adj.多种族的adj.多民族的, 多人种的
Adjective1. made up of or involving or acting on behalf of various races;
"a multiracial society"
"multiracial government"
形容词 multiracial:
made up of or involving or acting on behalf of various racesmultiracial[ ,mʌlti'reiʃəl ]adj.made up of or involving or acting on behalf of various races
"a multiracial society"; "multiracial government"
a multiracial society
We live in a multiracial society.
They work hard for a multiracial and multicultural society and sexism.
Penang has many tourist attractions: food, arts, multiracial culture, beaches, shopping and its World Herritage status.
其实,槟城本身已有很多观光卖点: 美食 、 艺术 、 多元种族文化 、 海滩 、 购物以及它的世界文化遗产地位.
And unlike the multiracial Vin Diesel, he saves the universe with geekiness, not mere muscle.
不象同是多重混血的范·迪塞尔, 他以古怪智慧拯救宇宙, 而不仅仅是肌肉.
Working in a multiracial community had brought him up against the realities of intolerance.
They are ang mohs who fit well into our multiracial society.
Warm up: Our country is a united multiracial country.
复习导入: 我国是个多民族的国家.
And multiracial child actors are now more likely to be tapped for television advertisements.
It presents multiracial, abundant, and complicated city culture of the masses life.
其所呈显的正是多元 、 丰富与复杂的城市庶民生活文化.
Topics about racial relations are sensitive multiracial society, given the complex geopolitical milieu in Southeast Asia.
一个多元种族社会, 加上东南亚复杂地缘政治,种族课题非常敏感.
This together with a multiracial society, informal lifestyle and agreeable climate, lures foreigners to its shores.
加上美国是一个多种族的社会, 生活方式不拘礼仪,气候宜人.这些都吸引着海外人士越洋而来.
Today, Singaporean Chinese form the largest community in our multiracial society.
今天,在我们多元种族社会里, 新加坡华人是最大的社群.
Teachers should have a clear concept of what a multiracial society is.
Barack's election is the expression of the idea of a grand , multiracial gathering.
Qinghai province is a multiracial place.
We live in a multiracial society.
One, fundamental condition Harbin city is multiracial medicinal powder of live together big..
3.In Singapore, topics about racial relations are sensitive in our multiracial society, given the complex geopolitical milieu in Southeast Asia.
racial relations are sensitive in our multiracial society, given the complex geopolitical milieu in Southeast Asia.
China is a country with VAST territoriTORY, VERY populatED ,AND A multiracial society TOO ,so it's not hard to understand that THERE ARE different customS in different regionS.
China is a multiracial country with long history. Therefor there's many festivals, such as Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Mid-autumn Day, Tomb-sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival, etc.
China is a multiracial country,among which it is known that there are some d ifference in their lipid level.
China is a centralized and multiracial country which is estabished by every nation all over the country.
"Today, Singaporean Chinese form the largest community in our multiracial society."
"In our multiracial society, it is a must for everyone to recognise the need to live with our differences."
They are impressed by our palpable affluence and heap accolades upon us for having an incorruptible and highly efficient government, a safe and green environment and a harmonious multiracial society that is worthy of emulation by others.
他们对我们的富裕有着深刻的印象。 对我们拥有一个廉洁和高效率的政府、一个安全和翠绿的环境、和一个值得其他国家仿效的多元种族和谐社会,更是赞不绝口。
They are impressed by our palpable affluence and heap accolades upon us for having an incorruptible and highly efficient government,a safe and green environment and a harmonious multiracial society that is worthy of emulation by others.
They are ang mohs who fit well into our multiracial society.
Ceramah speaker should be multiracial rather than UMNO ceramah by Malay speakers, MCA by Chinese leaders with a sprinkling of UMNO leaders.
Few areas of London are more multiracial than White-chapel and the patients we treated there naturally reflected the eclectic cultural mix of the area.
However,as a multiracial and high degree opening-up society, Singapore is so huge to hold various cultures developing and flourishing harmoniously.
From chili crab and fish head curry to laksa noodles and chicken rice, you will once again understand why people in multicultural, multiracial Singapore like their food spicy.
What customs do you know about multiracial peoples? Please discuss and act in groups.
Skill at operating multiracial corporations. Extra 20% corporation members of other race than CEO allowed
They are ang mohs who fit well into our multiracial society.They are not those who, according to the doctor, require extra care or special wariness on our part.
医生的这一句话揭露的是一个令人难过的事实:某些新加坡人摆 脱不了自己内心中妄自菲薄的心理障碍。
South Africa holds its first multiracial elections.
First multiracial elections in South Africa
India is a multiracial country, the people embrace kinds of religions, have the different customs.
