protease是什么意思   protease怎么读

英式:[ˈprəʊtɪeɪz]    美式:[ˈprəʊtɪeɪz]


n.蛋白酶, 蛋白酶类


形容词: protatic | 名词复数: protases |



1. any enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins into smaller peptide fractions and amino acids by a process known as proteolysis

名词 protease:

any enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins into smaller peptide fractions and amino acids by a process known as proteolysis

同义词:peptidase, proteinase, proteolytic enzyme

protease[ 'prəutieis ]n.any enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins into smaller peptide fractions and amino acids by a process known as proteolysis

同义词:peptidaseproteinaseproteolytic enzyme



A protease is key to the replication of the virus.


The protease includes 17 amino acids , among which, Gly and Ala are dominant amino acids.

该酶蛋白含有17种氨基酸, 其中甘氨酸(Gly)和丙氨酸(Ala)为主要氨基酸.

A . PEPs contain the active ingredient pancrelipase, a mixture of the amylase, lipase, and protease.

胰腺酶制剂的活性组分是胰脂肪酶, 它是含有消化酶 、 脂肪酶和蛋白酶的酶混合物.

Cell lysates were homogenized in solubilization buffer supplemented with protease inhibitors on ice.


Hydrolytic technics of collagen from squid skin by protease was studied.


Objective To research and to locate the gene expression of the cysteine protease in Pagumogonimus skrjabini.


Acetes Chiensis was hydrolyzed by alkalic protease, and shrimp sauce was produced with disinfecting and packing.


The hydrolysis of peanut meal using neutral protease was investigated.


Chymosin used traditionally in cheese making is an aspartic protease extracted form abomasum of suckling calves.


Two important clues proved essential to our understanding of this protease.


Main ingredients: dissolved cutin protease, houndfish alkyl, hyaluronic acid, chamomile and active yeast essence.

主要成份: 溶角质蛋白酶 、 角鲨烷 、 透明质酸 、 洋甘菊、活性酵母精华等.

Ingredients: olive leaves extract, cereus essence, provitamin B 5, protease, moisturizing factor etc.

成份: 橄榄叶萃取精华 、 仙人掌精华素 、 维他命原B5 、 蛋白酶 、 保湿剂等.

Protease activity in the hepatopancreas was higher than in the intestine.


From the indirect effects of a protease, EST , lipoxygenase, peroxidase, pectin esterase, and so on.

起间接作用的有蛋白酶 、 酯酶 、 脂氧合酶 、 过氧化物酶 、 果胶酯酶等.

Answer: Can, because wash the protease in clothing liquid, can dissolve stubborn dirt, wash easily.

答: 能, 因为洗衣液里的蛋白酶, 能将顽固的污垢溶解, 轻而易举地洗掉.

The behavior of aggregation of soy protein isolate SPI induced by Subtilisin protease was investigated.


Alkaline protease has been immobilized on chitosan with glutaraldehyde as crosslinking agent.


Protease inhibitors have proved very effective for treating other disorders such as AIDS and hypertension.


The enzyme, known as a protease, is critical to replication.


Cystatin C is the most abundant protease inhibitor in the plasma.


After this reacts with a protease enzyme, the active toxin is released.


The change of their protease is similar: in the hyphal growth stage mushroom.

它们的蛋白酶活力变化相似: 菌丝生长期高于子实体生长后期.

Meanwhile, we also provide you trisodium phosphate, alkali protease , Sodium carbonate , sodium sulphide and bicarbonate, etc.

本公司同时经营磷酸三钠 、 碱性蛋白酶 、 硫化碱 、 纯碱、小苏打等化工产品.


Proventriculus pepsin activities in 49-day-old were also depressed (p>0.05) while no effectson amylase and protease activities in intestine.


The drug in question is saquinavir, one of a class known as protease inhibitors, which revolutionised the treatment of AIDS when they were introduced in 1996.


The apr gene was expressed in E. coli BL21 and showed its activities of protease.


One involves the HA gene: to become active in a cell, the HA protein must be cleaved into two pieces by a gut-specific protein-cutting enzyme, or protease, supplied by the host.


HIV protease is the essential enzyme for viral replication,and one of important targets in looking for anti-AIDS drugs design and research.


NS4A is a cofactor of the NS3 protease.


Optimization of cold-adapted protease fermentation by benthal psychrotrophic Pseudoaltermonas sp.

