offensiveness是什么意思   offensiveness怎么读

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n. 冒犯;令人讨厌;进攻

n. the quality of being offensive





Point of fall and service offensiveness in single men's tennis game


There is also a hierarchy of offensiveness that needs to be observed.


In a misguided attempt to be funny, he manages only offensiveness.


They live with offensive words, offensive looks, offensive treatment every day.

他们每天都忍受着侮辱性言辞 蔑视的面孔和无礼的待遇

"an offense to people with taste" an offense.

是对有品位的人的冒犯 冒犯

No offense, but I'm not doing it for you.

无意冒犯 但我不是为你

Oh, he was a real charm offensive key word, offensive.

他的魅力攻势相当猛 关键词 "攻势[冒犯]"

I grant you, we've stumbled on offense of late, but the best offense is a good defense.

我同意我们最近进攻不力 但进攻是最佳防守

You can't just tag "no offense" on the end of something horribly offensive and act like it's okay.

你不能说完很冒犯人的话 再加上一句"无意冒犯" 表现得像没事一样

Given this is a first offense and the fact that no other students have filed complaints against you, not to mention your clear remorse, we have decided on a sentencing of two weeks cafeteria cleanup duty, mostly for the offense of buying that hideous key chain.

由于这次是初犯 而且没有其它学生 对你提出进一步的指控 你也表现出了明显的悔意 我们决定判处你 两周打扫食堂 主要是因为你买了那个 超级丑的钥匙链

I hope not, because that would be offensive.

希望没有 那么说太没礼貌了

Because, no offense, it's not the same show.

因为 别介意 这根本不是一个剧

That is for the offense of questioning me.
