a. 可辨认的;可认识的;可承认的(=recognizable)
s capable of being recognized
Green stuff is recognisable and feeds our drive to conserve.
Some percussion instruments are unpitched, lacking a recognisable pitch to the ear.
Generally, it is possible to assign all recognisable properties to a variable.
一般来说, 将所有可识别属性分配给一个变量是可能的。
The most recognisable symbol of Paris is the 324 metre Eiffel Tower on the banks of the Seine.
Holds a pencil and uses it effectively to form recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed.
They'll recognise me. I don't recognise you.
他们会认出来的 我都认不出来
Because I recognised it and you did not.
因为我认出了它 而你没有
I am, which is why I recognise it, in you.
我很特别 所以我发现了你的特别之处
As if, as if I'm expecting not to recognise you.
就好像 我希望我认不出你
Who? I didn't recognise the address.
給誰 我沒認出那個郵箱
I'd be offended if they didn't recognise me.
要是他们没认出我 我才觉得冒犯呢
It's cos you blended in, I couldn't recognise you.
你和这里都融为一体了 我都没认出来你
You're scared of me? I don't even recognise you any more.
你怕我 我都快认不出你了
He's my brotherinlaw, I should be able to recognise him.
他是我的姐夫 我能认出他
Amazing how recognisable all these images are.
奇怪 这些图画都非常眼熟