mutated是什么意思   mutated怎么读

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v.(使某物)变化( mutate的过去式和过去分词 ); 转变; 突变; 变异
vi. 变异, 突变 vt. 使变异, 使突变
v.(使某物)变化( mutate的过去式和过去分词 );转变;突变;变异



动词 mutate:

undergo mutation


mutatev.undergo mutation

"cells mutate"




The 1918 pandemic was triggered by a bird irus that mutated into one that could attack humans, going on to kill a staggering 50 million people worldwide in a matter of months.


The 8 new mutations included three in genes that normally suppress the growth of tumor cells, one being the PTPRT tyrosine phosphatase gene, which is sometimes found mutated in colon cancer.


Normally inoled in the response to stress and repair of DNA, ATM is mutated in the rare genetic disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (AT).


The mutated P53 protein and mutaion in the sequence of P53 gene were detected simultsneously in BPDE transformed human bronchial epithelium cells.


There was a positive correlation between C-MYC protein and p-TNM stages of the cancer (P<0.05),but mutated P53 protein was not correlated with p-TNM (P>0.05).


IBV is a sRNA virus,the gene of the virus always mutated owing to it's point-mutation and gene recombination, so the virus have many serotypes.


ING1, a recently identified candidate tumor suppressor gene, is downregulated and is deleted and mutated in a variety of primary tumors and established cell lines.


Smokers with two mutated copies of that gene were 22.47 times more likely to deelop AMD than nonsmokers with two mutated copies of LOC387715.


Nonsmokers with two mutated copies of LOC387715 were 6.3 times more likely to deelop AMD than nonsmokers with normal copies of the gene.


RAPD analysis further proved the genetic difference existed between the initial and mutated stra...


Identifcation of Rose Cultivars and Its Irradiation Mutated lines by RAPD Markers


SU-DHL-9 had homozygous deletion of p16 gene. Meanwhile, SU-DHL-1 and Daudi cell lines had mutation of the second exon of p16 gene. GAC in codon 30 mutated into AAC.


According to WHO experts, there are currently no signs that the H1N1 virus has mutated to a more virulent or lethal form.


[10] Pfeifer wrote in Science that cigarette smoke causes changes in the gene p53, which protects against cancer when normal but promotes cancer growth when mutated.


They mutated a worm gene that produces a protein named beta spectrin, which helps keep nerve cells flexible.


Some of the patient's mutated genes appeared to promote cancer growth.


This led us to suppose that the mutated RNA polymerase was incapable of transcribing certain sporulation genes and so blocked spore formation.


The next step is to look at the code Jester mutated without breaking the test suite and see if you need to write a test for it.


As a result of,not be feed and fountainhead, present love is packed how extravagantly beautiful, but the character of love already mutated however.


Furthermore, when he dissected the genes of these mutated bacteria by sequencing them, he found mutations in no areas other than the one where there was selection pressure.


As cells turn cancerous, however, the genes that code for one or the other of these proteins become mutated or otherwise inactivated.


China's space program claims to have produced numerous mutated fruits and vegetables by exposing seeds to space radiation, capsule pressure and weightlessness.


9 It is complete with misleading tips about wasteland dangers, rambling notes about mutated creatures, and laughably naive suggestions about rebuilding humanity.


Diploid individuals can repair a mutated section of its DNA via homologous recombination, since there are two copies of the gene in the cell and one copy is presumed to be undamaged.


A mutated form of a gene that produces dystrophin-a protein that strengthens muscle cells-is the most common.Without this protein, muscles weaken to the point where sufferers cannot survive.


There is widespread concern that the viral strain that could eventually cause a pandemic will be a mutated form, invalidating the stockpiles based on the current epidemic strain.


Research on the Isolation of Mutated Major Gene Controlling Wheat Grain Hardness from Aegilops


Ever since his earlier ingestion of the mutated fruits, his mind had been reeling, locked in a kind of revelatory state, where answers came to him full-blown, like short-lived explosions of light.


They determined (to)it mutated from (the)a bird flu,but they are not sure where or when that happened.


As an original strain, Mortierella isabellina was mutated by diethyl sulfate (DES) treatment and a mutant named XM 1 was obtained.

以深黄被孢霉为出发菌 ,通过硫酸二乙酯 (DES)诱变 ,获得优化的变异菌株 XM-1 .经初筛、复筛及传代实验 ,表明其是稳定的变异株 .

Using wild type Aspergillus oryzae isolated from natural fermented millet catsup as original strain(S),several mutated strains were obtained by ultraviolet mutation.


No cancer had more than six mutated CAN-genes in common with any other cancer.


Burak lugged along the mutated fruits he had smuggled aboard the VT before liftoff.


But sometimes when the mutated BRAF gene is expressed in melanocytes, those cells go into a state of permanent hibernation via a process known as senescence.


But keep in mind that the scientists say this mutated gene may be rare.


But keep at in mind that the scientists say this nutation mutated gene may be rare.


But keep a in mind that the scientists say this mitotic mutated gene maybe may be rare.


