v.假定,假设( postulate的过去式和过去分词 )n.假定, 基本条件 vt.要求, 假定
v.假定,假设( postulate的过去式和过去分词 );
动词 postulate:
maintain or assert
同义词:contend, postulate
take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom
同义词:postulate, posit
require as useful, just, or proper
同义词:necessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, involve, call for, demand
postulaten.(logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning同义词:posit
v.maintain or assert同义词:contend
take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom同义词:posit
require as useful, just, or proper"This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent"
同义词:necessitateaskneedrequiretakeinvolvecall fordemand
(a) As has been mentioned, some postulated that phlogiston has negative weight (levity).
(a) 正如所提到的那样,某些燃素会减轻(轻率)的假定。
Some skeptics in the very early 1900s postulated that Cush, Mizraim, Put and Ham were all locations in northern Arabia, and suggested the name Canaan was therefore similarly of Arab origin.
It was postulated that PAL activity or POD activity and the increased number of isoperoxidase after the infection of F. graminearum could be used as indicators of resistance of corn to stalk rot.
The Rietveld method is a process of refinement in terms of a postulated method.
2.a (postulated) group of languages including many of the indigenous languages of Russia (but not Russian).
An inherited constitutional predisposition is usually postulated to explain why a relatively small proportion of the many people exposed to these aetiological factors develop chronic bronchitis.
Various types of kinetic models have been postulated to describe the kinetics of the UV/H2O2 process.
Problems in the individual's family interactions or family dynamics have also been postulated as having some causal impact.
Gosse postulated that Adam did have a navel because it is how humans are formed.
HBV has 7 genotypes A to G and it has been postulated that some may have a higher incidence of cirrhosis or and Liver cancer.
Hematopoietic cells hae been implicated in the ectopic skeletogenesis of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressia, and their replacement has been postulated as a possible cure.
He also postulated that the mind was a "blank slate" or "tabula rasa";
He postulated that sleep originated generally from all over the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, as an active blocking of sensory inputs and motor output.
Their results, published in 1996, postulated that bilaterians diverged from more primitive animals deep into the Precambrian era, as much as 1.2 billion years ago.
They postulated a 500-year lifespan for a plastic container.
He postulated that light, rather than flowing as a continuous wave of energy, travels in packets.
One hypothesis he has postulated is that increased warming actually dries out certain parts of the upper atmosphere.Decreased water vapor would in turn temper warming.
He postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000.
He postulated that the carbon reacts initially with the sulfate to form calcium sulfide
He postulated that the carbon reacts initially with the sulfate to form calc ium sulfide.
An all - pervading,infinitely elastic,massless medium formerly postulated as the medium of propagation of electromagnetic waves.
Any hypothetical force postulated to either push or pull oceanic plates would be quickly dissipated overcoming the friction of sliding over a static fluid mantle beneath.
But, it was postulated, if ether exists, then another observable phenomenon, ether "drift," must also exist.
For the same reasons, however, it could be postulated that DCA may be more prone to collapse and resorption.
For example, the cooling times for rocks buried underneath the floors of impact craters would be far shorter than the millions of years postulated for interior rocks heated by the decay of 26Al.
Adaptation of the modern approaches for protection of nuclear power plants against the effects of postulated pipe ruptures to the Russian national guides. Problems and experience
it is postulated that
假定(说) ...
postulated mechanism
postulated condition
postulated point
The postulated mechanisms include dysfunction of the limbic or serotoninergic system.
Saits Ohzonok,Keiro.Early arteriopathy and postulated pathogenesis of osteonecrosis of the femoral head.Clin Orthop 1992;277:98
The irreducible, indestructible material unit postulated by ancient atomism.
The number of the subject's samples must meet the requirement of statistics and the least cases postulated by law.
During the Banpo man time or in the Middle Holocene, 5000~6000 Bp, the climate within the modern glaciation best fitted vegetation and the intrusion of some sub-tropic trees was postulated to have taken place.
Hydrogen sulphide bearing gas or water is postulated to be an important reductant in several areas
Because of the postulated incompressibility of the fluid, equal masses of fluid occupy equal volumes.
Because Ca follows Na, it is postulated that the accumulation of intracellular Ca( and not Na per se) is responsible for the increased sensitivity.
Because Ca follows Na it is postulated that the accumulation of intracellular Ca (and not Na per se) is responsible for the increased sensitivity.
Thus, it is postulated that in the presence of mild neutropenia, whose function is inhibited by effect of insulin excess, the bacillus was able to find a port of entry, probably via micro-abrasions of the bowel mucosal lining.
On an herbarium sheet at BM, G. T. Sampson commented that this species occurs sporadically and postulated that it was introduced as a seed contaminant of rice.
