adj.精美的; 豪华的; 漂亮的; 时髦的adj.漂亮的, 时髦的, 上等阶层的
比较级:posher;最高级:poshest;副词: poshly | 名词: poshness |
Adjective1. elegant and fashionable;
"classy clothes"
"a classy dame"
"a posh restaurant"
"a swish pastry shop on the Rue du Bac"- Julia Child
形容词 posh:
elegant and fashionable- Julia Child
同义词:classy, swish
poshadj.elegant and fashionable"a posh restaurant"
a posh hotel
You look very posh in your new suit.
a posh accent/voice
上等人的腔调 / 嗓音
They live in the posh part of town.
They pay for their children to go to a posh school.
(British English)to talk posh
Celebrating a promotion, I took her to a posh hotel for a cocktail.
...a posh car.
I wouldn't have thought she had such posh friends...
He sounded so posh on the phone.
You look very posh in your new suit.
Increasingly, more Chinese Singaporeans would hold their reunion dinner in posh restaurants, despite the exorbitant costs.
Her posh accent is pure affectation.
Rodents had overrun a posh private school near New York City.
Soon you'll be eating at a posh restaurant.
We must posh up ourselves up for the party.
She always puts on a posh voice to talk to the vicar.
A posh neighborhood of branded shops and celebrated restaurants are nearby for your convenience and pleasure.
They live in the posh part of town.
He's got plenty of money to throw around on whores and gambling and building posh houses!
嫖婊子有钱!赌有钱! 造洋房有钱!
Now he's got a posh car, he thinks he's arrived.
现在有了豪华汽车, 他想他已经功成名就了.
She has a rather posh way of speaking.
I've declined the invitation to the Royal Garden Party; I'd just to be a square peg in a round hole among all those posh people.
我已谢绝参加皇家游园会的邀请,同那些显赫要人在一起, 我觉得实在格格不入.
During this time of economic uncertainty, most are backing away from things luxurious, pricey and posh.
在这个经济不稳定的时期, 多数人转离开奢侈的, 昂贵的,浮华的消费了.
Does she look posh to you, or gawky?
她是不是看上去很优雅, 或者很笨拙?
I'm here with hugo posh, the producer of adult education.
我这里请到了Hugoposh, 成人教育的制片人.
Sixteen policemen were killed , bang in front of a posh hotel.
Posh inside, too. Pink and black leather and pink piping on the carpets.
车内的设计同样也非常亮眼. 粉色与黑色相间的皮质座椅及内置地毯等细微之处都能显示出芭比的特色.
"They" are "the people at the top", "the higher-ups", the people who give you the dole, call you up, tell you to go to war, fine you, "talk posh", "are all twisters really".
"他们"是"上流社会人物", 是"达官显贵"。他们给你一点施舍,动员你去服役,让你去打仗,调教你,"说起话来像上层社会那样咬文嚼字", 事实上他们"全是骗子"。
In April 2008 Mr Khin signed a deal with a Chinese company to turn the lake area into a posh residential and recreation development, to be dubbed the “New City of the East”.
The term POSH was coined because a group of highly respected web designers wanted to have a short mnemonic to easily capture the essence of the concept of Semantic HTML.
"Posh Spice" Victoria Beckham (L) and the model Caprice Bourret.
[Daily Mail] 怎样才是最完美胸部或者见仁见智。
I ' m here with H ugo Posh, the producer of Adult Education...
|我和成人教育片制作人 雨果波什在一起...
" They" are" the people at the top", " the higher - ups", the people who give you the dole, call you up, tell you to go to war, fine you, " talk posh", " are all twisters really" .
“In marathon sessions that spanned the course of several days at the posh Esmeralda Resort &Spa in Indian Wells, Calif., HP's leadership hashed out HP's long-term strategy.
”这段话中,“marathon”和 “hashed”两个词充分显示了消息来源是对公司目前战略和管理存在极大不满的人士。
A man lay sprawled across three entire seats in the posh theatre.
