n.有效载荷; (航天器、卫星的)装备; (车辆等的)装载货物; (炸弹、导弹的)爆炸力n.有效载重, 负载, 人事费,弹头内的炸药,火箭所载弹头
Noun1. the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents
2. goods carried by a large vehicle
名词 payload:
the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents
同义词:warhead, load
goods carried by a large vehicle
同义词:cargo, lading, freight, load, loading, shipment, consignment
payload[ 'pei,ləud ]n.the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents同义词:warheadload
goods carried by a large vehicle同义词:cargoladingfreightloadloadingshipmentconsignment
payload 飞机等的有酬载荷 pay,支付,load,负荷,装载。payload用法和例句:
With these very large passenger payloads one question looms above all others — safety.
...a hypervelocity gun capable of delivering substantial payloads to extreme ranges.
None of the payload is used for header information.
This paper described the separation dynamics process of a microsatellite a piggyback payload a launch vehicle.
This payload changes the contents of files on the computer and might corrupt files.
The payload of a ballistic missile is its warhead.
Dividing the job between two rockets frees up more payload space on the Ares V.
The protocol encodes request data as a byte count followed by the payload asa blob.
Payload is around 430 lbs and space for skis, fishing poles or golf clubs.
净负荷大约在430磅左右,并且可以装下滑雪板, 鱼竿或者高尔夫球杆.
Payload Type ( default not displayed until connected )
有效负载类型 ( 到连接时才显示默认值 )
The space shuttle undertook a topsecret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control.
It also has improved range, payload and environmentally friendly designs.
同时该设计还具有增加续航距离, 有效载荷和环保等优点.
Could not complete the operation. The payload is too large.
无法完成此操作. 有效负载太大.
Theory analysis and simulation experiment prove that the algorithm enhances the payload while guaranteeing good invisibility.
The dropper functionality contains code to install and execute all of the payload files.
The warhead is the missile's payload, or cargo.
战斗部是导弹的有效载荷, 即运载物.
Li Tao stands is assigning the position, the preparation payload separation.
李涛站在指定位置, 准备开舱.
The Associated Press quotes Korean Central News Agency asthe missile successfully lofted its payload into orbit.
Such a bag with sufficient capacity to lift a suspended gondola or other payload.
Porcelain casing thermal cloak nerve gas and biological payload.
It will hold four passengers and a payload of 875 pounds ( including fuel ).
它可运载4名乘客,有效负荷为875磅 ( 包括燃料 ).
Meanwhile the index of the static stiffness and payload related to the mechanics is studied.
Guidance is the rotary actuator's ability to mechanically support the payload being rotated.
The other three nodes operate the payload instruments.
This type of payload involves sending emails out to large numbers of people.
Every external payload extracts a performance price in aerodynamic drag.
Then the Soviets struck again;on November 3, Sputnik II was launched, carrying a much heavier payload, including a dog named Laika.
ASIP was originally developed as the Air Force's modern signals intelligence payload for deployment on the U-2 and Global Hawk platforms.
The purpose of the ATM adaptation layer (AAL) is to receive the data from the various sources or applications and convert or adapt it to 48-byte segments that will fit into the payload of an ATM cell.
The bomber then crashed onto sea ice near the Thule Air Base in Greenland, causing the nuclear payload to rupture, which resulted in widespread radioactive contamination.
A CDA document is a defined and complete information object that can exist outside of a messaging context and/or can be a MIME-encoded payload within an HL7 message.
A CDA document is a defined and complete information object that can exist outside of a messaging context and/ or can be a MIME-encoded payload within an HL7 message.
Convert. Base64-decode only supports the line-break-chars parameter as a type-hint for striping from the encoded payload.
The DHIII's new wing Flight testing of the new payload and wing design was conducted at the California National Guard's Camp Roberts and the Minnesota National Guard's Camp Ripley in April 2009.
GGB 2.0 delivers enhanced data processing capabilities for signal analysis and command and control of the RC-12 Guardrail payload.
GGB 2.0为RC-12“护栏”飞机的载荷提供增强的数据处理能力,用于信号分析和指挥控制。
GTV's offer for the JLTV maximizes survivability and optimizes power and payload.
ITT supplied all 21 navigation payloads for both the IIR and IIR-M spacecraft as well as the L5 demonstration payload components.
The LRO payload, comprised of six instruments and one technology demonstration, will provide key data sets to enable a human return to the Moon.
The MAL3600 aluminum service module is designed to maximize the payload capacity for tandem rear axle trucks without the need for lift or tag axles while maintaining a manageable overall length.
Payload Delivery Vehicle (PDV) is a program that builds an executable that contains a complete package (e.g. and RPM, System V package or tar file) and the commands required to install it.
With RFC 2833, DTMF is transported on the RTP stream but using a different payload than audio.
RFC 2833中,DTMF使用RTP流传输,但是使用的是与语音不同的封装格式。
The combination of full concatenation of the SONET payload and ATM bandwidth management also gives carriers the ability to offer new data services, such as virtual private network services at native LAN speeds.
It followed what one American official said was a “strange” trajectory, designed neither to land a warhead nor to put a payload into orbit.
The chief exception was lengthened second-stage propellant tanks to increase the payload by 300 kilograms.
The payload of a skyrocket is made up of the chemicals that erupt into a brilliant display of "stars".
To determine the support capability required, the axial force and moment load created by the payload must be calculated.
Designed to reduce maintenance costs and improve fuel economy while maximizing payload.
This payload needs to be in a specific format with specific data in order for the partners back end to be able to process your request.
Service factoring reference for the same messages and aligning message payload and service.
The paper presents the function of tandem connection in SDH system, the process for HOVC payload overhead byte N1.And finally, the paper give an example to show how to configure the TCM function on engineering.
