形容词:neuralgic;形容词: neuralgic |
Noun1. acute spasmodic pain along the course of one or more nerves
名词 neuralgia:
acute spasmodic pain along the course of one or more nerves
neuralgia[ ,njuə'rældʒiə ]n.acute spasmodic pain along the course of one or more nerves同义词:neuralgy
The plant acts as a sedative in treating neuralgia.
Conclusion: Acupuncture the part in pain can improve the symptom of neuralgia from shingles.
结论: 围针刺可以有效改善带状疱疹后遗神经痛的症状.
Haemorrhagic and necrotic lesions were common and neuralgia was also a frequent sequelae in clinic.
Surgery: Chronic articular rheumatism joint deformation disease, arthritis, neuralgia, back pain, frozen shoulders.
外科: 慢性关节风湿病、变形性关节症 、 关节炎 、 神经痛 、 腰痛 、 五十肩.
Governing women's blood deficiency, dizziness, menopausal syndrome, and intercostal neuralgia.
治妇女血虚头晕 、 更年期综合症及肋间神经痛.
Objective: To provide more anatomical basis for treatment of occipital neuralgia.
目的: 进一步为临床治疗头枕部疼痛提供解剖学基础.
Objective: To observe the treating effects of the herpes zoster and neuralgia patients with herpes zoster.
目的: 研究聚焦超声辐照香猪皮肤后的病理学转归,探讨超声治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛的可行性.
I'm troubled with neuralgia [ by a bad cough ].
我神经疼 [ 咳嗽很厉害 ].
So it is an optimal approach to treat trigeminal neuralgia.
The doctor diagnosed my illness as neuralgia.
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia causes recurring severe pain, most often in men over 40.
舌咽神经痛引起反复发作的剧烈疼痛, 通常发作于四十岁以上男性.
Conclusion: The microvascular decompression was a better treatment for the primary trigeminal neuralgia.
结论 三叉 神经根显微血管减压术是治疗原发性三叉神经痛的较好手术方案.
Background: Trigeminal neuralgia ( TN ) is a common cause of facial pain.
背景: 三叉神经痛是一种常见的面痛.
Herpes zoster is a common skin disease. One of its clinical features is neuralgia pain.
带状疱疹是临床常见皮肤病, 神经疼痛是该病的一大临床特征.
Objective To investigate the changes about mandibular bone mineral density of patients with trigeminal neuralgia.
Objective : To improve the therapeutic effect of infraorbital neuralgia.
目的: 提高三叉神经第2支疼的治疗效果.
Background . Stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia is a new method . Methods.
To observe the effect of acupuncture on neuralgia from shingles.
Method: 58 cases with neuralgia from shingles were treated by acupuncture the part in pain.
方法: 围刺+电针治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛病人58例.
Neuralgia: Pain of unknown cause in the area covered by a peripheral sensory nerve.
神经痛: 周围感觉神经分布区发作的原因不明的疼痛.
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of gabapentin in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia.
Characteristically the pain of neuralgia is sharp, acute, darting and paroxysmal.
神经痛的疼痛特点是尖锐的 、 急性的 、 放射性的和阵发性的.
Conclusion: Vascular compression may be predominant cause of trigeminal neuralgia.
结论: 血管压迫三叉神经根是三叉神经痛的重要原因.
Conclusion: The combined medication may be an effective and safe treatment on failed trigeminal neuralgia.
结论: 联合药物治疗是一种非常有效和安全的治疗方法.
In recent years, retrograde adriamycin sensory ganglionectomy has been used in treatment of refractory neuralgia.
近年来, 阿霉素的逆行性感觉神经节切除术已被应用于临床治疗一些顽固性神经痛.
OBJECTIVE : To observe the clinical efficacy of Xueshan Jinluohan odynolysis plastics Postherpetic neuralgia ( PHN ).
目的: 观察雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂治疗带状疱疹后遗 神经痛 的临床疗效.
The plant acts as a sedative in treating neuralgia.
The symptoms of glossopharyngeal neuralgia disappeared thoroughly in 23 cases, while slight numbness in the posterior 1/3 part of tongue appeared in all patients.
Chondroitin Sulfate for the treatment of neuralgia, nerve migraine, joint pain, arthritis and scapular joint pain, and abdominal pain after the operation. 3.
2.硫酸软骨素用于治疗神经痛、神经性偏头痛、关节痛、关节炎以及肩胛关节痛 ,腹腔手术后疼痛等。
Raeder's paratrigeminal neuralgia
Neuralgia paraesthetica Wartenberg's
[医] 华滕伯格氏手感觉异常性神经痛
CASE REPORTS The 10 cases of primary neuralgia patients were treated by RFT, 7 cases were cured, and 2 cases were in effect, and 1 case was inefficient.