Singapore is an important hub in Asia and a multiracial country. How it can attract Asian talent in science and technology to do research and to live in Singapore is a very important question indeed.
Thus, the Census Bureau could estimate that on census forms no more than two percent of the population would claim to be multiracial.
Subclinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and early age-related macular degeneration in a multiracial cohort: the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
In an atmosphere of mutual acceptance, we will come to view our differences in habits or even outlook of life as natural. This will consolidate the foundation of our multiracial society.
In a multiracial society like ours, pig abattoir, temples, kuils, surau and masjid are highly sensitive issues.Often, it has to be managed well;
In Singapore, we have evolved our own unique formula of a multiracial, multi-cultural society.
In the country of a such multiracial collective lives, each nation held a few custom conventions that differ severally in respect of basic necessities of life.
Warm up: Our country is a united multiracial country.
The Discussion of language usage in multiracial co-residence regions--a case study in Mosha, Xinpin
a multiracial society; multiracial government.
a multiracial society.
Barack's election is the expression of the idea of a grand, multiracial gathering.
Though English is the official language, however, the country is multiracial and inhabited by different ethnic groups who live peacefully and in harmony with each other.
People who get into multiracial, multiethnic, or multicultural marriages should be mature enough to view difference as a potential for integration and to accept others.
Of course it is popular to be multiracial while on stage but the political reality is otherwise.
In short, multiracial kids seem to create their own definitions for fitting in, and they show more psychological flexibility than those mixed-race kids who feel bound to one choice or another.
We are a multiracial and immigrant society which welcomes talented professionals from other countries to work and live here.
The Color of Our Future? Multiracial Asian Americans. Steven Ropp
We live in a multiracial society.
Our bilingual policy has been and remains a key pillar of our education system, and of nation-building. It reflects our unique situation as a young, multiracial nation.
Qinghai province is a multiracial place.
Teachers should have a clear concept of what a multiracial society is.
The Singaporean Chinese recognise and accept that Chinese culture and Mandarin must be advanced within the multiracial context of Singapore and the political and social milieu of Southeast Asia.
"In multiracial Singapore, we have besides the Chinese; Malays and Indians, who have the language and close kinship ties to Malaysia, Indonesia, parts of Thailand and India. "
As a multiracial society, Singapore can do well, too.Given time, the harmonious interaction between Chinese, Malay, and Indian heritages will make the island a cultural hub with a difference.
新加坡是多元种族的社会,除了华族文化外,马来文化、淡米尔 文化也是重要支柱,利用这种优势,假以时日亦可成为“不一样”的 文化中心。
As a multiracial society, Singapore can do well , too. Given time, the harmonious interaction between Chinese, Malay, and Indian heritages will make the island a cultural hub with a difference.
Mosha, a town of Xinpin county, is located in Red River valley and permanently raises some multiracial residents, such as Dai, Yi, Miao, Hani, Lahu, and Hui.
Regardless of the real degree of racial and ethnic intermixing that goes on, the test of a blended society will be the proportion of people who identify as multiracial or multiethnic.
After serving the administration of the Japanese occupation during the war, Nur al-Hilmi became a prominent left-wing leader who worked for an independent and multiracial Malaysia.
Moreover, our island has managed to survive amid the Malay Archipelagos, partly thanks to the use of English as the language in common use among its multiracial population.
The Great Vancouver is one of the most famous multiracial cities all over the word.
Gansu Province is a multiracial province, it is one of 5 llano a pasturing area of countrywide at the same time.
Second, the number of offensive terms relating to other ethnic groups is a signal that the US has never been fully comfortable with its status as a multiracial society.
And multiracial child actors are now more likely to be tapped for television advertisements.
The UK is a multiracial society,which inclued the Englishman、Scotchman、Welshman、Irishman and so on.
"This, together with its multiracial society, informal lifestyle and agreeable climate, lure foreigners to its shores."
An incredible island in a multiracial society."
Here, one can experience modern sophistication, nostalgic old-world charm and multiracial magic in a single destination.
8.The shift was a compromise between the demands of some interest groups that wanted the addition of a "multiracial" box, and those that objected to any change, fearing dilution of their numbers.
The shift was a compromise between the demands of some interest groups that wanted the addition of a "multiracial" box,and those that objected to any change,fearing dilution of their numbers.
Douglass's mother is Italian-American, and her father is a multiracial blend of African American and Native American.
" The multiracial kids are able to "place one foot in the majority and one in the minority group, and in this way might be buffered against the negative consequences of feeling tokenized.
用作形容词(adj.)South Africa holds its first multiracial elections.
The Great Vancouver is one of the most famous multiracial cities all over the word.
We live in a multiracial society.
Barack's election is the expression of the idea of a grand, multiracial gathering.