Some of his fellow airmen hounded Shaw for autographs while others mocked his posh accent, to which Shaw would retaliate with an excellent and unflattering imitation of their less refined speech.
A man and a woman walk into a very posh Rodeo Drive store. "Show the lady your finest mink!" the fellow exclaims.
One was that haute couture, hitherto available only to the very rich or vicariously through magazines and newspapers, should be sold worldwide in ready-to-wear shops at a fraction of the posh price.
And for one day last week I was a plumber too- joining all three former white collar workers at their London firm to investigate the peculiar phenomenon of" posh plumbers".
a posh accent/voice
But now victory gardens are springing up in backyards, school grounds and even on front lawns in posh neighbourhoods.
But on arrival at posh Morros Lodge in Baja California, Dan finds the ostensibly rich, carefree guests all playing roles...except, possibly, ham actor Mark Cardigan.
Why Ethiopia?"In 1984," he said, "when I was a chef at a posh private dining club in Los Angeles, I was distraught when the owners refused to hold a benefit for victims of a tragic famine in Ethiopia.
Moving from Toxteth to a "frightfully posh" part of Cheshire, her mother came "face to face with the British class structure".
They live in the posh part of town.
They live in a posh part of town.
He take us for lunch to one of the posh restaurant in town.
A documentary he saw about Mustique chronicled the posh playground for the likes of Mick Jagger and Princess Margare nott.
The standard is the customers' recognition and scientific test methods, which is the quality guarantee of the Posh people to make the driving industry and become the top manufacturer in the world.
But Posh is not worried about glamorous Californian women throwing themselves at her hunky hubby.
You're wearing a nice ring. You're wearing a posh tie. May I borrow some money? How much do you need?
You're wearing a posh tie.
See, hugo posh isn't just tits. He isn't just ass.
你看, hugo Posh不仅仅只是乳头. 他也不仅仅是个屁股
See, hugo posh is not just tits. He is not just ass
你看,hugo posh不仅仅只是乳头.他也不仅仅是个屁股
You look very posh in your new suit .
Kerry Tests Waters on Vacation in Posh Nantucket
Well the beckham's wife "posh", she can go to do all the shopping and also for moive as well, thats why they want to be the neighbours with Tom Cruise.This is madness.
the hotbed of all that is super chic and scrumptiously posh,
A 2 minute bell at half-time could be introduced (just like the theatre, how posh!
Even for the posh villas inside any city, those living within them suffer from an energy movement that wars upon the field and will ultimately make those choosing to remain in such circumstances ill.
One of the largest jewel heists in history. In Paris, armed robbers, some disguised as women, snatched 108 million dollars worth of diamond rings, necklaces and watches from this posh boutique .
Another rising trend will be "posh camping" in teepees or semi-permanent structures with built-in bathrooms.
One of the largest jewel heists in history. In Paris, armed robbers, some disguised as women, snatched 108 million dollars worth of diamond rings, necklaces and watches from this posh boutique.
Anyway, after dinner, we moved to another posh venue where one of the other Gemini babies had booked off a private section in the back where we spent the rest of the night chatting with friends old and new.
And a posh multifunctional hall.
One normal Monday morning, an ordinary salary man wakes up in a posh hotel room with no recollection of how he got there.
In another weirdly depressing experiment, researchers knocked on doors in a posh neighbourhood trying to get people to put a giant notice on their lawns saying “please drive carefully”.
Before arriving home and taking the stroll, the president and first lady dined out for nearly two hours at a posh Georgetown restaurant.
"Posh venues like the new multiplex in Mumbai [Bombay], [are] part of a chain replacing local theaters.
It's cocktail hour in Rome's posh shopping district, but women at one trendy bar are trying a new kind of aperitif: perfume
It's cocktail hour in Rome's posh shopping district, but women at one trendy bar are trying a new kind of aperitif: perfume.
It's cocktail hour in Rome's posh shopping district,but women at one trendy bar are trying a new kind of aperitif: perfume.
A bid for Taittinger, a posh champagne brand, by United Breweries, a Bangalore-based booze giant, has also caused outrage.