SM9913 (深海适冷假交替单孢菌Pseudoaltermonas sp.

SUMO protease can cut SUMO fusion protein expressed by fusion expression system without any amino acid residues left on target protein thus become a hot topic in this field.


Cloning and Expression Analysis of Carboxyl-terminal Protease cDNA from Gossypium hirsutum L.


Several specifically targeted antiviral therapies notably protease and polymerase inhibitors are promising but must be used in combination with pegylated interferon and ribavirin.


The Protea Hotels President is the 2nd hotel on your left.


Study on the growth and protease activities of three strains of Bacillus spp.


Papaya is rich in an enzyme called papain, a protease which is useful in tenderizing meat and other proteins.

上文翻译:木瓜含有丰富的 Papain 酵素,有助使肉类软化。

Optimization of flocculent agents,active carbon and conditions of filter membranes are studied in the pilot preparation technology to obtain high quality liquid protease.


Ingredients:Pure Natural Bee Propolis,Several Kinds of Protease,Deeply Moisturizes your skin and makes your skin smooth and fresh.


The main ingredients: the essence of grapefruit, seaweed essence, grape Pituitrin, biological and other protease.


After this reacts with a protease enzyme, the active toxin is released.


Screening of Alkaline Protease Producing Alkalophilic Bacillus sp.


The suitable condition for the production of neutral protease by Aspergillus oryzae Y29 are studied.


But this new virus has a weak point called a protease, the researchers report in this week's issue of the journal Science.


But when several different labs reported almost definitive evidence of the enzyme's identity, it looked nothing like any other protease.


The adequate C:N ratio in medium is about 1.2.The lower C:N ratio is advantageous to the production of mucor protease.


As a main kind of digestive enzyme of parasite, cysteine protease plays an important role in the relationship between parasite and host.


Title: Screening of Alkaline Protease Producing Alkalophilic Bacillus sp.


The scouring effects of some enzymes including pectinase,cellulase,protease and their mixtures were investigated by researchers throughout the world.


One such drug has shown promise in clinical trials at controlling cold symptoms by inhibiting the protease in rhinoviruses like that in the SARS virus.


The factors affecting whiteness, degumming loss percentage and capillary effect were analyzed.The optimal protease and process conditions suitable for silk knits were obtained.


It also presented the effects of PEF on some enzymes which are important in food, such as alkaline phosphatase, protease, lipase, peroxidase and so on.


This organism secretes a few extracellular products including capsular polysaccharide (CPS), protease, cytolysin and phospholipase.


Interferes tyrosinase activity by multiple ways; protease included to accelerate spot/keratin removing, rapidly making the complexion bright and flaws eliminated.


By using of the advantages of cellulase and protease, biological enzyme treatment was carried out so as to remove lousiness on fabric surface and improve fabric hand.


Erythrina trypsin inhibitor (ETI) is a natural serine protease inhibitor, with high inhibitive activity to trypsin, chemotrypsin and tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA).


Experiments at the University of California showed that "scrapie" PrP resisted being broken down by protease enzymes, while normal healthy PrP did not.


The activity of protease and lipase in raw milk positively correlates with the quality of the product.


Contents of Materials: Protease (Arazyme), CuSO4, FeSO4, MnSO4, ZnSO4, CoCl2, KIO3, Na2SeO3, MgSO4, NaCl, CaHPO4, Glucose etc.


All but one of the drugs target two of the genes that sere as blueprints for ital protein components of HI: reerse transcriptase and protease.


After feeding,the protease and diastase activities of stomach and intestine show asignificant rising(p<0.05).3.


However,of all protease inhibitors currently in use,indinavir is associated with the greatest risk for the development of urolithiasis.


Also it was found that there was significant synergistic effect between papain and neutral protease.


Apoptosis in mammals was executed by cysteine-containing aspartate-specific protease (Caspase or Casp) families and endogenous nuclease (DNase).

哺乳动物的细胞凋亡是由ASP(aspastic acid,天冬氨酸)特异性半胱氨酸蛋白酶(aspartate-specific cysteinyl proteinase,Caspase或Casp)家族及核酸内切酶介导的。

Therefore, may improve the feed quality of the bean cake effectively using the aerthworm protease to soy protein's decomposition.


Fig. 1 Effects of different nitrogen fertilization rate on activities of nitrate reductase(A) and protease(B) in flag leaves of forage rice.


The results showed that sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) was the most effective inhibitor to protease and the least concentration of SHMP was determined.


