to a remote computer.


The healthy blood vessel redirects blood around the blocked artery, improving blood flow to the leg.


As before, you can also configure custom error pages for different error codes or redirect to a custom URL.


The key though is not to demean or punish, but to directly inform that what is being said is inappropriate and then, importantly, redirect the child to appropriate conversation.


Second, a persistent exchange rate realignment can redirect business investment away from more expensive locations to cheaper climes.


The most obvious reason is common misspellings.For example, Charles Schultz redirects to Charles Schulz, because it is conceivable that people may make that misspelling.


Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Redirect URI cannot contain newline characters.Source Error: An unhandled exception was genera...


Even after surgery, roughened areas may remain due to scar tissue formation or patches used to redirect blood flow.


Any web site the user visits can redirect the browser to a page with a malicious URL and take control of the computer.


Another use (which I find very useful) is to redirect to a longer URL, for example in my newsletters I can use a very short URL for my affiliate links.


A clever internal tube takes the flowing water and redirects it as a small jet.


You can choose to ignore a failure in certain columns, redirect the entire failed row, or just fail the component.


The optional third parameter allows you to send a specific HTTP Response Code - this could be used for example to create 301 redirects for search engine purposes.

可选择的第三个参数允许你送一则具体的HTTP 回应代码 - 这可能使用在例如建立301把目的重新导向给搜索引擎。

All government departments have completed the work to fix, the duties, size number of posts, and the work to redirect redundant staff is underway.


They have written code to redirect queries to a warm standby server during planned and unplanned outages.


Similarly, allows users to use pipeline operator, ""two parallel processes, and a process to redirect stdout second process stdin.

同样,允许用户使用管道操作符" "来同时执行两个进程,并把第一个进程的stdout重定向为第二个进程的stdin。

Therefore the ongoing blessings received from soul and earth provide the love necessary to redirect the DNA into a new structure that sustains life.


The Router Internet Address field in the ICMP redirect is the IP address that should be used as the default gateway for a particular network.


In the Properties window, note the values of the different properties, for example URL, Follow Redirects and Think Time.


Before setting off on the next pitch, always make sure a redirect is clipped as high as possible on the belay.


En route out of the city, Durio is stabbed by one of his underlings, Appius, who redirects the wagon procession's course.


In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home.


Within harmlessness, one never utilizes their power to harm another but at the same time may redirect the harm sent to the Bodhisattva back to the perpetrator.


In this task, you will configure the Lookup Currency Key transformation to redirect any rows that fail to the error output.

在本任务中,您将Lookup Currency Key转换配置为将所有失败的行重定向到错误输出。

Soft redirects to foreign language editions of Wikipedia should be avoided because they will generally be unhelpful to English-language readers.


In ACF/TCAM, a method of retrieving a particular message or a part of a message in order to process it or to redirect it.


In ACF / TCAM,a method of retrieving a particular message or a part of a message in order to process it or to redirect it.


Earth did not know enough to intervene and redirect the human dream into another focus and away from destruction.


If the correct spelling is different from the redirect target, use Template:Tlp instead.

增加本分类时,请在 重定向语法后的同一行 放置 {{错字重定向}} 。

It takes a lot less juice to process redirects than a normal blog interaction.


Tai Gong said:"You should set out specious formations and false enticement to lure and confuse their general, to redirect his path so that he will be forced to pass tall grass.


The event handler redirects the user to another page if the application is loaded outside business hours.


If the request does not include a valid authentication ticket, the server returns status code 302 and redirects the client to the Passport Logon Service.


Method when the redirect URL does not point to a page in the current application.


Redirect the output if needed to make sure it all went through successfully.


If the leader falls before clipping the first bolt on the route, this redirect allows for the correct operation of braking belay devices like the REVERSO.


It is manufactured by using a high-tech vacuummetallizing process with its design based on reflectodynamics which redirects wasted light effectively and efficiently.


They will make it possible to redirect funds from expensive textbooks towards better learning.


It may be used to redirect a particular application to use a version of a side-by-side assembly different than the one defined in the global publisher configuration file.


Password protecting, redirect users automatically, error pages, change file extensions, block certain IP addresses, or allows certain sessions to view certain pages.


For any other kind of exception, the handler does nothing, which allows your site to automatically redirect to the generic page specified in the Web. Config file.


This is fine when reading text information, but problematic when designing a Web application that needs to preserve information about a user across page reloads and redirects.



Standard output is just as easy to redirect.