n.操作数; 运算数n.[数学]操作数
副词: operably | 名词: operability |
Noun1. a quantity upon which a mathematical operation is performed
名词 operand:
a quantity upon which a mathematical operation is performed
operand[ 'ɔpərænd, ,ɔpə'rænd ]n.a quantity upon which a mathematical operation is performed
operand 运算对象 来自拉丁语operandum,操作,运算,来自operari,operari,工作,劳作,创作,词源同opus,operate.-und,动名词后缀。后用于数学术语运算对象。operand用法和例句:
All assignment operators return the value that is assigned to the left operand.
Unary operator is on right side of operand.
In the following example, observe that the expression using & & evaluates only first operand.
在下面的示例中, 请观察使用 & & 的表达式只计算第一个操作数.
The operand is an integer.
Otherwise, a unary numeric operand remains as is and is not converted.
否则, 一元数字操作数保留被转换或者不被转换.
The return type is the same as the operand type.
The smallest legal size for the operand was used.
An expression within parentheses is evaluated first, then treated as a single operand.
圆括号中的表达式最先被求值, 因此可以被视为一个单独的操作数.
An operator that represents an operation on one and only one operand.
To evaluate the larger expression, the subexpression that changes the operand must first be evaluated.
而为了计算更复杂的表达式, 改变操作数值的子表达式必须首先计算.
Missing operand before comma, or operator.
在逗号 、 右括号或运算符前缺少运算数字.
In COBOL, a word composed of not more than 30 characters, which defines a COBOL operand.
在COBOL语言 中, 最多由30个字符组成的一种字, 用于定义COBOL操作数.
Operators that are member functions have an implicit this parameter that is bound to first operand.
The directive does not take any operands, but an operand was specified.
指令不带任何操作数, 但指定了操作数.
If you get an operand, append it to the output expression.
如果你拿到的是运算子, 把它加到输出算式.
Complement, Shift, and Rotate operations require one operand.
“求补”, “移位”和“环移”等操作就只需要一个操作数.
In this, and similar, expressions, order of evaluation of the operand isn't an issue.
对于这个表达式或其他类似的表达式, 其操作数的计算次序无关紧要.
In addition , an operator can change the value of operand . This is called a side effect.
也就是说, 它们会改变运算对象,而不仅仅是使用自己的值.
Otherwise, if either operand is of type float, the other is converted to float.
否则, 如果一个操作数是float类型的, 另外一个被转换为float类型.
2 If one operand is a typedef or enum and the other is the base type of that typedef or enum, the result is the base type.
The action of EQU is to define the given label name to the value of its (only) operand.
INTERSECT returns any distinct values that are returned by both the query on the left and right sides of the INTERSECT operand.
The operand type of an Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) instruction.
The operand type of an MSIL instruction.
Not takes a single operand and inverts all the bits, including the sign bit, and assigns that value to the result.
The UNION ALL and CASE operators are collation insensitive, and all string operands and the final results are assigned the collation label of the operand with the highest precedence.
UNION ALL和CASE运算符不区分排序规则,所有的字符串操作数和最终结果都被赋以具有最高优先顺序的操作数的排序规则标签。
The UNION operator is also collation sensitive, and all string operands and the final result is assigned the collation of the operand with the highest precedence.
'!' Requires its left operand to have a type parameter, class or interface type, but this operand has the type
The signed right-shift operator (>>) produces the operand to the left of the operator shifted to the right by the number of bits specified after the operator.
Complement, Shift, and Rotate operations require one operand
Unary operators perform an operation on a single operand, such as returning the negative or positive value of a numeric expression.
The monadic boolean operation the result of which has the boolean value opposite to that of the operand
一种一元布尔运算,其运算结果的布尔值与操作数的值相反。同NOT operation。
The monadic Boolean operation the result of which has the Boolean value opposite to that of the operand.
The dyadic Boolean operation whose result has the Boolean value 0 if and only if the first operand has the Boolean value 0 and the second has the Boolean value 1.
The dyadic Boolean operation whose result has the Boolean value0 if and only if the first operand has the Boolean value0 and the second has the Boolean value1.
The dyadic Boolean operation whose result has the Boolean value 1 if and only if each operand has the Boolean value 0
一种二元布尔运算,当且仅当每个操作数的布尔值为0时,其运算结果的值为1。同neither-nor operation,NOR operation。
An operator that represents an operation on one and only one operand.
an operator that represents an operation on one and only one operand
A boolean operator having only one operand
A register in which one operand of an operation can be stored and subsequently replaced by the result of that operation.
The Boolean operation whose result has the Boolean value 1 if and only if each operand has the Boolean value 1.
