ole是什么意思   ole怎么读

英式:[əʊˈleɪ]    美式:[əʊˈleɪ]







ole 老的 来自old的非正式拼写形式。



"Elsewise you be comin' home lookin' brown lak Ole Miz Slattery.


"Mammy getting ole," said Dilcey, with a calmness that would have enraged Mammy.


"It all depends if you stay with me," Ole replied.


Yet, after 40 years calculators in the classroom still add up to the same ole debate.


ActiveX evolved from OLE;in fact,ActiveX objects are basically OLE objects with additional functions that enable them to work on the World Wide Web.


Delphi 2.0 fully surports OLE control ( also known as OCXs ) as well as OLE automation.


DM OLE DB Provider can provide OLE DB interfaces for DM DBMS,which makes DM DBMS accord with Universal Data Access.

DM OLE DB Provider组件能为DM数据库管理系统提供OLE DB接口,使DM数据库管理系统符合通用数据访问技术的标准。

DTS allows you to use any OLE DB connection.

DTS允许您使用任何OLE DB连接。

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet can be used to access and query text files.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet可用于访问和查询文本文件。

Microsoft SQL Server uses 2049 as the cutoff year for interpreting dates; OLE Automation objects use 2030.

Microsoft SQL Server使用2049作为日期的截止年份;而OLE自动化对象则用2030作为截止年份。

OLE 2.0 initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.

ole 2.0初始化失败。确保ole库的版本是正确的。

OLE DB for Data Mining(OLE DB for DM) is a natural evolution from OLE DB and OLE DB for OLAP.

OLE DB for Data Mining(OLE DB for DM)是OLE DB和OLE DB for OLAP自然进化的结果。

The OLE DB, ODBC, and ADO APIs support mapping cursors over the result sets of executed SQL statements.

OLE DB、ODBC和ADO API支持将游标映射到已执行SQL语句的结果集。

The top-layer classes in the OLE DB Consumer Templates parallel the components defined in the OLE DB specification.

OLE DB使用者模板中的顶层类与OLE DB规范中定义的组件相对应。

OLE DB and ADO provide Universal Data Access capability.

OLE DB和ADO提供通用数据访问功能。

OLE DB provides unified interfaces to access most data source identically.

ole DB提供应用以统一接口标准,对各种数据源进行无差别的访问。

OLE DB allows you to develop applications that access diverse data sources, whether they are DBMS or not.

OLE DB支持开发能访问各种数据源的应用程序,无论是DBMS还是非DBMS数据源。

OLE DB is a set of COM interfaces that provide uniform access to data in diverse information sources and formats.

OLE DB是一组COM接口,对存储在不同信息源和格式中的数据提供统一访问。

OLE DB is part of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) stack .

OLE DB是微软数据访问组件 (MDAC)一部分 。

The OLE DB Templates support the existing OLE DB object model rather than adding a new object model.

OLE DB模板支持现有的OLE DB对象模型,而不是添加新的对象模型。

The OLE DB source can use an SQL statement to extract data.

OLE DB源可以使用SQL语句来提取数据。

The OLE DB provider or ODBC driver moves the data for any output parameters or return codes to their bound variables.

OLE DB访问接口或ODBC驱动程序将所有输出参数或返回代码的数据移至其绑定的变量中。

Is the help file for the OLE object.


The OLE control module failed to register correctly.


OLE formats, which are used to create linked or embedded objects.


OPC (OLE for Process Control), acts as a bridge between the application, based on Windows and on-sited process control.

OPC 全称是OLE for Process Control,它的出现为基于Windows 的应用程序和现场过程控制应用建立了桥梁。

Project and all of the Office programs support OLE, so you can share information through linked and embedded objects.


"I said the same thing about Ole Gunnar Solskjaer when he arrived.


"We know Magnus is a talented player," Ole told MUTV .


"OK, Lena, when was the third time?" queried Ole?


"Carlos Tevez is available now and Louis Saha and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer are training," Sir Alex told MUTV.


"Same with Ole, if not, definitely the week afterwards.


"Well,did your friend have three wishes?"Herbert asked the ole soldier.


A double-precision floating-point number that contains an OLE Automation date equivalent to the value of this instance.


