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parc单词基本解析: aircraft repair cycle 飞机分段修理周期 aircraft repair cycle 飞机分段修理周期;



PARCCullin-9 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CUL9 gene.





In the 1980s researchers at Xerox PARC proposed and analyzed economic approaches to apportioning computer resources.


In 2002 Xerox PARC became an independent subsidiary able to provide research services and intellectual property to outside clients, not just its parent.


MVC (Model-View-Control), as a design pattern, was proposed by Xerox PARC for Smalltalk-80 in 1980’s.

MVC(Model-View-Control)即模型-视图-控制器的模式是Xerox PARC在八十年代为编程语言Smalltalk-80提出的一种设计模式。

parC gene


gyrA,gyrB,parC,parE,ompF,and ompC had formed clear aim strip in the gel in PCR experiment.


tion", RFC1883, Xerox PARC and Ipsilon Networks,


“When I started out running PARC, I thought 99% of the work was creating the innovation, and then throwing it over the transom for dumb marketers to figure out how to market it,” says Mr Brown.


Une "voie olympique" est en construction, encore une 4*4 voies au coeur de Pekin, qui reliera directement le plein centre au parc olympique.


Parc ferme A fenced-off area into which cars are driven after qualifying and the race, where no team members are allowed to touch them except under the strict supervision of race stewards.


Not to be burned twice, PARC intends to fully exploit yet another radical (and potentially profitable) concept brewing in their labs now.


From 1970 initial stages to this more than ten years of 1980 middle period, PARC presents the surprising break-through and invents constantly, No matter quality or quantity, software or hardware.


From ARPA to PARC: Douglas Engelbart and the historical development of GUI


They still however have to face Scotland at the Parc des Princes tomorrow and I for one hope they get thrashed but come through otherwise unscathed after facing my home country.


They met Yugoslavia in the semi finals but lost at the Parc des Princes in a thrilling game.


The theory anysis of Parc de la Villette by Bernard Tschumi


But, even though Barrichello's Q2 lap was the fastest of the entire weekend, Brawn confirmed that the pair carried "very similar" fuel into parc ferme.


Workers participating in initial trials of ubiquitous computing at Xerox PARC often left their office in order to get away from the phone-blob.


PARC MATERIEL SA specializes in the sale and rental of earth-moving and construction equipment.


Le Guen has admitted he is huge admirer of Makelele's but concedes any move depends on possible departures from the Parc Des Princes.


Parc National del' Upenba


Even though big American firms still spend billions of dollars on R &D, none has any intention of filling the shoes left empty by Bell Labs or Xerox PARC.


Moreover, with the exception of Parc de la Villette, which is located in a northeastern suburb of Paris, they are all concentrated in downtown Paris.


Similarly, PARC (formerly known as Xerox PARC) in Palo Alto, Calif., has created a highly articulated snake robot that can be guided via remote video by a user.


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The most common parC alteration, Asp 86 to Asn, was found in 13 strains (72%).

在发生 par C突变中 72%属于 Asp- 86向Asn突变 .

Makelele has been strongly linked with a move to the Parc des Princes in recent weeks, with PSG coach Paul Le Guen confirming his interest.


It's no exaggeration to say that he won the race with that qualifying lap, and even before he got back to parc ferme Kimi knew just how hard it would be to retrieve the situation.


At PARC, the results were published in a book entitled Art and Innovation by MIT Press.


As we drive through the leafy Parc de Montjuic, just south of the city centre, the roads grow less congested and the driver maxes out at 85 kph.


Finca Binibona Parc Natural : Book Now - Pay on Check Out!


the manager of the Mercure Besancon Parc Micaud, would like to welcome you.


City letter is the Parc residential developer, the vice chief counselor Chi Royale Park was the original property as one of the main persons responsible for the management committee.


For ages innovation has been a technology-led affair, with most big breakthroughs coming out of giant and secretive research labs, like Xerox PARC and AT&T's Bell Laboratories.


Fragment of gyrA and parC gene including the quinolone-resistant determined region (QRDR) were amplified by PCR and cloned ,sequenced.


For work with full Vin it is necessary to install in addition “ Vin option ” (gets out during installation of the program or it is installed later from directory Parc).


Paris' Parc de la Villette (top) has seats that force people to sit in unsociable ways, and signs that ask them not to climb on the sculpture.


And while PARC artists owned the work they produced, Interval owned everything produced by Interval artists.


According to Mr Brown, the former PARC director and now a senior fellow at the Annenberg Centre for Communication at the University of Southern California, internet companies benefit from a "combinatorial ideation platform".


The glassy offices of PARC perch on a Bay Area hill overlooking Silicon Valley.


Evra is set to feature for his country in their Group B clash against Italy on Saturday before taking on Ferguson's native Scotland at the Parc des Princes on Wednesday.


Both the PARC and Interval programs ended by the end of the decade as PARC morphed and Interval closed, and the niche for such support is currently filled by Intel Corporation, almost exclusively.


Parc de La Villette


Save the National Parc with one simple click.

文案: Un simplu clic poate salva Parcurile Nationale.

yesterday that the new rules have no property in Parc Garden.


Research on PARC process for future reprocessing


54 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were randomly selected from 95 clinical isolates, chromosomal DNA of which was used as a template in PCR to amplify the quinolone resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) of the gyrA and parC genes.


Study of Ciprofloxacin Resistance and Mutations in parC Genes in Clinical Isolates of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae in Zibo Region


Correlation of in vitro susceptibilities to quinolones of naturally occurring quinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains isolated with changes in gyrA and parC in China


Correlation between Mutation of GyrA and ParC Genes and Quinolone Resistance in Neisseria Gonorrhoeae


s United team-mate Darren Fletcher at the Parc des Princes next Wednesday.


Vila Vita Parc: Photos and direct prices!


PuDi Boutique Hotel Fuxing Parc Shanghai opens Chic property first internationally managed boutique hotel in Shanghai


Sequencing and analysis of gyrA and parC genes and the QRDRs in laboratory-induced ciprofloxacin-resistant mutants of Shigella flexneri 2a


Les trois endroits les plus visites en France sont:Le parc Disneyland a Paris, Le musee du Loure et La Tour Eiffel.


Mutations in the gyrA and parC genes of quinolone-resistant Shigella flexneri clinical isolates


The method of expanding the range of reference electrode potential for PARC potentiostat of model 173 is shown, and the testing results are given.


In resistance group, alterations at Ser 91 and Asp 95 in gyrA and a single or double alteration in parC were identified in 16 strains (89%).

而耐药组中 89% (1 6 )菌株的gyr A发生了 Ser- 91向 Phe的单一突变株或 (和 ) par C的双突变 .

Unlike at Interval, where the artists were employed and usually engaged in other activity, PARC artists remained independent and received stipends.


The results showed that the sequenced regions of gyrA and parC in S275 had 92.51% and 97.01% homology with those of Escherichia coli respectively, which led to 3 and 6 substitutions in deduced amino acids in gyrA and parC.

表明伤寒沙门菌 2 75gyrA、parC与大肠埃希菌相应DNA序列分别有 92 5 1%与 97 0 1%同源性 ,推定氨基酸序列仅有 3与 6个的差异。

NO.3 Marmet Cave in Velebit National Parc, Croatia: B.A.S.E. jump into a 623 feet deep cave.


Aerial view of the Parc ferme of the Dakar 2010 in Buenos Aires on December 31, 2009.
