v.取消( negate的现在分词 ); 使无效; 否定; 否认vt.否定, 否认, 使无效
v.取消( negate的现在分词 );使无效;否定;否认
动词 negate:
be in contradiction with
同义词:contradict, belie, negate
deny the truth of
同义词:contradict, negate, contravene
prove negative; show to be false
同义词:negate, contradict
make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of
同义词:neutralize, neutralise, nullify, negate
negate[ ni'ɡeit, 'neɡeit, 'ni:- ] in contradiction with同义词:contradictbelie
deny the truth of同义词:contradictcontravene
prove negative; show to be false同义词:contradict
make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of"This action will negate the effect of my efforts"
In regard to the two principles, we should not take one-sided approach to the positive while negating the other.
"Turning ones back" has become a common figure of speech.It means withholding approval, disclaiming, negating;
world of warcraft gold so Fel Stamina helps.Master Summoner is important because many opponents will smartly eliminate the Warlock's pet, negating Soul Link.
With three Colossi, the Marines would die in one sweep, negating any healing that could be done.
But the picture it paints of happy, content wives is propaganda negating that more realistic depiction.
As of Friday close, XLF is on the verge of negating the trend-line support and a break below it would open the door to further weakness.
It is wrong to appraise our work either from the standpoint of affirming everything or from the standpoint of negating everything.
The emphasis in human life should be to step away from the stream consciousness of habits, or put it differently negating the “Alaya” of habits.
"If you're adding back all these other things that have potential negative health consequences, then you're negating anything that you're adding in terms of (health) value," Moore said.
Bigger runners who wear stability shoes will not get the support they need and can actually bottom out the cushioning, negating the shoe's ability to protect the foot from impact.
The use of the caret shown here is specific to character sets, and the negating behaviour occurs only when the caret is used after the opening square bracket in a character set.
Finally, Boston took 35 free-throw attempts, negating a solid effort in defending the Celtics from the field (42.1 percent).
The revival of the systems of the six states was an attempt at negating the political history and culture of Qin, among which the revival of the Chu system demands special attention.
High-pressure fans (wi th posi t ive or negat ive pressure) are used to convey the dry soybeanstothedry soybean-dipping bucket.The optimal lifting height is 3-7 meters.
At the same time, analyze the distribution of civil liability after negating personality of juridical person starting with stockholders, directors, parent companies, and registered accountants.
Likewise, IW can be applied to attack the command and control infrastructure of an artillery brigade and its communications links to maneuver units, thereb reducing or negating th ecombat power of artillery.
After Modern art is the offspring of information period.It rushed from social and cultural conflict of After Industry period and developed from the validity of negating Modern art.
Otherwise, fat cells in other parts of the body can enlarge, negating the effects of the operation.
negating the traditional
theory of negating a legal person
The Function of Negating Proposition in High School Mathematics Teaching
As a result, both LDAP and custom user registries are good alternatives for negating the requirement to grant OS privileges over and above that of an unprivileged user.
Thereby negating any positive attempt to end cruelty.
When the corporate shareholder trespasses others' intrests by the limited libility company system,we should uphould the theory of negating an artificialperson,disregard of the corporate personality .
Construct Aesthetic Utopia by Negating and Criticizing Reality --Comment on Adorno's Negative Points about Aesthetics
She is negating what he has done.She reacts to him as if he has given nothing‑but he has given ten.
In Confucianism, there was not any sign of exceeding feudal limitation, or negating feudalism, so it had not entered the phase of democracy.
High density low temperature liquids settle to the bottom and remain in the tank for longer periods of time, thereby negating the advantages of equalization.
As to the beneficiary theory under the theory of negating a legal person ,scholars leaned to introduce its contents briefly ,but couldn't grasp its essential character .
The revolution and criticism of philosophy is exhibited splendidly through the negating and criticizing the unreasonable and unfair thing, evoking the consciousness.
"This could also be used for talks involving confidential information," negating the need for a human translator, said Omino.
Although I was wondering why denied what made human grand and outstanding expression abilities, I had to admit, negating was more powerful than any criticism!