There is an infamous one relating to OLE and the resource section.


Several SQL Server and database APIs such as SQL-DMO, OLE DB, and ADO are based on COM.


One day Axel Konrad and Ole Wirk stood there and asked me if Id like to do a recording in the studio.


One day, as I was climbing yet another mountain, lugging that ole suitcase in my arms.


The following console application builds connection strings for several OLE DB databases.

下面的控制台应用程序为几个OLE DB数据库生成连接字符串。

English: ripOLE: Cannot allocate memory for OLE object.


Well, Ah ain' nebber set down wid w'ite folks an' Ah is too ole ter learn.


And whlie the Catalans were running after the ball, the Milan fans were joyously singing "Ole!


Due to tne deformation for board horizontally,it is difficult to maintain tne flooeing ang it becomes ole much faster.


The Grand Ole Opry is celebrating its eightieth anniversary on the radio this year.


He'll come tek dis ole nigger home agin.


Ferguson had made some shrewd buys during the summer including Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Ronny Johnsen.


Ole did a years National Service in the Norwegian Army.


Formerly called OLE Automation, Automation is an industry standard and a feature of the Component Object Model (COM).


But Fabio consistently excelled at Reserve level, creating and scoring plenty of goals for Ole Gunnar Solskjaers side.


For example, the following connection string disables OLE DB session pooling and automatic transaction enlistment.

例如,以下连接字符串禁用OLE DB会话池和自动事务登记。

Ten years ole he was conscripted to service as a monk pupil in Drepung Monastery,and it was harsh work.


All the same 'ole cliches: is that a woman or a man?


Initializes OLE on the current thread.


Removed footnote stating that the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 is not supported on Itanium architecture.

删除了说明Itanium体系结构不支持Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2的脚注。

At the same time, with software of Windows OLE DB database connection was set up.

利用Windows建立了OLE DB数据库连接。

If it does co ole yourself by thinking of all the times when liquidating early preserved gai you would otherwise have lost.


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ';80004005'; [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not ??


Buoyed by the leveller, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side pushed for the lead.


"Ole said,"So long we love each other we remain here,no wind,no rain or storm can destory us.


But Ole and Trufa believed the answer lay in the great love they bore one another.


Meanwhile, the system can be combined with outer programmes through the technology of OLE and DDL.


Ole Gunnar Solskjaer will not start Norway's Euro 2008 qualifier against Moldova on Wednesday night.


Ole Gunnar Solskjaer made his first international appearance in over two years as Norway claimed a 1-1 draw against Brazil on Wednesday night.


Oh, I dasn't, Mars Tom. Ole missis she'd take an'tar de head off'n me. 'Deed she would.


SOOTHSAYER TANG: (with a wan smile): Proprietor Wang, show a little kindness to ole Soothsayer Tang a bit.


The wizard cannot be started because OLE initialization failed.


Au Loong-Yu of the independent NGO Globalization Monitor is following closely the conflict at the Ole Wolff factory.


On the tip of a tree which had lost all its other leaves, two still remained hanging from one twig: Ole and Trufa.


Comfort Hotel Ole Tobias: Great Deals Available Now!


In vacation I also visit OLE, he lives in another city in Sweden called Goteborg.


Speaking at the launch, Ole said: "I am delighted to be in Hong Kong to support Manchester United Soccer Schools.


Interviewed by Ole, the argentinian player has declared: "I remain here and live day by day.


Manchester United are also monitoring the situation following the retirement of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.


A great variety of workbench function can be called by any third - party application through OLE.


Ole wants you to go soft and take your eau natural body, eau natural.


"Ole has been out for two years, but he looked very good in the Amsterdam Tournament when I saw him there.


Ole Benson's behavior was now no mystery to me.


For some reason unknown to them, Ole and Trufa had survived all the rai , all the cold nights and winds.


Ole was slightly bigger than Turfa and a few days older, butTrufa was prettier and more delicate.


Ole's awareness and positional play were amazing,but the key to his success was mental strength.


Developer can install ole control onto the palette or choose from among the ole control include in delphi2.0.

A great variety of workbench function can be called by any third- party application through OLE.