In fed batch culture,the activity of neutral protease was further increased to 17. 67 g/min L by controlling the feeding rates of glucose and other niedium components.


The effect of dark tea fermentation liquid with Eurotium Cristatum on the activity of digestive enzyme was researched, as fellowing amylase, protease, lipase.


During the development of American cockroach, the activities of protease, lipase, amylase and sucrase were stronger gradually.


After protease inhibitors were approved researchers hoped that the new combination antiretroviral (ARV) therapy would be potent enough to burn out HIV infection over time.


Flavourzyme was found as the best protease by comparing the relation between the degree of hydrolysis and emulsiability.


Cystatin C is the most abundant protease inhibitor in the plasma.

在血清中Cystatin C是最丰富的蛋白酶抑制剂。

As the protein comes off the ribosome, the protease immediately cuts itself and the epitope tag off, leaving the host protein unmarked.


The quantity of bacteria and ECP arrived at a maximal value at 4% peptone in the medium, and protease production was steady at 2% peptone.


Cellulase and protease were very important in the extraction of rice bran protein.


Preliminary study on purification and partial characterization of the intestine protease from Scophthalmus maximus L.


As for pretreatment of soybean protease fiber fabric, singeing condition should be well controlled so as to obtain excellent results and non damage to the fiber.


Protease inhibitors, SBTI and PAB, inhibited formation of the hatching envelope.


The change of their protease is similar: in the hyphal growth stage it is higher than that of mature mushroom.


The results showed,the growth ofAnguilla anguilla elver and the protease activity were very significantly (P<0.05) influenced by salinity.


The result showed that the activity of protease should be concerned, as well as the specific growth rate of spores when selecting and breeding the excellent strains.


The result showed that the activity of protease should be concerned,as well as the specific growth rate of spores when selecting and breeding the excellent strains.


The release results of two polymeric drugs indicate that protease is of advantage to release of drug, and hydrophobicity of material is also an advantage to the release.


Combinations of a protease inhibitor with two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are currently recommended for postexposure prophylaxis of relatively high-risk exposures.


Surely the best known protea, prized worldwide as a magnificent cut flower and in South Africa honoured as the national flower.


Drought stress changed the correlation of NH4(superscript +)-N and NO3(superscript -)-N with protease, urease activity, ammonifying bacteria and nitrifying bacteria.


Ingredients: Papain, hamamelis extract, EGF (epidermal growth factors), active protease,vitamin E and etc.


Ingredients: olive leaves extract, cereus essence, provitamin B5, protease, moisturizing factor etc.


Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, Job's-tears, angelica root, peony, perilla, protease, moisturizing factor etc.


Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, gingko essence, misaiya purete, vitamin E, protease, moisturizing factor etc.


Ingredients: protease, compound herbal essence, HA, natto kinase, m-tranexamic acid.


So overwhelming was the excitement that overtook us when substances were found to potently inhibit the protease enzyme, thereby blocking viral replication in the test tube.


Cell lysates were homogenized in solubilization buffer supplemented with protease inhibitors on ice.


Drugs to inhibit the other enzymes, protease and reerse transcriptase, hae already been deeloped and are basic backbones of multi-drug combinations.


Delavirdine is indicated in combination with protease inhibitors and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor for the treatment of HIV-infection.


Paecitomyces lilacinus E7 is a strain of Nematophagous fungus isolated from soil and produced protease.


The chitosan and its derivatives are an admirable matrix for immobilizing protease with environmental friendly advantage,abundant resources and different immobilized method.


The enzymolysis effect of neutral protease, papain, pepsin, bromelin, flavourzyme and compound protease was studied respectively on the sleeve-fish protein.


Control freckle: Containing papaya AHA and protease, which control the growth of the new born melanin, prevent freckle pigmentation and fade dark skin patches.


The proper way to improve the elongation rate of leather is to treat it with protease after detanning.


Abstract: Bacillus pumilus WL-11 not only produces xylanase, but also secretes some protease.

摘 要: 研究了不同的营养条件下短小芽孢杆菌WL-11产蛋白酶和木聚糖酶的情况。

Objective To test the expression of Cathepsin B (CB) protease in gliomas and to investigate its correlation with the malignance and angiogenesis of gliomas.


The activity variations of protease, amylase and cellulase of Siliqua minima in different seasons were studied.



A protease is key to the replication of the virus.

The enzyme, known as a protease, is critical to replication.