As always the market could afford a large correction without negating the long term up trend.
Bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the negating effect upon their ammunition but may only do so three times per day.
At moments when you feel unloved, offended, or hurt, forgive her and remember all the good she has given rather than penalize her by negating it all.
In short, Foucault advocates a non-historicist history negating the essential origin of things and emphasizing the discontinuity and individualization.
If you're adding back all these other things that have potential negative health consequences, then you're negating anything that you're adding in terms of (health) value,"Moore said.
And at last, the author has emphatically suggested his conception on how to set up the system of negating personality of juridical person in China.
negating limited liability
Essence, Negating Essence, and Sports--The Discussion on a Main Thesis of Post-modernism Philosophy
Only one quater of the sinewave is stored in the LUT, the rest iscomputed by simple operations (negating, subtraction), resulting in areduced memory requirement.
Face Up to the Trend of Thought of Negating Traditional Chinese Medicine
It is important for the China's future that whether or how this hybrid system can realize the core humanitarian value in negating the social unfairness and unjust.
negating circuit
The explication of that thesis and negating the view of any problem based, but not answering the questions, are the task of this Zen.
The Poseidans retaliated by shutting down the power and negating the Aryans.
Floating : This armor is psionically buoyant in water or similar liquid, negating the normal Swim check penalty for wearing armor.
Floating : This armor is psionically buoyant in water or similar liquid, negating the normal Swim check penalty for wearing armor. Additionally, it grants a +4 circumstance bonus on Swim checks.
The metaphysics aesthetics establishes the ontological system of metaphysical aesthetics by negating prophetic-mixed divinity, and maturing gradually ontological categories.
The decline of community life is negating the work of welfare services.
During my teaching the author has found that there are two wrong views on them, not accepting or completely negating.
Results:The effects were similar between risperidone and perphenzine,but the negat...
Conclusion:There was a certain relation between despondent condition and negative automatic thinking,and it is important to correct the negat...
Conclusions:Plasma DD level in PE was significant elevated.The test showed a sensitivity of 100%, a negat...
Designers of the CCD method note that it works with every lens a user might attach to the camera, negating the need to buy different lenses.
Evolution, Types, and Analysis of the Negating Labor Value in Western Economy
negat ive pressure
2.A proposition derived by negating and permuting the terms of another, equivalent proposition;for example, All not-Y is not-X is the contrapositive of All X is Y.
A proposition derived by negating and permuting the terms of another, equivalent proposition; for example, All not-Y is not-X is the contrapositive of All X is Y.
A proposition derived by negating and permuting the terms of another,equivalent proposition,for example,All not-Y is not-X is the contrapositive of All X is Y.
dialectical negating
It is putting at risk the child's cognitive and personal development and it is negating the child's need to acculturate into the two world's that he/she belongs to.
With Kobe and Dwight Howard essentially negating each other's brilliance, the series might well be won according to who wins this matchup on a nightly basis.
As the extreme experience of life , the Dionysus spirit dispel the relation of theory and practice so that it can escape from the " identity " logic of modernity by negating and subverting the routine experience .
Usually the contradiction caused by people's affirming or negating is the authentic revealing of the contradiction which actually happens in the course of the paradox thinking.
So, even before we stumbled upon a miracle solution to "revive" our lost honor, I am afraid that these younger generations of ours would have turned Chinese culture into a desert, negating all our efforts.
The properties of the magnetic clusters and its influences on the colossal negat ive magnetoresistance (CMR) in La??0.7?Ca??0.3?MnO?3 film were studied.
A figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite, as in This is no small problem.
A figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite,as in This is no small problem.
understatement, esp. expressing an affirmative by negating its contrary.
用作及物动词(vt.)How can you negate God?
These facts negate your theory.
This power is always conceived in relation to men; it is not the power to do but the power to attract. It is a power that negates itself. (cf. Beauty, Susan Sontag)
The story negated the trade supported by the government.
Efforts to expand the tourist industry could be negated by reports that the sea is highly polluted.