rad是什么意思   rad怎么读

英式:[ræd]    美式:[ræd]


adj.有趣的 n.[物]拉德(吸收辐射剂量单位)


副词: racily | 形容词比较级: racier | 形容词最高级: raciest | 名词: raciness |



1. a unit of absorbed ionizing radiation equal to 100 ergs per gram of irradiated material

2. the unit of plane angle adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; equal to the angle at the center of a circle subtended by an arc equal in length to the radius (approximately 57.295 degrees)

名词 rad:

a unit of absorbed ionizing radiation equal to 100 ergs per gram of irradiated material

the unit of plane angle adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; equal to the angle at the center of a circle subtended by an arc equal in length to the radius (approximately 57.295 degrees)


rad[ ræd ]n.a unit of absorbed ionizing radiation equal to 100 ergs per gram of irradiated materialthe unit of plane angle adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; equal to the angle at the center of a circle subtended by an arc equal in length to the radius (approximately 57.295 degrees)



rad 非常好的,精彩的 rad 拉德(辐射吸收剂量单位) 俚语,缩写自 radical,激进的。 缩写自 radiation,辐射。


Finally, the selective index system was made with DELPHI by virtue of its RAD environment.

最后, 利用DELPHI语言,借助其快速的集成开发环境,开发出了信息化指标查询系统.

Enormous changes rad taken place in konjac industry within the past 20 years in China.


Rad , m bicycle and motor car make in shanghai go to every part of the country.

上海制造的收音机, 自行车和摩托车遍布祖国各地.

There are some apple the, and all of the apples rad.

那男孩爬上梯子, 从苹果树上摘下一些苹果后带了下来.

Invalid input. Please enter an angle value such as '10 deg'or '1.5 rad '.

输入无效. 请输入一个角度值,如“10度”或“1.5弧度”.

This error is an absolute error, an angle , and it is measured in deg of rad.

这也是一个绝对错误, 可以以角度值度量.

I wish to present 52,000 RAD men for your inspection.



The man whose leg is injured is rad.


The maximum load dosage was 160.89 rad.


The Rad Army came into being on August 1,1927.



In Rad Racer the goal is simple; just keep driving.

在这个游戏中,目标很简单, 就是一直行驶下去.

Lack of an IDE for effective rapid application development ( RAD ).


You are not rad, and you are not awesome, so, bag it!

你既不是什么激进派, 也没有什么让人畏惧的, 算啦, 去你的吧!

By late 1962, USDA economists were beginning to give their own interpretations of RAD.

到1962年底, 美国农业部的经济学家们开始对农村区域发展给出自己的解释.

And what strategies will Shanghai RAD apply on sailing and marketing?


Ich m & ouml ; chte nicht das dritte Rad am Wagen sein.


Editor in HC interviewed Jiayin Xiao, General manager of Shanghai RAD Digital Micro Control Technology Corp.


There are some apple on the tree, and all of the apples are rad.

树上有一些苹果, 所有的苹果都是红的.

We were just talking of the exciting books that we have rad recently.


After the competition starts, rad horse Nuoweiqi helps Lakers to chop the next two points first.

比赛开始后, 拉德马诺维奇先帮助湖人砍下两分.

He is such a rad! For sure.

他一定是个激进分子, 真的.

Did you rad the sign there?

您看那里的牌子了 吗 ?

Workers at nuclear installations are not supposed to receive more than 5 rad per year.




"I Will Follow You Into The Dark" is on constant rotation on my ipod.Amazing song.So the show should be rad...def looking forward to it.


Another RAD project was to upgrade meat packing facilities in the Cheyenne, WY area since an old facility with antiquated equipment had closed.


JA Dennis et al: Human Health and Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation (NRPB-R241), National Rad Protect Board, Chilton, 1993.


Rapid application development (RAD) methodologies and tools make it possible to develop systems faster, especially systems where the user interface is an important component.


M Rad

(=Master of Radiology) 放射学硕士

OF rad.

(=occipitofrontal radiation) 枕额部辐射,枕额部射线疗法

rad(radiation absorbed dose)equivalent therapeutic


Do Somethin' (DJ Monk's Rad...

