r. by photographic means
a lithograph produced by photographically produced plates.
The stencil can be made of paper, masking fluid, or photographically.
Photographically bald eagles are a challenge to capture on film or digital sensors.
摄影秃头鹰, 是一个挑战, 捕捉影片或数字传感器。
Photolettering Method of setting display sized type photographically from film master.
So, we get the glasses in the morning, and in the afternoon, I do this photograph, this photograph, and this photograph.
那么 我们明天早上拿到眼镜 下午我来拍这张照片 这张照片 还有这张照片
What photograph? I didn't send any photograph.
什么照片 我没有发任何照片
It has your photographs, the photographs I let you take of me.
那上面有你拍的照片 我让你拍的我的照片
So I reached out to the photographer who captured these amazing photographs.
所以我去找了 拍下这些超赞照片的摄影师
Vivian knew she was a good photographer, and she knew that these photographs were good.
薇薇安知道她是个优秀的摄影师 她知道这些照片是优秀的
It's much quicker, and photographs look exactly like photographs.
拍照快得多 而且照片看着和照片一模一样
The photographers at the shows, they're all in the back, so they get a clear photograph with nothing disturbing.
大部分摄影师都 站在T台的正对面 这样他们可以毫无干扰的拍到 正面的清晰大图
I mean, he's a tuned photographic instrument and he's regularly exercising that part of his activity and I think that's when he makes his best photographs.
他是个与相机高度协调的拍摄机器 也常常练习这些动作 正因为如此 才拍出了他的最佳作品
I head out the door, and all of a sudden, there's all these photographers outside, snapping photographs of this white cop cradling a black baby.
我跑出门 瞬间 外面拍照的人 都拍到了一个白人警察 抱着一个黑人婴儿
We had probably over 100 ysts clicking through video after video, photograph after photograph, 24 hours a day, trying to see whatever that could be identified that might be of relevance.
我们可能有超过一百名分析员 一个视频接着一个视频 一张照片接着一张照片 全天不停歇 就想找出 可能与此有关的东西