mutates是什么意思   mutates怎么读

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v.(使某物)变化( mutate的第三人称单数 ); 转变; 突变; 变异
vi. 变异, 突变 vt. 使变异, 使突变
v.(使某物)变化( mutate的第三人称单数 );转变;突变;变异



动词 mutate:

undergo mutation


mutate[ mju:'teit, 'mju:- ]v.undergo mutation

"cells mutate"




{0>Article 21 The provisions set forth in this Act shall apply mutates mutandis to the case handled by military courts, prosecutors .

<}0{>第21条 本法之规定,于军事法院及军事法院检察署检察官受理之案件,准用之。

H5N1 is already endemic among the country's poultry population, and Vietnam is considered a likely pandemic ground zero if the virus mutates into a form that can pass easily from human to human.


pirata non mutat dominium

[法] 海盗行为变更所有权

“Influenza virus mutates remarkably rapidly so there is no doubt that the virus will mutate and evolve in humans,” said Holmes.


“A non static space which mutates, an articulated composition, almost becoming an outdoor world, simultaneously natural and artificial, in the sense of artifice, the concept of invention and mirage.”


YOU know you have made it when the name of your firm mutates into a verb, as with Google and Hoover.


J.K. Rowling: No. the Patronus often mutates to take the image of the love of one's life (because they so often become the 'happy thought' that generates a Patronus).


However, health experts warn of millions of human cases if the virus mutates into a form that spreads easily from person to person.


World health officials say the H5N1 flu irus, which has killed 157 people since 2003, may spark a global outbreak if it mutates to become as infectious to humans as seasonal flu.


Hepatitis C is an RNA virus that is commonly spread through needle sharing in heroin users.The virus mutates as it spreads from one place to another.


People familiar with the influenza virus mutates faster than even the development of influenza vaccine can not keep up the situation.


But like the flu jab, R genes can be rendered useless if a pathogen mutates into a slightly modified form.


"Preparing so that if there is a species jump, if the virus moves and mutates from the bird population to the human population, we are ready," he said.


Article 34 The provisions set out in Article 18, Article 19, Article 21 through Article 27 of this Act shall apply mutates mutandis to the monitoring inspection procedures.


Health officials say it is conceivable because the virus does not exist in animals, it is stable and mutates little, and the vaccine is effective.


The reason is that the influenza virus mutates much more rapidly than most other viruses.


The second method mutates the individual near the recorded peaks with relatively high probability, without decreasing their fitness.


[V-I, usu V into n] If sth mutates into sth different, it changes into that thing.


Can make because of coca shoe reach of systemic centre of gravity, easy generation genuflect, become warped the bodily form such as waist of buttock, bend mutates.


1.The gene encoding an E.coli tRNA containing the anticodon 5’-GUA-3’ mutates so that the anticodon now is 5’-UUA-3’, What will be the effect of this mutation?


In the worst-case scenario, UV light mutates DNA, leading to premature aging or skin cancer


Software mutates in response to users needs, and in that change, a continual re-impriting of a designer's skill and sense of taste takes place.


Will the vaccine be useless if the virus mutates?


It takes a basic blueprint and mutates it in a bid to improve it without human input.


Members of the public understand that the right A stream leading to pneumonia virus mutates strict isolation of patients and their families do not understand the treatment process.


One of the critical problems in developing drugs for HCV is that it mutates at such prodigious rates.


As the remote control mutates and proliferates, our countermeasures follow a predictable path of making the ads louder, more intrusive and more omnipresent.


When a caterpillar sheds its final exoskeleton and mutates into a chrysalid, it is already well on its way to becoming a butterfly.


The second wave of swine flu may be worse.I do not know.But I do know that, if the virus mutates to a more virulent form, the immunisation may in any case not work.We are in the run-up to an election.


Before these studies, it was difficult to find an effective way of inhibiting the H5N1 virus because it mutates so rapidly, says Dongli Pan, a research fellow at the US-based Harvard Medical School.


JERRY: You better find that grape before it mutates into another life form. (Elaine laughs) There was once a mutant grape that terrorized an entire town in the Texas panhandle.


An influenza pandemic, by definition, occurs only when the influenza virus mutates into something dangerously unfamiliar to our immune systems and yet is able to jump from person to person through a sneeze, cough or touch.


Jude Children Research Hospital in Memphis suggests that it would protect humans if the virus mutates and acquires the ability to spread from person to person.


River ferry Chinese prickly ash fastens Zhu Xie to Chinese prickly ash mutates and come, classics Chongqing city names about the branch for 9 leaves green pepper.


Made of RNA instead of the more stable DNA, it mutates like a movie monster, making vaccinations obsolete in a year or so.


However sometimes a family in each member endless and identical, this is to get the result that noise of double double image of genetic element and environmental element mutates.


Scientists fear the virus could spark a pandemic in which millions die if it mutates into a form that passes easily from person to person.


SenileThe person is regular the ground gets angry, it is the report that psychological consenescence, disposition mutates actually.


And to the waist? 3The person that the interverbebral disc of above is highlighted or lumbar a priori mutates, must use the fixed position before all sorts of methods have method.


This means that instead of inheriting the ADPKD gene from a parent with the disease, the gene mutates by itself for no known reason.


That is because new viral diseases generally happen when a virus mutates in a way that allows it to jump species, and then continues to evolve to exploit its new host.


The reason is that the influenza virus mutates much more rapidly than most other viruses.A person who develops immunity to one strain of the virus is not well protected from a different strain.


The heart grows in size, mutates and sprouts appendages, and eventually grows into a complete body and escapes.


How did it happen virus mutates? At present, we have a vaccine can keep pace with the speed of variation?


The United Kingdom reported cases of Tamiflu-resistant, followed by reports of another virus mutates, it will not have contact between the two?


As the city mutates into a mega-city, the mood is one of inevitability.


Webby said such a vaccine could protect people against an H5N1 bird flu virus that mutates to adapt to humans, not just birds, and easily can spread from person to person.



In the Darwinian run, the body code would mutate over time.

While it's only a single strand right now, it can mutate into other strands.

Living machines reproduce, but as they do they mutate.

Exposure to UV rays can mutate your cells and cause cancer.


In the Darwinian run, the body code would mutate over time.

While it's only a single strand right now, it can mutate into other strands.