-Britney Spears(小甜甜布兰妮...

3) Either Vlad Rad or Luke must show up in this series.


way rad

adj. 相当出色

( rad / s) ;

D 为 织 轴 的 经 纱 直 径 (mm ) ;

The Delphi 1 rapid application development (RAD) environment was launched in 1995, under the leadership of Anders Hejlsberg.

Delphi 1快速应用开发(RAD)环境在Anders Hejlsberg的领导下于1995年发布。

Two basic methods to operate computer ports directly under Delphi RAD environment


DSDM started in Britain in 1994 as a consortium of UK companies who wanted to build on the RAD and iterative development.


EPL is an easy to use RAD environment for all levels of developer.

EPL 是一款适用于所有等级开发者的简单易用的 RAD 编程环境。

Software Description: EPL (Easy Programming Language) is powerful, easy to use RAD programming language &software development environment.

EPL (简单编程语言)是一款强大,简单易用的 RAD 编程语言和软件开发环境。

Application of Nisin on Rad Sausage Preservation


The Rapid Modelling Method for Dense User-Interface Software Project in the RAD Environment


Symbian developers can now also write applications for S60 and benefit from the RAD capabilities which .

Symbian的开发者现在可以编写应用程序,也为S60并从中受益的能力, RAD数据通信公司。

Visual Studio rapid application development (RAD) data design experience tools already take advantage of this functionality.

Visual Studio快速应用程序开发(RAD)数据设计体验工具已经利用了该功能。

tbyroid rad line

[医] 甲状腺红线

“actually I fear the rad Vans card very much, she is not the pure strength, the fighting method is quite intelligent.


Novel Angular Displacement Sensing Method with Resolutionof 10~(-9) rad Magnitude


Rad, m bicycle and motor car make in shanghai go to every part of the country.


Click to enlarge Unlike RAD approaches of the past, IBM Rational Rapid Developer provides architects and senior developers with a great deal of control over application development.

不像过去的快速应用开发方法,IBM Rational Rapid Developer给架构师和高级开发人员大量的应用开发上的控制。

Compared with Stack Guard and RAD , FPW has more efficent performance, same safety and less memory cost.

与Stack Guard和RAD相比,FPW具有同样程度的安全性、占用更少的内存空间、减少进程意外终止的可能性和更好的运行效果等优点。

c-Met expression level of SK-BR-3 cells are higher than that of HepG2and QGY7703. Transduction efficiency into SK-BR-3 cells of rAd is 100%, while that of rAAV is 20%.

与未转导病毒的细胞相比,rAAVUshmet1转导的SK-BR-3细胞的c-Met mRNA相对表达量下降了8.5% (p<0.05),rAAVUshmet2转导的SK-BR-3细胞的c-Met mRNA相对表达量下降了9.1% (p<0.05)。

Two 6: 4,2nd seed Zheng clean/Yan Zi has defeated the match, this was also Zheng Jie second time defeats the rad Vans card, women's single first round she has eliminated the Polish girl.


Principal component analysis(PCA) and cluster analysis were employed to study the similarities and dissimilarities among the 30 RAD samples.


neutron rad


Study on Effets of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte in Pleural Fluid on Tumor Cell Enhanced by Rad Sage Injection and Changes of Its Ultrastructure


Provides support for rapid application development (RAD) designers to parse data-binding expressions that use XPath expressions.


Integrated Solution Console RAD Plugin;


If you don't know upper the rad sentence what it is.


man rad per mwy

人 拉德/兆瓦年

man rad equivalent


Workers at nuclear installations are not supposed to receive more than 5 rad per year.


From the rad Vans card to Yiwannuoweiqi, Zheng Jie already used the fact to prove oneself play singles potential.


Enormous changes rad taken place in konjac industry within the past 20 years in China.


He is such a rad! For sure.


If he sees one electron out of place, he calls for Rad Alert.


But, we still have problems in RAD 6.

但RAD 6仍然有些问题。

But earlier, in describing Chrysler's C3 project, I alluded to the difficulty in extending the use of approaches like XP or even RAD.


But Lakers and Jackson simply did not believe rad horse Nuoweiqi words, five days later, rad horse Nuoweiqi told the people the truth, he is when study the ski gets a cut.


