v.给(船舶、飞机等)引航,导航( navigate的现在分词 ); (从海上、空中等)横越; 横渡; 飞跃vi.航行, 驾驶, 操纵 vt.航行, 驾驶, 横渡, 设法穿过
v.给(船舶、飞机等)引航,导航( navigate的现在分词 );(从海上、空中等)横越;横渡;飞跃
动词 navigate:
travel by boat propelled by wind or by other means
同义词:voyage, sail, navigate
act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance
同义词:navigate, pilot
direct carefully and safely
同义词:navigate by boat propelled by wind or by other means同义词:voyagesail
act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance"Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip?"
direct carefully and safely"He navigated his way to the altar"
"If only life were as simple as navigating on the web.
Was the Navigator navigating with the Insured's order or permission?
The top panel is mainly used for starting applications and navigating to different places on your computer. It also comes with a logout button, system tray and a clock.
After navigating through the South American strait, three ships under the command of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan reach the Pacific Ocean, becoming the first Europeans to sail from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.
The Connect macro primes the connection by navigating to the point where the Data macro can begin.
CRecordView or CDaoRecordView also provides default command handler functions for navigating from record to record on the form.
GPS was satellite navigating and positing system,which was researched and used in the USA,about 10 years ago. Its application has been spreaded over the international economy.
The myelin in question didn't look particularly epiphanic, which is understandable since it would normally be employed by mice for sniffing out food or navigating a maze.
Skip to next paragraph髓磷脂的问题在于不能单独看出它的独特作用。它的作用通常在用老鼠做的寻找食物和走出迷宫的实验中被人们所认识。
Visual Basic provides XML axis properties for accessing and navigating LINQ to XML structures.
Visual Basic提供XML轴属性用于访问和定位LINQ to XML结构。
Creates a new XPathNavigator object for navigating this document. The navigator is positioned on the Document node.
"Navigating the birth canal is probably the mostgymnastic maneuver most of us will ever make in life," says Rosenberg,chair of the university's department of anthropology.
Make the ship be capable of navigating safely.
A year later, I worked in a trawler of a Shandong fishing company, navigating ships and shoveling fish.
The following code example demonstrates how to use a handler for the Navigating event to cancel navigation when a Web page form has not been filled in.
The following code examples demonstrate navigating up and down relationships in typed datasets.
Markets will have a tricky time navigating between this Scylla and Charybdis in 2010.
"But you can't overlook all the other Sailors, from those in the superstructure navigating the ship to the engineers below decks making us steam and getting wind over the deck.
But its plodding menu-based interface still made navigating newspapers difficult, and the rich graphic quality that makes magazines such an indulgence is totally missing.
Again contrary to popular myth, men and women are equally good at navigating.
In order to eliminate the effects of strained-wire pendency on the navigating precision, a double-strained-wire amending method to the wire was proposed.
It is called "one-click" because it usually begins with an unaware victim clicking on an alluring link received through e-mail or found when navigating a crowded forum.
That is, it procedurally handled all the logic of "navigating" the relationships between the four entities involved instead of delegating to the entity.
Soon people forgot how they had laughed at the very thought of a steamboat navigating the tricky old river.
Gongbei Customs started installing GPS for small-scale boats navigating between Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macau in order to improve the efficiency of customs checking.
By discussing the preparation for the voyage plan,the standard of the contents are put forward based on the navigating practice.
Navigating from a secure page to an unsecured page on the portal will not render the unsecured page in a secure session.
They were navigating the course of a stream.
They were navigating in a violent sea, shifting their weight this way and that to stay upright another day.
His navigating and ship combat skills were unmatchable, and he successfully plundered a numerous vessels.
The road map knowledge base is set up in the tree mode and the cost depending on the traffic information and all these to help making route planning and car navigating more intelligent.
Solution Explorer, located to the right of the design surface, provides a mechanism for navigating between design surfaces and managing the items within a project.
You do not want an overdressed, overstressed woman navigating in high heels on a sunset beach walk.
Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately three thousand, seven hundred and twenty to one.
你少用这方法来取悦我 <p>要安全通过机率为 3720 比 1 <p>不必告诉我胜算机率!
Your navigating just begins. Why are you so eager to steer for the shore.
Navigating the UI Automation tree using TreeWalker can result in cross-process calls and is not as efficient as locating an element using the FindAll or FindFirst methods.
Fixed bug where post match details would not appear properly sometimes when navigating away from the screen and returning.
The complexity of tasks suck as Web site design, Web server design, and of simply navigating through a Web site have increased along with this growth.
Shamans assist people in navigating through life and its experiences, including sickness and death.
Navigating the unconscious is a difficult thing at first.