DISCUSSION RET using for primary neuralgia is easy and shortcut for operation, high efficiency, and that can treat repition.
"In trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux), Brief attacks of severe shooting pain along a Branch of the trigeminal nerve (in front of the ear) usually Begin after middle age, more often in women.
Keywords Trgeminal neuralgia;Etiology;Jawbone;
Trigeminal neuralgia is the most common facial pain syndrome,which remains a difficult condition to manage due to lack of knowledge on pathophysiological mechanisms.
Trigeminal neuralgia is a representative of severe pain disease.Treatments include nonin-vasive methods and surgery.
electrocoagulation in trigeminal neuralgia
The therapy of trigeminal neuralgia(TN) puzzles the n eu rosurgeans.
Capricorn's bones, joints and knees, however, may be vulnerable to rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, stiff joints and orthopedic problems.
specific in trigeminal neuralgia
Although a large number of drugs have been used to treat trigeminal neuralgia,there still remains a great challenge to reduce the recurrent rates and complications both intra-or post-injections.
Clinically, it has been used to treat peripheral neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) , postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) and as an adjunctive treatment for epilepsy.
For the study of cause and treatment of recurrent trigeminal neuralgia,repeat ope-rations were performed in 12 patients with recurrent trigeminal neuralgia after microvascular decompression.
A good prescription for insomnia. Enhance the elasticity of the skin. Meliorate neuralgia, headache and megrim.
Skin care for more skin types, head lice, neuralgia, poor circulation, menopausal distress, engorgement of the breasts in breastfeeding mothers, PMS, nervous tension.
Functional operation of trigeminal neuralgia
The doctor diagnosed my illness as neuralgia
The commonly used therapy of primary trigeminal neuralgia is nerve block.
To review and analyze the progress of stereotactic radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia,realize it is an effective and safe treatment for the intractable trigeminal neuralgia.
So if healer stares or breathes on or strokes with hands at the affected area such as toothache, colic pain, stomachache, neuralgia, bruises, cuts, burns and other swellings with pain will be gone.
So it is an optimal approach to treat trigeminal neuralgia.
On the base of successful experiment on twelve rabbits,satisfied results were obtained in 31 patients with infraorbital neuralgia from 1994 to 1997 with the follow-up of two years.
Neuralgia of a nonspecific kind tends to occur during states of debility and malnutrition from any cause and in association with infections.
It is suitable for cough, asthma, gastralgia, neuralgia, Bi syndrome, flaccid syndrome, lumbago and pain of the low limb, sprain and contusion, skin diseases, etc.
It can treat headache, which is due to wind cold type of cold, migraine, and trigeminal neuralgia effectively.
Most sciatic neuralgia, for example, is attributable to mechanical compression and stretching of a sensory root of the sciatic nerve from displacement of an intervertebral disc within the spinal canal.
Appease neuralgia, headache, dizziness.
rheumatalgia and neuralgia tablet
X ray, 3D CT and navigation oval foramen locations were used in 22, 19 and 4 patients respectively on intractable trigeminal neuralgia in order that the direction and position could be defined.
对 4 5例半月神经节定位困难的三叉神经痛病人 ,在射频热凝治疗术中应用X线、三维CT或导航进行卵圆孔定位或在术中验证靶点。
The causes of recurrent trigeminal neuralgia after microvascular decompression and the questions related to repeat operations were discussed.
Local drug injection is a minimally invasive and useful technique to manage trigeminal neuralgia,with a high success rate and low incidence of morbidity.
Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN)is a refractory and painful disease, which causes severe suffering of the patients in psychology and physiology.
The quality of life of post herpes zoster neuralgia
Herpes zoster is a common skin disease.One of its clinical features is neuralgia pain.
Our result subests that transcutaneous electric acupoint stimulation may be used safely and effectively as a routine method in treating trigeminal neuralgia.
I'm troubled with neuralgia [ by a bad cough ].
All patients had no post-therapeutic neuralgia.
And it also has functions in thrombus prevention, hemorrhoids and neuralgia, etc.
Abstract Objective To study the relation between trigeminal neuralgia and peripheral branch demyelination, inflammation ischemia and bone tube pression.
提 要 目的 为了探讨三叉神经痛与末梢支脱髓鞘、感染、缺血及神经管内压力持续增高的关系。
Abstract Objective: To observe whether calcitonin gene-related peptide participates in the attack of trigeminal neuralgia and get a deeper understanding about its pathogenetic mechanism.
摘要 目的: 观察三叉神经痛发作时是否有降钙素基因相关肽参与,加深对三叉神经痛发病机理的认识。
BACKGROUND To observe therapeutic survey of radiofrequency thermoagulation(RFT) for 10 cases of primary neuralgia.