Low Spd Rad Fan Rly Ctrl


You are not rad, and you are not awesome, so, bag it!


Using Visual Studio Tools for Office to develop Microsoft Office solutions enables rapid application development (RAD).

使用Visual Studio Tools for Office开发Microsoft Office解决方案可实现快速应用程序开发(RAD)。

For example, why have English-speaking teenagers in the past 25 years used-at different times-the slang words groovy, boss, awesome, rad, or tubular instead of simply saying”wonderful”?


MRE(megavolatage rad equivalent)


gram rad


Creating a simple Multimedia RAD program that plays movies, WAV files, and MIDI files.


Contains information about a single data-binding expression in an ASP.NET server control, which allows rapid-application development (RAD) designers, such as Microsoft Visual Studio, to create data-binding expressions at design time.

包含有关ASP.NET服务器控件中的单个数据绑定表达式的信息,这些信息可让快速应用程序开发(RAD)设计器(如Microsoft Visual Studio)能够在设计时创建数据绑定表达式。

Field experiments performed in Nanjing area show that enhanced UV-B rad iation causes marked variations in canopy structure of wheat and in turn affects the canopys light reflectance and absorption.


bool NextPoint(point *pt1,point *pt2,float speed,float direct,float rad,float time


LAD, LVDD, RAD, RVDD of MVRP and MVR groups significantly decreased (P<0. 05-<0. 01) in DVR patients; compared with MVR group, the RAD dereased more (P<0. 05), the LAD decreased less (P<0. 01) in MVRP group.


In the carrageenen-induced model TSFS decreased the contents of PGE2,MDA and NO in rad's serum and paw.


And Rad, the busy consultant, says it doesn't have to take much time out of your schedule to go to the gym.


At quasi-state stage, the depth and rad ius of laser pool have small changes, but the highest surface temperature and velocity of molten pool decease rapidly.


Based on anal sis on electric logging curve, it is proposed to identify low-resistivity layer with curve-quantified parameters, such as RAD and RAT, and this method has satisfied effect.


In the number of language bindings, it is only surpassed by GTK+, its RAD tools are innumerable, and there's even an OS/2 port.


In always scores points on, Zheng Jiebi the rad Vans card are many 14 points, the superiority is quite obvious.


Another approach to high change arose in the early days of RAD: the idea of throwaway code.


In this article I am going to discuss these new features by building a sample data model visually in RAD 6.0.

在本文中,我将透过在RAD 6.0中视觉化建立一个资料模型的范例来讨论这些新特性。

Rad moves on a skateboard.


In Rad Racer the goal is simple; just keep driving.


In this short article, David Viney examines whether Rapid Application Development (RAD) or Waterfall development methodologies should be used during Intranet Portal projects.


Participation in Lions Rad Ribbon Fellowship Scheme


She by 2:0 defeats the competition 6th seed Poland new sharp rad Vans card, the success pushed onward the second round.


Her beautiful face,white and rad,was telling her happiness.


If the G1-continuity is missed then we hae a so called G1-error. This error is an absolute error, an angle, and it is measured in deg of rad.


If you have experience about other RAD or languages, you will feel very familiar about the EPL.

如果你已经拥有了其它RAD 或者编程语言的经验,你将感觉到 EPL 非常熟悉。

These methods can be used further in researching the sailing control for warship on ocean and the rad io altitude control for helicopter over the sea.


Experimental results show that this method is feasible and meets the demand of the rad...


Evaluation of Rad iofrequency Catheter Ablation of Frequent Monomorphic Ventricular Ectopic Beats


Double antennas will be used for every RAP, and for the RAD at each cabin of a train.


Performs any initialization steps on the user control that are required by RAD designers.


relative biological effectiveness of rad


Although the world is listed 10th the rad Vans card has not been captured hands tied, initiated the counter-attack cleanly to Zheng.


Basom observed the contact angle of water against silane-treated E glass to be about 1. 2 rad.


Editor in HC interviewed Jiayin Xiao, General manager of Shanghai RAD Digital Micro Control Technology Corp.



Have you guys seen Wendy's new place? It's so rad.