介绍了SDH系统中串接链路(TC,TandemCon-nection)的功能,通过介绍高阶通道开销中N1字节的处理方式,具体说明了TCM功能的实现方法。 并通过举例说明了TCM功能在工程上的使用方法。
It optimized the system structure and the payload of the system.
With the background of the next generation of geostationary orbit meteorological satellite,the effect of payload mirror motion and solar array stepping motion are studied.
The Mission Payload Module -- Non-Lethal Weapons System (MPM-NLWS) will provide the warfighter with a non-lethal counter-personnel capability.
Since vertical taking off would cut down the payload and range, the Sea Harrier always use short distance taking off.
In practice, however, a missile's length is usually limited by the payload space available in the aircraft that delivers it.
Secure the payload and base ends of the conduit using fittings removed previously.
Different parts of the payload are secured such that only the intended set of recipients are able to read them while they remain encrypted to all other intermediaries.
The technology overcame the drawback of teleteaching assisted by stereoscopic vision display and relieved the payload of human operator.
When inert mass coefficient is decreased by 7.3% or increased by 7.3%,payload mass is increased by 58% or decreased by 103.7% respectively.
Other selectable payload options meet mission requirements, include a laser designator and rangefinder, electronic support and countermeasures and a moving target indicator (MTI).
The other three nodes operate the payload instruments.
This memory allocation affects speed only and does not impact the size of the generated payload.
Several layers of shielding will safeguard the payload from cosmic rays, meteorites, and atomic oxygen.
This payload deletes various files on the hard disk. The number and type of files that might be deleted vary among viruses.
Based on the outcome of the PKM's statics, the magnitude of the PKM's deforming is obtained using the unit payload method, so the static stiffness of a five DOF PKM is gained.
Even if you encrypt the data payload of your communications, traffic analysis still reveals a great deal about what you're doing and, possibly, what you're saying.
esp: encapsulating security payload
On the other hand, OBEX is great when you want to send object data, context, and metadata about the payload.
Another extremely important upgrade with regard to payload is that the rearming time is cut in half, from 2 seconds per bomb to 1 second per bomb.
They only compress and decompress the payload portions of compressed data streams.
Provides the option of omitting schema information from the serialization payload.
Regulations pertaining to maximum passengers, payload and permissible engine power differ from country to country and must be adhered to at all times.
Each Delta IV rocket is assembled horizontally, erected vertically on the launch pad, integrated with its satellite payload, fueled and launched.
Four lifting lugs shall be welded at the top corners with a payload capacity sufficient for lifting the substation with all the plant inside.
As such, most security experts deprecate worms, whatever their payload.
In today's multi-media digital broadcast environment, a wide variety of different image compression techniques are being used in order to maximise the payload capacity of the chosen transmission path.
They deployed the outboard Payload Attach System on the Earth-facing side of the Starboard 3 truss, after overcoming some initial difficulties.
The attachment of an unencrypted header onto the encrypted data and header payload permits more flexibility in the location of the encryption/decryption devices.
The mathematical model of a pneumatic servo system with time-varying payload is typically characterized by a high-order non-autonomous dynamics with mismatched uncertainties.
At the head end, or transmitting end, the same payload signal is sent over both the primary and the secondary optical circuit.
Safe and simple to both maintain and operate, the craft's modular design allows for simple upgrade or payload changes and support for remote control, autonomous and regular operations.
Research on Less Than Payload Problem of Waste Transport Truck in Tianjin.
How to search packets by IP address or payload ?
If your enemies are moving in a straight line you can aim a little ahead of your opponent's forces which will run into the bomber as it drops its payload.
If we reduced the payload of the freighter to that of the passenger airplane, it would actually go a little farther than the passenger version.
Workaround for Cisco AC "payload length" bug. Thanks to Oliver Döring, Titan Networks.
The payload is a bitfield representing the pieces that have been successfully downloaded.
Snug in the payload section was GLAST, the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope, now in orbit around planet Earth.
This provides the basic definition of a message, which acts as a container holding address, payload, and flags to send and block for a message.
Its limited payload will be a negative factor.
It injects the payload at boot and also whenever there is a baseband reset.
Its lighter weight improves weight distribution, expands equipment capacity, increases payload, improves stability, decreases displacement and facilitates design and operation.
Experiments carried out within Spacelab will be conducted by“payload specialists”,. . .
The space rocket carries a satellite as a payload.
In fact,the 48-byte structure was a compromise between V.S. telephone companies,which favored a 64-byte payload,and their European counterparts,which wanted 32 bytes in each cell.
For data communications services, the AAL defines a segmentation/reassembly protocol for mapping large data packets into the 48-octet payload field of an ATM cell.
The vacuum bakeout is an efficient methode for contamination control of spacecraft payload with high sensitive contamination, such as optical camera, CCD imaging system.
This technique was used in the experiment system of gantry crane and can effectively restrain the residual oscillations of payload.
The control technique is applied in anti swing control systems of cranes to suppress efficiently the residual oscillations of the payload.
On January 4, the "IBUKI" was mated with the "Payload Attach Fitting (PAF)" at the Spacecraft and Fairing Assembly Building (SF ...
How can you find the right serializer to de-serialize the XML payload back to the concrete objects?
Thanks to specific feedback from you on our reporting page, we've been able to tweak the method by which yellowsn0w injects the unlocking payload.
Installer payload initialization failed. This is likely due to an incomplete or corrucpt downloaded file.
Gpit: I got a list that is more or less detailing the scientific payload.
The rocket ship is divided into two parts, the payload part and the fuel-exhaust part.
Pilot to bombardier: ready the payload!
用作名词(n.)The space rocket carries a satellite as a payload.
The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element.