The boolean operation whose result has the boolean value 0 if and only if each operand has the boolean value 0
An instruction address in which the address part of the instruction is the operand.
一种指令地址,该指令的地址部分是操作数。同immediate address。
Ordinarily, assignment operators and compound-assignment operators ought to return a reference to the left-hand operand.
Exclusive or means that if the two operand bits are different the result is 1, otherwise the result is 0. The following table shows the results of an exclusive or operation.
unsigned word degree operand
Like constructors, the assignment operator may be overloaded by specifying different types for the right-hand operand.
Discard New Operand Material
The Carry flag is set when the result of an unsigned arithmetic operation is too large for the destination operand.
中文: 进位旗标在无号算数运算结果太大,无法置入目的运算元时会设定。
string specification operand
Defines settings for the alpha channel selector operand for triadic (multiply, add, and linear interpolation) operations identified by the TextureArgument enumeration.
Defines settings for the third color operand for triadic (multiply, add, and linear interpolation) operations identified by the TextureArgument enumeration.
In order to use spirit's debugging support you must ensure that appropriate overloads of operator<< taking BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT as its left operand are available.
That is, precedence and associativity determine which part of the expression is the operand for each of the operators in the expression.
(That is, they change the operand rather than using just its value.)
Binary - operators can be applied only on primitive numeric types and are predefined to subtract the second operand from the first.
The dyadic Boolean operation whose result has the Boolean value 1 if and only if the first operand has the Boolean value 1 and the second has Boolean value 0.
The dyadic Boolean operation whose result has the Boolean value1 if and only if the first operand has the Boolean value1 and the second has Boolean value0.
The name and type of the right operand of a binary operator.
Register or constant literal expected as second operand of expression expr.
Returns any distinct values from the query to the left of the EXCEPT operand that are not also returned from the right query.
Left operand of DUP should not be negative.
The bitwise OR operator. Generates a new integral value in which each bit position is 1 if either operand has a 1 in that position; otherwise the bit is 0.
you have to adjust its operand first.
The left operand is a string expression, and the right operand is a string containing the pattern to be used for matching.
For example, in *++iter the increment changes the value of iter , and the (changed) value of iter is then used as the operand to * .
The left operand of the , is evaluated, then the right operand is evaluated.
The left operand of the, is evaluated, then the right operand is evaluated.
Structure for the left operand of the equation.
A function is uniquely represented by a name and a set of operand types.
single precision operand format
Operators that take a single operand.
an operation with exactly one operand.
Overloaded operators obey the rules for syntax specified in clause 5, but the requirements of operand type, lvalue, and evaluation order are replaced by the rules for function call.
Which means that a class or structure can redefine its behavior when an operand has the type of that class or structure.
variable length logical operand
The right operand (the number of bit positions to shift) must be Integer or a type that widens to Integer.
The right operand is always coerced to an integral data type.
Otherwise, the left operand is early-bound integral data type and no coercion is performed.
Part of a command operand that consists of a specific character string, such as DSNAME =.
An expression within parentheses is evaluated first, then treated as a single operand.
in COBOL,a word composed of not more than30 characters,which defines a COBOL operand
In COBOL, a word composed of not more than30 characters, which defines a COBOL operand.
In a binary operation, if only one operand is a variant, the other is converted to a variant.
When performing binary operations, if one of the operands is a Double, then the other operand is required to be an integral type or a floating-point type (Double or Single).
Prior to performing the operation, if the other operand is not a Double, it is converted to Double, and the operation is performed using at least Double range and precision.
In some cases this might be a data type with a greater range than that of either operand.
The destination path for each operand is the pathname produced by the concatenation of the last operand, a slash, and the final pathname component of the named file.
在第二种格式中,mv 命令移动 source 参数给出的每一个文件到已经存在的 directory 参数给出的目录中。
Unallowed operand type for this function! Numeric operand or operand of date or time type expected.
In this simple case, the ability to omit the middle operand is not especially useful.
Missing operand before comma, ), or operator.
The increment operator can appear before or after its operand
You declare two operands to define a binary operator, and you declare one operand to define a unary operator, including a type conversion operator.
A variable that is declared final cannot be used as the operand of a decrement operator.
If one operand is longer, then the type to which the operand is coerced has the same length as the longer operand.
The standard input is not used unless a filename operand is specified as -.
If you use character literals in operand positions at which a numeric value is expected, they are converted into a numeric value.
If one of the operands is of an integral type, then that operand is converted to the floating-point type of the other operand.
If either operand is unsigned, then the type to which the operand is coerced is unsigned.
用作名词(n.)Left operand of assignment is not a modifiable value.
The result of any expression can be used as the operand of another expression.