n. 塑像者; 分析员
n a person who creates models
Pottery and porcelain modeller
Freelance character modeller require to create 8 ghost characters from our sketches.
Model walk, model walk, model walk, model walk, model walk, model walk.
模特步 模特步 模特步 模特步 模特步 模特步
Model walk, model walk, model walk, model walk, model walk.
模特步 模特步 模特步 模特步 模特步
Model walk, model walk, model walk, model walk.
模特步 模特步 模特步
Those model the model kits, those model kits that you have in your closet.
那些模型 模型工具 在你衣柜里的模型工具
I'm a model. I just told I'm a model.
我是模特 我刚刚... 我是模特
This is the last model walking, last model.
最后一位模特登台了 最后一位
Second, I would say that the sorts of models, the simple models that people have been thinking about for 30 years that give rise to eternal inflation, are precisely the sort of models that are compatible with these theories.
其次 这种类型的模型 这类人们已经思索了近三十年的 预言宇宙将永远暴胀下去的简单模型 恰好是与这些理论 相契合的那一类模型
Last model walking, last model on the runway.
最后一位模特了 都上场了
And I'm hardly the model father, nor the model grandfather, but I do care.
我不是模范父亲 也不是模范祖父 但我真的在乎
First model walks, second model duplicates, then elaborates.
第一个先行 第二个模仿 然后发挥