n.圆腹雅罗鱼(一种观赏鱼)n. [鱼]圆腹雅罗鱼(一种观赏鱼)
Fdr3 eDNA including a 1068bp ORF was 3. 3kbin length. The results supposed that the fdr3 Mrna was elevated under irondeficiency condition by Northern hybradization in maize and wheat roots.
Nucleic acid sequence analysis showed it contained a 363 integrate ORF, encoding 120 amino acids. It was named gcI. And gcI is located at human chromosome10q21-22. It is up regulated in gastric cancer tissue.
AmphiANT, was identified from the gut cDNA library of amphioxus B. becheri tisingtauense, consists of 1289 bps and contains an 897 bps open reading frame (ORF) corresponding to a deduced protein of 298 amino acids.
AmphiANT全长1289 bps,含有一个897bps的开放阅读框,编码一个298个氨基酸组成的蛋白质。
Its opening reading-frame(ORF) is 759bp, and encodes a 253 amino acid peptide.
Open reading'frame(ORF)
ORF 2 truncated gene
ORF 75 gene
Based on the result, three other ORFs orfG1, orfG2 and orfM encoding the glycosyltransferase and mannosyltransferase linked to orfE were obtained by subcloning and sequencing (Bankit number:476862; accession number: AY131228) .
orfG1,orfG2和orfM分别推测为葡萄糖转移酶基因和甘露糖转移酶基因(Bankit number:476862;收录号:AY131228)。
It contained an integrate ORF, which was 864 bp and encoded 287 amino acids that included 35 basic amino acids, 50 acidic amino acids, 95 hydrophobic amino acids and 60 polar amino acids.
The identification of an ORF provides the first evidence that a new sequence of DNA is part or all of a gene encoding for a particular protein.
ORF) Gentlemen, we are talking so much about Michael.
The full-length cDNA of the OsBIRF1 is 1837 bp with a predicted 1191bp open reading frame (ORF), which predicts to encode a 396 amino acid protein containing all conserved domains of the RING finger protein.
over-lapping ORF
overlapping open reading frame
The ORF encoding p10 was 261 nucleotide long and encoding a putative 87 amino acid polypeptide of 9.3 kD.
Initial determination of function for Pib gene ORF region by rice transformation
No equivalent protein of Pns9 encoded by RGDV S9 ORF was found in other members of the genus Phythoreo-virus.
RGDV S9片段编码的Pns9蛋白在植物呼肠孤病毒属内未发现同源蛋白,其功能尚待确定。
Several bacterial genes had been reported, including ompA, ibeA, ibeB , and yijP relating to invasion of BBB.The yijP gene also calledf577 and ibe23 , has a 1,734 - nucle-otide ORF.
The ZFP28 cDNA sequence is 4104bp and contains a 2076-bp open reading frame (ORF) that encodes an 868 amino acid protein with an N-terminal signal peptide, two KRAB domains and 14 C-terminal C2H2 zinc finger motifs.
coli was studied. In order to acquire gene engineering strains with high activity of aminotransferase, the primer of AspC was designed to obtained the ORF of gene aspC.
为了获得具有高活力天冬氨酸转氨酶的基因工程菌,本研究设计AspC 引物在大肠杆菌中获取了编码天冬氨酸转氨酶的基因aspC 的ORF。
The ORF of two circadian gene BMAL1 and CRY1 were cloned from normal human whole brain marathon cDNA and verified with restriction enzyme digestion and DNA sequencing.
从正常人全脑marathon cDNA中克隆到人生物节律基因BMAL1和CRY1的开放读码框架(ORF),经酶切和测序鉴定与GeneBank数据库中收录的序列基本一致。
The CMO ORF was cloned and the plant expression vector pBI121-CMO was constructed. The resultant plasmids pBI121-CMO was transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens (GV3101) by the liquid nitrogen freezing thaw method.
克隆了CMO基因的编码区,构建了其植物表达载体pBI121-CMO,冻融法将质粒导入根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)GV3101,获得工程菌GV3101-pBI121-CMO。
The company uses the international freight forwarding control software and gives full play to the advantage orf internet to connect the customers net and the agency net closely at home and abroad .
