midsection是什么意思   midsection怎么读

英式:['mɪdˌsekʃən]    美式:['mɪdˌsekʃən]


n. 中央部分, 胴体, 腹部




1. the middle area of the human torso (usually in front);

"young American women believe that a bare midriff is fashionable"

名词 midsection:

the middle area of the human torso (usually in front)

同义词:middle, midriff

midsection[ 'mid,sekʃən ]n.the middle area of the human torso (usually in front)





Obediently he removed it, and flushed even darker as her hands moved gently across his midsection.

" / 服从地他移走了它, 而且脸发红甚至比较黑暗当她的手逐渐地越过他的中央部分移动。

He'd chosen the airlock in the midsection of the ship, nearest the cargo area.

/ 他已经选择船的中央部分的 airlock, 最靠近货物区域。

At least nine deaths are being blamed on a storm that's drenching the nation's midsection.


There will eventually be a total of 12 turbines on the right side of the Three Gorges Dam, which is in the midsection of the Yangtze, China's longest river.


midsection surgical operation


Typically, three or four floors high, Chinese schools usually feature a back-and-forth set of stairs through the midsection and flanks of classrooms that are entered from outdoor verandas.


On December 7, 1941, the battleship USS Arizona was sunk, taking 1,100 sailors with it.In 1961, a solemn white monument was erected above the midsection of the ship.


During breeding, the male mounts the female from the rear and clasps her midsection with his front legs.Rapid pelvic thrusts follow, until penetration and ejaculation take place.


Also used to midsection, mucous membrane, birth canal and equipment disinfectant in the livestock process of operation.


They use the singing method of having sound resonate through the head and throat rather than from the midsection.


Your body converts excess glucose into fat, which is usually stored in the midsection for access to quick energy.


For example, shoulder shimmies are great for the arms and back.. Hip drops give the midsection and legs a workout.


The well toned midsection, in combination with supple hips, connected elbows and supple wrists also ensures a steady, yet live rein contact.


The motor, placed in the fish's midsection, initiates a wave that travels along the fish's flexible body, propelling it forward.


"Later airplane design was affected by the development of the jet engine; most airplanes today have a long nose section, swept-back wings with jet engines placed Behind the plane's midsection, and a tail stabilizing section."


Keywords laryngeal mask airway;midsection surgical operation;outer putamen;


Spinning a hoop around your midsection may sound simple, but it can take some practice to get the movement right.


In the finished episode, it's a meaty punch to a bug's midsection that clues her in.


Age,top temperature and operation history of midsection were correlated with longer duration of hospitalization by COX regression analysis.


Farther south in the lowlands , similar rocks are covered by the sedimentary beds deposited under the sea that once filled the midsection of the country.


Forecasters warn many rivers in the nation's midsection could crest above flood stage in the coming days.The heavy storms are already being blamed for more than a dozen deaths.


Girls will gently clamp the midsection of the cigarette middle their fully extended index or middle fingers.


In females, the ovaries move down from the midsection to lie near the uterus and fallopian tubes.This movement ensures that the egg does not have far to travel to be fertilized.


Pettitte, who hadn't pitched in 10 days because of elbow soreness, came in tight to Papi's midsection, but didn't hit him.


Although studies have found that depressed people are at risk of becoming obese, they may be at particular risk of gaining extra weight around their midsection.


I got a knee for the midsection, which is gonna shut you the hell up, or I can break his collar bone.


I got a knee for the midsection, which is gonna shut you the hell up, or I can break his collar bone. At this point, I have some choices. Okay?


At least 23 deaths are blamed on the storm that moved into the nation's midsection over the weekend.


are being blamed on a storm that's drenching the nation's midsection.


Moon Gallery founded in 2000, abonds with energy art and humanity in midsection of Taiwan.


Forecasters warn many rivers in the nation's midsection could crest above flood stage in the coming days.


Independent studies have concluded that most of these products - no matter who endorses them or how expensive they are - shape your midsection no better than old-fashioned stomach crunches.


Having a little extra weight around your midsection might keep you warmer in the winter, but it won’t do you any favors when you’re trying to learn how to hold your breath underwater.


Indeed, many researchers now contend that the incipient river nourished a multitude of interconnected lakes in the continent's midsection before forging a direct connection to the Atlantic Ocean;


Robert Orben - "Never raise your hand to your children - it leaves your midsection unprotected."


It looked like it had been hit by a car because it couldn't move anything behind its midsection.


The western African nation of Ghana, tucked under the chin of the continent, is dominated by the enormous Lake Volta, a sprawling reservoir that arcs through the midsection of the country.


Americans will be told in a new ad campaign they can lose midsection "love handles" and double chins one step at a time if they eat less and exercise more.

美国人从一个新出的广告宣传中得知:少吃, 多运动可逐步去除上腹 “多余脂肪”, 也可逐步消除双下巴.

And who doesn't want a toned midsection?


With two segments and midsection inflexion of main pipes, the irregular well positions were well represented and the length of the total main pipes was shorten by a long way.


Harry is on the floor with him, pressing him back and straddling his midsection, a hand against Malfoy's pale throat. "What did you do?" He growls.


Patrick Deuel, who once weighed more than 1,000 pounds, has lost another 81 pounds in a surgery that removed a mass of fat and skin hanging from his midsection.


An intermittent contact, on the other hand, that can so often be observed, is caused by stiffness in the rider's hips and wrists, which is usually accompanied by a weak midsection.


the pouchlike midsection of a fishing net in which the catch is concentrated



Your body converts excess glucose into fat, which is usually stored in the midsection for access to quick energy.

The motor, placed in the fish's midsection, initiates a wave that travels along the fish's flexible body, propelling it forward.