v.用绳索下降vi. 绕绳下降n. 绕绳下降
第三人称单数:rappels;过去式:rappelled;过去分词:rappelled;现在分词:rappelling;动词过去式: rappelled | 动词过去分词: rappelled | 动词现在分词: rappelling | 动词第三人称单数: rappels |
Verb1. lower oneself with a double rope coiled around the body from a mountainside;
"The ascent was easy--roping down the mountain would be much more difficult and dangerous"
"You have to learn how to abseil when you want to do technical climbing"
名词 rappel:
(mountaineering) a descent of a vertical cliff or wall made by using a doubled rope that is fixed to a higher point and wrapped around the body
动词 rappel:
lower oneself with a double rope coiled around the body from a mountainside
同义词:abseil, rope down
rappel[ ræ'pel ]n.(mountaineering) a descent of a vertical cliff or wall made by using a doubled rope that is fixed to a higher point and wrapped around the bodyv.lower oneself with a double rope coiled around the body from a mountainside
同义词:abseilrope down
rappel 绕绳下降 来自法语 rappel,叫回,唤回,来自 re-,往回,appeal,呼唤。引申词义下来,绕绳下降。rappel用法和例句:
They learned to rappel down a cliff.
Confirm the best way ( rappel top - rope ) for cleaning with the route setters.
On the seventh rappel Taeko hit by an avalanche as she approached Yasushi at the anchors.
bruit de rappel
[医] 击鼓音
Where possible one rappel station should service the tops of all climbs in the immediate area that can safely access the rappel/abseil point.
Grade II A 1- or 2-pitch climb within easy reach of a vehicle, little objective danger, and easy descent by rappel or down climbing.
Once at the rappel station, connect directly to one of the anchors.
Every one can rappel down calmly the side of 40-meter cliff with a rope and a Flemish knot. I have also been a spider man.
A new study reveals that dragline silk, the stuff spiders use to rappel, has a molecular structure that makes it resilient to twisting.
Just below the last rappel Liu Yong's headlamp ran out of battery power and my crampon came loose (a part had fallen off).
thigh rappel
double thigh rappel
But you do multipitches climb,see you rappel down 3 pitches,and the rope get stuck at the top, and you can't get down until you can fix the rope.
Figure 8:(n.) a common rappel / belay device shaped like the number "8".
Other sports activities are mountaineering, hiking, canyoning, speleology, mountain-biking, archery, climbing, rappel on rock and on bridge, skiing on stones, kayak and rafting on rivers of the surrounding area.
Carry a short length of rope in your pack so you can rappel down or attach yourself, even loosely, to an upper anchor while rigging.
Every climb leads to a descent. Once up on top, be careful the euphoria of the summit doesn't get in the way of precautions for the rappel down.
There have been a few recent rappel expeditions, with one fatality in 2006.
en rappel
If the chip detects any impending leaks, shock troops rappel from previously unseen choppers and haul the staffer away.
Use the "buddy system." Always have your partner double check all critical knots and riggings, such as tie-in knots, rappel knots and rappel anchors.
So when I rappel down to him , I need to free my hands off,so I can take care of him .
Delighted to find our cache and finally get some improving weather, we gathered our things and started to rappel the south face from a point directly below our high camp.
Photo Gallery: Caves Spelunkers rappel 300 feet (90 meters) into the Greenland ice sheet.
We would hike to the top of El Capitan, rappel down to the Great Roof for the photo shoot and spend a few extra days checking out the free climbing possibilities on the pitch above Camp Six.
我们将健行到El Capitan的顶站,垂降到Great Roof照相,然后多花一天到第六营上面看是否可能自由攀登而上。
The rescuers had to rappel from the roof down the side of the building to save the two men left hanging by their safety harness es.
Luckier still, you have a rope in your trouser pocket that lets you rappel down from the tree.
Also, always leave enough tail in a tie-in or rappel knot to accommodate a backup knot;
Instead, Greg got us into the site from the rim above by slotting spring-loaded cams into a crack, stitching a rappel tight to the overhang, then swinging sideways till he reached the ledge.
I really DO NOT want to fall. In fact, I think I'm ready to rappel down and go to the hot tub.
free rappel
自由下降 坐式下降
The rescuers had to rappel from the roof down the side of the building to save the two men left hanging by their safety harnesses.
The rescuers had to rappel from the roof down the side of the building to save the two men left hanging by their safety harnesses .
Confirm the best way (rappel or top-rope) for cleaning with the routesetters.
When setting the ropes down the rappel line, look out for sharp edges and loose blocks.
Fall -A dynamic retreat from a climb (free-solo rappel). (d) Stuerzen, (f) Prendre un plomb / Voler / Tomber, (nl) Vallen, (i) Cadere / Volare, (e) Caer / volar, (s) Ramla, Falla, (pl) odpasc
Fall - A dynamic retreat from a climb (free-solo rappel). (d) Stuerzen, (f) Prendre un plomb / Voler / Tomber, (nl) Vallen, (i) Cadere / Volare, (e) Caer / volar, (s) Ramla, Falla, (pl) odpasc
Maggie: Rappel down a mountain!
Miguel:I really do not want to fall. In fact, I think I'm ready to rappel down and go to the hot tub.