Microvascular decompression (MVD) surgery for trigeminal neuralgia (Jannetta operation) is common in our institution, and postoperative complications are uncommon.
Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics and to appraise the diagnostic criteria and surgical methods of glossopharyngeal neuralgia.
Objective To Survey the therapeutic effect and complication of CT positioning with RFT in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, further expound advantage of CT guide positioning in RFT.
Objective To investigate significance and efficacy of microwave thermocoagulation plus outfolding of middle nasal concha for treatment of nasociliary neuralgia.
Abstract Objective To propose that microvascular decompression is an optimal operation for idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia.
Abstract Objective To study the pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia (TN) under vessel compression.
Objective: To investigate the primary causes of TN and HFS via studing the imaging funding of Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) and Hemifacial Spasm (HFS) and comparing with the results of operations.
Objective: To evaluate diagnostic value of magnetic resonance tomographic angiography (MRTA) in trigeminal neuralgia.
Objective: To study the relationship between trigeminal nerve, cerebellar arteries and petrosal veins, and provide anatomic bases for clinical diagnosis and treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of treating trigeminal neuralgia using radiofrequency thermocoagulation.
Objective: To evaluate the clinical effects of carbamazapine combining with vitamin B12 in the treatment of patients with primary trigeminal neuralgia.
Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of treating trigeminal neuralgia with super laser for irradiation and acupuncture.
Background.Stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia is a new method.Methods.
Abstract: Radiofrequency thermocoagulation technique, as a maturity procedure, has been used routinely for trigeminal neuralgia.
Abstract: Objective To study the relation between trigeminal neuralgia and peripheral branch demyelination, inflammation ischemia and bone tube pression.
Abstract: Objective: In order to search a method of treating Idiopathic Trigiminal Neuralgia(ITN),which has high rate of pain remissinos and could preserve facial sensation.
Methods:Cut the diseased inferior alveolar nerve branches and chin nerve branches from 6 patients suffering from trigeminal neuralgia during operation.
方法 :选 6例下齿槽神经痛患者 ,取其患支下齿槽神经、颏神经 ,并取其未发病的舌神经为自身对照 ;
Method:58 cases with neuralgia from shingles were treated by acupuncture round the part in pain.
Method: Puncture-cryotherapy was used to treat 35 gerocomy patient with trigeminal neuralgia.
Method:56 cases of senior primary trigeminal neuralgia Selected andtreated by peripheral nerve branch injection with adriamycin.
Methods 126 cases of trigeminal neuralgia were operated on by microvascular decompression via suboccipital retrosigmoid approach.
Methods Surgical experience and operative findings of 2643 cases of trigeminal neuralgia treated by microvascular decompression were analyzed retrospectively.
Methods Clinical data of 26 cases with trigeminal neuralgia were analyzed retrospectively.
Methods26 cases with intractable greater occipital neuralgia were treated with decompression on nerve and dissections of partial nerves.
Methods The animal model with trigeminal neuralgia was established in rats and the concentration of 5-HT of brain stem measured by fluorophotometry.
Methods GABA receptor counts of peripheral branch of PTN (10 pairs painful infrior alveolar neuralgia and painless Lingual never) were measured by radioimmuoassay and isotope Labelling method.
Methods Of all the 112 patients treated with microvascular decompression,78 had trigeminal neuralgia,31 had hemifacial spasm and 3 had glossopharyngeal neuralgia.
Methods: Eighty patients with trigeminal neuralgia were treated using radiofrequency thermocoagulation on trigeminal ganglion (gasserian ganglion) guided by CT position ensuring accurate puncture.
Methods: MRTA manifestations of 120 patients with trigeminal neuralgia were reviewed retrospectively and compaired with operative results.
Pregabalin for postherpetic neuralgia: placebo-controlled trial of fixed and flexible dosing regimens on allodynia and time to onset of pain relief.
Radiofrequency thermocoagulation is an effective and promising method in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.
It acts as an excellent anodyne and anti-itching remedy for the relief of cold, influenza, rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, headache, toothache, mosquito bites and insect stings.
On the other hand, the data also suggested that SP and CGRP, as nociceptin transmitters, played an important role in the pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia.
This article reviews the mechanism,clinical manifestation,diagnosis and treatment methods of glossopharyngeal neuralgia,especially the nerve block.
This article reviews the treatment of oxcarbazepine in painful diabetic neuropathy, migraine,postherpetic neuralgia and different kinds of neuropathic pain,except for trigeminal neuralgia.
用作名词(n.)The doctor diagnosed my illness as neuralgia.
All patients had no post-therapeutic neuralgia.