Microorganism Breed Mutated by the Method of Low Energy Ion Injection


For example, plants can sometimes transmit somatic mutations to their descendants asexually or sexually where flower buds develop in somatically mutated parts of plants.


ataxia telangiectasis mutated


Other antivirus products that rely on signature databases and file scanning do not even work in theory to protect against new, mutated, or targeted malware.


The other mutated genes seemed to be tumor suppressors, the body's natural defense against dangerous genetic mistakes.


Secondly theories of super structure of the physics subsequently are reshuffled and mutated due to such unification of expression for fundamental concepts in physics .


Keywords chymosin;microbe;screening;mutated isolation;enzymic properties;


The redhead sprang from a mutated gene in Europe thousands of years ago.


Using public databases of DNA sequences, they found that people who speak non-tonal languages commonly have mutated versions of two different genes.


In order to improve the optimum temperature of lipases, The Penidilum expansuin lipase (PEL) gene was mutated by site-directed mutagenesis using overlap extension PCR technique.


BEIJING, April 11 -- There is no clear evidence in China indicating the H5N1 human bird flu virus has mutated into a pandemic strain, according to the Ministry of Health on Friday.


Study on the Breeding of a New Variety of Cordyceps Militaris by Mutated with Ultraviolet Radiation


mutated evolutionary algorithm


A mutated strain of bird flu has genetic make up that increases its chance of transferring to people.


This is most likely an intermediate step in the progression to carcinoma, the proliferation of mutated cells.


Mutated ant colony algorithm-based neural network and speed identification in DTC


ON THE OTHER HAND, maybe cells can become malignant even before any master genes, oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes are mutated.


Also, DNA repair mechanisms are able to mend most changes before they become permanent mutations, and many organisms have mechanisms for eliminating otherwise permanently mutated somatic cells.


Meanwhile, the Conservatives have somehow mutated into big spenders who also grandly dole out tax cuts.


Different genes were mutated in cancers of the same type, and the genes contributing to breast cancer were different from those mutated in colorectal cancers.


Oh no! you've been exposed to radiation, and a mutated hand has grown out of your stomach! what's the best course of treatment?


Alas the language that we spoke as a species had mutated over time and was no longer a pure Sirian language as spoken by our ancient ancestors.


Studies of acute toxicity and mutated actions in mice from Chinese Ginseng Extract(CGE)


In hindsight we had distorted enough that our language had mutated and indeed our Sirian family could not hear our cries for help.


What is occurring in your body is certainly not a disease: you are being naturally mutated and rearranged.


After Chris kills the mutated form of Alexia once and for all, he attempts to escape with Claire, only to be interrupted by Wesker.


In each iteration, the position of particles which is satisfied the mutation condition are mutated with many functions,and each function is endowed a probability.


Within each tissue type, they calculated the frequency that multiple genes were mutated in the same sample.


In this study, the researchers focused on how mifepristone influences the way the mutated gene functions in tissue, using mice with the rodent version of the mutated gene.


As Sherry and Claire look for a way out of the city, they are stalked by the mutated Birkin.


Bad genes are actually mutated good genes which, because of altered DNA messages, do not function normally.


Analysis of Dominant-recessive Mutated Character of nfr Genes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Its Mutual Interaction with the Chloroplastic psbA Gene


Mexico's Health Ministry says the new virus has reached epidemic levels, it described as it is a former swine flu, which is mutated and being passed to humans.


MCC gene(mutated in colorectal carcinoma)


Skywalker was able to free the mutated captives and destroy the laboratory.


If so, the B cell can use the particles to mold ammunition against the particle's origin which, to review, could be mutated cells, non-resident bacteria, and infectious agents.


Women who inherit mutated forms of those genes are at increased risk of deeloping breast cancer earlier in life.


In turn, they mutated into further varieties.


"It is a sequence of DNA that has been altered or mutated from its original form, the proto-oncogene."


It had originally been used for benevolent purposes, for seeking improved physical vehicles for those that had incarnated into physical bodies that mutated into half man half beast abominations.


This paper presents a nonlinear control scheme for static synchronous compensators (STATCOM ) consisting essentially of a self com mutated IGBT inverter.


By using long-distance inverse PCR, Arg (cgt) and Arg (egg) in the expression fragment of phytase phyA gene (GenBank : accession numbers AF218813 and AAF25481) were mutated synonymously to Arg (aga), which is a bias code of yeast.

对来源于本课题组自主分离的黑曲霉N25(Aspergillus niger China Strain)的植酸酶基因phyA(GenBank:基因注册号为AF218813,蛋白质序列号为AAF25481)进行PCR介导的定点突变。

For a tumor suppressor gene, a lost allele may effectively put the gene out of commission, either because the remaining copy is already mutated or because of the haploinsufficiency effect.



In the Darwinian run, the body code would mutate over time.

While it's only a single strand right now, it can mutate into other strands.

Living machines reproduce, but as they do they mutate.

Exposure to UV rays can mutate your cells and cause cancer.


In the Darwinian run, the body code would mutate over time.

While it's only a single strand right now, it can mutate into other strands.