Trapped off the coast of Maine, he was shipped to Manhattan and dumped into a tank at a posh Upper East Side seafood restaurant.
The chipper was posh, too: scampi on the menu on the wall behind the counter.
The 160-year-old complex fills about a city block in the center of a popular business and entertainment district. Nearby, residents frequent posh bars, art galleries and high-end restaurants.
A 10ft boa constrictor has been captured after popping up in the loos of a posh block of flats in Manchester.
大河网讯 外电上周报道:英国曼彻斯特一幢豪华公寓楼的洗手间内发现一条足有10英尺长的大蟒蛇。
An alarmed relative drove him from his West London house to his local casualty unit in posh Belgravia, says The Sun.
She always puts on a posh voice to talk to the vicar.
Her posh accent is pure affectation.
She has a rather posh way of speaking.
If everyone in the world only cared about superficial things such as designer labels, fancy cars, posh houses, etc, it would be a very selfish and uncaring society.
If you ran into him in London with his posh friends he wouldn't give any of you the time of day.
Press reports said the 26-year-old Muscovite, long known for his lavish lifestyle and night-time escapades, was seen partying in a posh nightclub on the eve of his match with Nalbandian.
He's got plenty of money to throw around on whores and gambling and building posh houses!
嫖婊子有钱! 赌有钱! 造洋房有钱!
Sorry we can’t all be in rich suits carrying briefcases like you lot or be like Posh Spice and wear Gucci and Prada to a match.
For the salaryman customers, hostess bars, with their posh atmosphere, beautiful women and steady flow of drinks, are a choice venue in which to try to impress a client or close a business deal.
But more dangerous for schools than some parents' disaffection is the broader impression of exclusivity a posh uniform creates.
David and Posh might have spent Valentine's Day apart - the football star is currently in LA with the couple's other two sons Romeo and Brooklyn.
Posh Spice, Thatcher named role models f.
At the moment the phenomenon seems to be restricted to Britain, but a quick search on the internet reveals that many other countries are also experiencing serious plumber shortages- a key factor behind the spread of posh plumbing.
Nick Guest's first sexual encounter is in the private park of a posh terrace with a man he's met through a lonely hearts ad.
The architect lives in an apartment in Rio's posh Ipanema district.
They may have posh houses, big cars and children studying in top schools and they themselves may have been involved in community visits by ministers or MPs, but all these do not change the fact that they remain on the margins of society.
Mr Pasqua was head of the Hauts-de-Seine council, the department that includes the posh suburb of Neuilly, where Mr Sarkozy was first elected mayor, and became his political godfather.
Fire pushed by strong winds swept Santa Barbara in California Wednesday, gutting about 30 houses in a posh neighborhood of expensive homes and causing the evacuation of more than 8000 people.
As Jack seeks to escape from his poverty, Alana constantly oppresses him into the world of posh which Jack could not afford.
Few realise, though, that there is an 800-acre (324-hectare) Indian reservation virtually on New York City’s doorstep in Southampton, a town in the posh Hamptons.
the president and first lady dined out for nearly two hours at a posh Georgetown restaurant.
We must posh up ourselves up for the party.
Our posh new neighbors seem to be disdaining to speak to us.
I take the couch, an obligatory furnishing in hacker dens, even posh hacker dens like these at Xerox.
I've declined the invitation to the Royal Garden Party;I'd just to be a square peg in a round hole among all those posh people.
I've declined the invitation to the Royal Garden Party: I'd just be a square peg in a round hole among all those posh people.
I imagine that even posh four-star hotels can feel like prisons to a celebrity under siege.
I don't need to look posh and prepped.
I mean, yes, he is those things, but hugo posh is also heart.
我是说, 对, 他是这些东西, 不过hugo Posh也是一颗心
用作形容词(adj.)You look very posh in your new suit.
I don't need to look posh and prepped.
Her posh accent is pure affectation.
Sara is dating a posh upper-drawer lately. It looks like she is serious this time.
They live in a posh part of town.