Keywords human papillomavirus type 6 (HPV6);PCR;L1 ORF;nucleotide sequence variation;
ORF include of 633bp, encoding 210 amino acids with molecular 23.6 KDa weight and pI is 6.28. CGH peptide include 12.4% Basic Amino Acids, 11.9% Acidic Amino Acids, 32.4% Hydrophilic Amino Acids, 43.3% Hydrophonic Amino Acids.
分子量为23.6KD,等电点为6.28; 疏水氨基酸占43.3%,亲水氨基酸占32.4%,碱性氨基酸占12.4%,酸性氨基酸占11.9%。
"At first, I thought he was making a bad joke," Austrian broadcaster ORF quoted the woman, Helga Aichwalder, as saying.
Orf subgroup virus
Orf parapoxvirus
orf virus
口疮病毒, 接触传染性肱庖皮炎病毒, 羊痘病毒
open reading frame, ORF
可译框架, 阅读框架
open reading frame(ORF)
可读框, 可译框架, 开放阅读框架
There is terminate codon TAA of the whole ORF at the 3D coding region termination.
Ten mutants of CCR5 ORF were identified, seven of which were non-synonymous.
在CCR5 ORF共检测到10个突变,其中7个为非同义突变;
This Web site shall not be considered ab solicitation for or offering of any investment product or service to anyiperson in any jurisdiction where such solicitation orf offering would be illegal.
Application of Orf Teaching Method in Children's Accordion Class
Olympus ORF;
奥林巴斯 ORF;
The genomes of Ningbo isolate (accession AJ851866) and Panan isolate (accession AJ885005) are all consisted of 9723 nucleotides (excluding the polyA tail) with a single large predicted ORF.
Prisoner u wist on a familiar quote "If at first you don't succeed, give up" orf aw play on words or on a situation.
The ORF was inserted into expression vector pSE-380, then transformed into E. coli JM109 and E.
Keywords Nestin;ORF;expression;cytoskeleton;growth cone;P19 neurons;cerebellar granule cells;
The full length cDNA of ANGPTL4 consists of 1943 nucleotides in which there is a 1218 bp ORF encoding a 406-amino acid polypeptide (predicted molecular mass is 45.2 kDa).
并用RACE-PCR获得其全长。该基因cDNA全长为1943 bp,开放阅读框含1218 bp,编码406个氨基酸,预测分子量为45.2 kDa。
Cloning of DHBV Complete Genome from Guangdong Brown Ducks and Finding of a New ORF
Opening reading fragment (ORF)
open reading frame(ORF);
An open reading frame (ORF) is a portion of a gene's sequence that contains a sequence of bases, uninterrupted by stop sequences, that could potentially encode a protein.
Open reading frame (ORF)
Identification and Cloning of a Novel Full ORF Gene of P. Falciparum PDZ Domain Containing Protein
We cloned the full length ORF of gene At2g31070 from Columbia wild type Arabidopsis. According to the result of bioimformatics analysis, At2g31070 has the conserved TCP domain so belongs to TCP family.
The Founder orf HKCOC used to be a pastor of methodist and you can see how great its effect is .
Methods The pCI neo KH ORF expression vector was constructed by DNA recombinant technique and was introduced into COS 7 cells and K562 cells by lipofectactin mediated DNA transfection. Expression of KH ORF mRNA was detected by RT PCR.
方法 采用DNA重组技术构建KH ORF的表达载体pCI neo KH ORF ,通过脂质体法转染COS 7细胞和K5 6 2细胞 ,RT PCR检测目的基因的表达。
Analysis of Structure of ITS Sequence on Monocots with Reticulate Vein Basen ORF Finder
The earliest Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea,the Mother orf the Gods.
Surprisingly, some isolates accumulate to high levels but still can’t be detected by ELISA.Sequence analysis revealed distinctive amino acids changed in the coat protein ORF of these isolates.
According to the data of TMV MP in the GeneBank, design gene specific primer, amplified of the whole open reading frame (ORF).
根据GeneBank中TMV MP的序列设计基因特异引物,扩增出运动蛋白基因的整个开放阅读框(ORF)。
Each open reading frame (ORF) is knocked out using a PCR-based gene deletion strategy that takes advantage of the high degree of homologous recombination in yeast.
Sequencing and bioinformatics analyses indicated that UB-39K gene consisted two integrated ORF, BmVUB and BmV39K.