Visitors can experience the realistic feel and touch on a ship bridge navigational equipment, as well as the excitement of navigating through Hong Kong waters in simulated scenarios.
You can handle the Navigating event to cancel navigation if certain conditions have not been met, for example, when the user has not completely filled out a form.
When open-minded Taipei straightens long glorious Taiwan aviation to continent Wuhan flight navigating?
So as a student, I made cargo runs, navigating large freighters, oil tankers and passenger ships to the Far East and the South Pacific.
Therefore Tree People would often become the guides upon expeditions into new regions that were unknown, or in navigating tribes from one place to another through the easiest possible route.
Figure 21-21: This image shows a limitation of using a scrollbar for navigating the endless stream of time.
图21-21 图中显示的是滚动条的局限性,它不适合为无限的时间轴进行导航。
The G1’s full QWERTY keyboard makes it simple to write exactly what you want to say and navigating is even easier using the touch screen and trackball.
Navigating Folders in a Web Browser
In an age when space flight has come to seem almost routine,it is easy to overlook the dangers of travel by rocket,and the difficulties of navigating the fierce outer atmosphere of the Earth.
Navigating the labyrinthine interiors of Aargau's commerce centers, he struck bargains with the criminal underworld to supplement the riches of the Separatists.
Select the file on your computer, just like you were navigating to and opening a file in a word-processing program, and click "Open.
In navigating the first tempest, he was accused by some of protecting those nearest to him while sacrificing more expendable MPs.
Occurs when a Page button (a button with its CommandName property set to "Page") has been clicked, but before navigating to a new page of data.
Occurs when a Page button has been clicked, but after a navigating to a new page of data.
To the outside looking in, our fund was a fighter jet navigating the perfect storm of a bubble gone awry. Internally, a different dynamic began to take shape.
Save any changes you make while viewing that individual record before navigating to the next record.
The DetailsView control raises a number of events in the course of navigating and updating its bound data to which your code can respond.
Navigating Up and Down the Folder Hierarchy
In the Red Bull Air Race World Championship, you play the role of one of the world's best pilots navigating aerial tracks and flying between Air Gates - all in a high speed race against the clock.
In this section some familiarity with entering nix commands and navigating the file system is assumed.
Based on it,a URL-URL matrix where uses URL as rows,navigating URL as columns and page interest as matrix elements is built.
In addition to navigating “sections” within a single worksheet, users will be able to do the following when working with a worksheet in a browser.
During navigating, a known pregnant female seafarer is entitled to do light duties as well as the jobs necessary for navigation safety.
There, the water-loving cats use the braided streams and river channels as highways, expertly navigating through the maze of mangrove thickets.
Fixed An error would arise when navigating within an clip imported through the AVCHD file reader.
At one corner of the inn, beside a pool in which a flotilla of ducks was navigating, a badly paved path plunged into the bushes.
The thought of navigating the gauntlet between two big, red warriors using whirlwind is discouraging to say the least.
Image Based Modeling & Rendering is a fascinating technique of modeling and rendering in recent years, and now it is also the essential technique in the field of virtual navigating.
Rather than a passive, deterministic old world process, tarot is an empowering, proactive compass for navigating our lives in this changing, complex world.
She has trouble navigating the stair .
And she is as good at finding the words men use to anaesthetise themselves in the brute callousness of war as she is at navigating the tentativeness of new lovers undressing for the first time.
Her sister-ship is navigating on the Atlantic.
Curiously, Soviet scientists have discovered what they call "age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert.
Modern parents are inundated with information on how to mould their children into responsible adults, capable of navigating the treacherous waters of society.
Navigating the folder hierarchy is useful if you do not know the URL of a report.
If enabled, the scroll bar is shown on the right and lets you scroll up and down, which is useful for navigating through the document.
Navigating to a number of World Wid Web sites to gather news is a thing of the past if the news -- general, financial, corporate and enterprise, along with software updates -- can come to you with no fuss or muss.
Image maps allow fast navigation providing the requesting device can support the image involved and providing there is a means of navigating the map satisfactorily.
In this case, although the web users do not have full freedom to manipulate all the widely used navigation tools, they will obtain better efficiency of learning and better experience of navigating.
It is no longer necessary to open System Preferences, navigating to the Energy Saver pane and selecting the Options item.
They are well suited for an underground lifestyle and for navigating the land.
用作不及物动词(vi.)The river became too narrow and shallow to navigate.
Many captains depend on electronic devices to navigate their ships.
Hyperlinks make it much easier to navigate through a document.
The large ship could not navigate the river.
Many captains depend on electronic devices to navigate their ships.
The city's organic growth hasn't exactly made it the easiest place to navigate.
He was the first man to navigate the Atlantic alone.
We next had to navigate a complex network of committees.
I don't like having to navigate London's crowded streets.