The design leakage rate through the internal containment to the intercontainment space after the postulated accident makes up 0.2 % air mass in the building during 24 h.
在假定事故发生后,穿过内壳至壳内空隙的设计疏漏率为24小时间在建筑中组成0.2 %的气团。
British physician, physicist and Egyptologist who revived the wave theory of light and postulated the three-color theory of color vision.
In the case of the functionalized polyolefins, linking to the bulk polymer matrix is postulated as being achieved by entanglement or co-crystallization.
In astrophysics, a white hole is a postulated celestial body that spews out matter, in other words an anti-black hole, or the time reversal of a black hole.
In this book Lao Tsu develops a cosmology in which the harmony of two opposites ( ying“ and yang“) is postulated.
a hypothetical particle of heredity postulated to be the mediating factor in the production of new cells in the theory of pangenesis
Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a characterized demyelinating disease of the CNS and postulated to be a autoimmune disease.
Several categories of dark matter have been postulated.
If a prosthesis has a collar that is seated on the cut surface of the neck, it is postulated that axial loading of the bone will occur in this area.
Of or relating to the postulated earliest period of human culture preceding the Lower Paleolithic.
of or relating to the postulated earliest period of human culture preceding the Lower Paleolithic
They have been postulated as a means of transport between points of spacetime and even different universes.
The void's existence is being postulated following scientific curiosity about how unusually cold spots came to appear on WMAP's map of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation.
对于解释为何在 WMAP 所拍摄的宇宙微波背景辐射中,会存在一些异常的冷点,这个空洞是其中的一个假说。
A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime,zero electric charge,and zero rest mass.
Postulated causes of perinatal death include hydrops, dystocia, tumor rupture, preterm labor secondary to polyhydramnios, and anemia due either to hemorrhage or hemolysis within the tumor.
Freud (1900) postulated that the primary function of the dream is to provide discharge or gratification for impulses or wishes infantile in nature and unacceptable to the conscious mind.
Until then, physicists had postulated boundary conditions in which no force acted on the ends of the strings, leaving them free to flap around.
The nuclei of many galaxies, including M31, are known to be quite violent places,and the existence of massive black holesare frequently postulated to explain them.
The researchers at the Hospital for Sick Children and the Uniersity of Calgary hae postulated that without this control system normal function of islet cells cannot thrie.
Florigen (flowering hormone) A hypothetical plant hormone that has been postulated to account for the transfer of the photoperiod stimulus from the leaves to the apex where flowering is induced.
It is postulated that the type of protein in the diet influences directly the intrinsic capacity of the B lymphocytes to respond to an immunogenic stimulus.
We postulated that decreased levels of dopamine receptors predisposed subjects to search for reinforcers;
We postulated that static magnetic fields stimulate osteoblastic differentiation by regulating early local factors released by the cells.
We postulated that the state of a quantum-mechanical system is specified by a state function.
The postulated mechanism of ischemia and hypoxia resulting in the development of sternal infection and mediastinitis provides a theoretical basis for the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO).
It is postulated that a high conductive body exists in the lower crust or upper mantle.
The research in the RBC theory is related to the methodologies and hypotheses postulated by different economists regarding some basic properties of our economy.
Most famously, Ed Fredkin has postulated that the universe is at bottom some sort of computer.
maximum postulated accident
It has recently been postulated that depression is associated with immunological changes.Cytokine might play an important role in the pathogenesis.
Some postulated how much fun it might be to brush or braid the fur covering the entire form, particularly if it grew long enough.
The paper postulated various possible toughening mechanisms existing in ceramic composite,while discussed the factors that in fluenced the toughening effects of these mechanisms.
Rights emerge from duties; duties from virtues; and virtues from relationships. (Postulated from Emergent Theory).
As with explanatorily primitive identities, they appear to be primitive facts postulated in an ad hoc way, largely in order to save a theory, with no support from cases elsewhere.
Werner postulated that the six ligands in an ion such as the [Co(NH3)6]+3 ion were situated in some symmetrical fashion with each NH3 group equidistant from the central cobalt atom.
howeer, other target proteins hae been postulated to contribute to the in io actions of clonidine.
Nevertheless, evolutionists have postulated an evolutionary tree of life showing how the various life forms developed.
Edgar Anderson postulated that pure species are usually well adapted to the habitats on which tney evolved.
用作名词(n.)A combinatin of sources of uranium may be the most realistic postulate.
Authority is a postulate of the moral order and derives from God.
If so we shall have a wave function that satisfies our new postulate .
The school building programme postulates an increase in educational investment.
He postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000.
They postulate excessive increase in price.