ORF = owner's risk of fire
The points for attention in production of the orf virus living vaccine using bovine testis cells
Objective To observe the protective effict of hepatitis E virus(HEV)ORF 2 recombinant protein expressed in prokaryote cell cynomolgus macaques(cynos)against challenging with wild-type HEV.
ORF Amplification of immobilization antigen from Ichthyophthirius multifiliis by degenerate PCR
Cloning of orf 224 gene correlated with cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and its plant expression vector construction
The recombinant palsmid(pGEX-4T-2/ IL-15) was obtained and sequence analysis verified its opening read fram(ORF) is correct.
Based on the position weight matrix(PWM) and length distribution of open reading frame(ORF),a simple method for predicting translation initiation sites is presented. It can identify TIS from upstream AUGs easily.
结合位置权重矩阵(PWM,position weight matrix)和开放阅读框架(ORF,open reading frame)的长度分布特征建立了简单的方法识别翻译起始位点,此方法能很好地区分上游AUG和TIS.
Results 1.Both GAP-43 ORF gene fragment and the recombinant AAV-EGFP-GAP-43 plasmid were verified by enzyme digestion and DNA sequencing for correct reading frame and orientation.
结果:. 1.克隆出的rGAP-43基因的ORF区片段以及构建的AAV-EGFP-rGAP-43重组表达质粒,两者经DNA序列测定,所测序列与GeneBank检索的完全一致。
The whole ORF of P10 and P17 protein genes of those 13 ARV strains were 297bp and 441bp in length, respectively.
The BC-48 cDNA was 610?bp in length with a 570?bp ORF encoding 189 amino acids. Similarity of nucleotide sequence of the BC-48 gene with the sequence from GenBank(U46551)was 96.7%.
结果显示,克隆的BC-48基因片段长610 bp,含有一个570 bp的开放阅读框,编码189个氨基酸,与GenBank中USDA株(U46551)的同源性为96.7%;
Results show that some codons' usage in synonymous codon repeat segments is different from that in the whole ORF sequences not all the codons' RSCU values are relative to the gene expression level.
The results show that our supposition is correct.The ratio of the number of known ORF and short theoretical ORF are given.The relation may be useful for gene identification.
Vettel told the ORF programme Sport am Sonntag: "But if the diffuser helps us, then it will also help in Monaco."
Isolation and Biological Characterization of Orf Virus
sheep orf virus
The isolation and identification of orf virus
Furthermore, the impact of the P protein on ongoing translation of the C ORF was directly demonstrated by polysome distribution analysis.
而且,通过多核糖体分布分析可以直接表明P蛋白对C ORF翻译的影响。
The cDNA of vitellogenins in Philosamia cynthia ricini consists of 5788bp, one ORF is 5337 bases which codes 1779 am ino acids.
Orf virus disease
The BADH and CMO ORF were obtained and the plant expression vector pCU1303-BADH, pCU1303-CMO were constructed.
Keywords Transfusion transmitted virus(TTV);Open reading frame(ORF);Cloning;Prokaryotic expression;
A and B fragments of CYP2J3 gene were connected by overlap extension PCR to obtain ORF sequence of CYP2J3 gene.
Using genome blast, MAGE-H1/Apr-1 was mapped to chromosome Xp11.22 with the open reading frame (ORF) locating in one exon.
The growth hormone cDNA gene (cgh) of grassfish (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) was obtained by RT-PCR, the sequence analysis showed that the ORF (open reading frame) of cgh gene, encoding 210 amino acid residences, was 633 nucleotides.
通过RT-PCR获得草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)生长激素cDNA基因(cgh),序列研究表明,cgh基因的ORF为633nt,编码210aa.
The spheroidin gene of Dociostarus kraussi EPV(DkEPV)was cloned,sequenced and analyzed. In the DkEPV spheroidin gene,a ORF of 2 922 bps was harbored that it was capable of encoding polypeptide of 109.4 kDa.
通过对红胫戟纹蝗痘病毒Dociostarus kraussiEPV(DkEPV)包涵体蛋白基因克隆、测序与同源性分析,结果显示,DkEPV包涵体蛋白基因包含2 922 bps的开放阅读框架,编码109.4 kDa蛋白质。