a. 梳辫子的
a. Having a tail like a pig's; as, the pigtailed baboon.
The pigtailed waitress stared at me angrily for a moment, then rebuked me sharply.
You were so young with the pigtails.
你那是还很小 还梳着辫子
I used to read this when I was in... in pigtails.
我之前看这个杂志 还是我梳...两个小辫儿的时候
If I had to guess, since I was in pigtails and braces.
如果要我猜 自我还在扎马尾辫和带牙箍那时起吧
The last time I saw her, she was in pigtails.
我上次见她 她还留着辫子
And I'm sorry I made you cut your pigtails before the wedding.
抱歉婚礼前我逼你剪掉了 你的马尾辫
Reminds me when you were a little kid, with those floppy pigtails.
让我想起你小时候 扎着小辫子的样子
and I saw this... little girl with blond pigtails.
I once awoke to him chopping off my pigtails because he'd lost them to the creepy footman.
有一次我醒来发现他在砍我的辫子 因为他把它们输给了那个吓人的男仆
Rocking the sexiest set of male pigtails I've ever seen.
摆弄着他那 他那无比性感的大辫子
I do remember you now, as a young girl with pigtails and rosy cheeks.
我现在想起你了 你以前是个梳着小辫脸颊红红的小姑娘