metacarpal是什么意思   metacarpal怎么读

英式:[ˌmetəˈkɑːpl]    美式:[ˌmetəˈkɑːpl]


a. 掌的
n. 掌骨

n. any bone of the hand between the wrist and fingers
a. of or relating to the metacarpus





intercarpo-metacarpal [医] 腕掌骨间的

metacarpal artery [网络] 第二掌背动脉

metacarpal bone 掌骨

metacarpal bones [医] 掌骨

metacarpal fracture [医] 掌骨骨折

metacarpal ligaments [医] 掌[骨]韧带

metacarpal saw [医] 掌骨锯

metacarpal vein [网络] 掌骨静脉

metacarpal nerve 掌神经

interosseous metacarpal ligament [医]掌骨间韧带

dorsal metacarpal vein 掌背静脉

metacarpal fracture icd-10 掌骨骨折icd-10

metacarpal gloves 掌骨手套

metacarpal tunnel 掌骨隧道

metacarpal arthritis 掌骨关节炎

metacarpal anatomy 掌骨解剖学

metacarpal extension 掌骨延长

metacarpal dislocation 掌骨脱位


Similar fractures here on the metacarpal and here on the phalanges.

掌骨和指骨上 也有相似的骨折痕迹

Fifth metacarpal is broken on each hand.


Surprisingly more unpleasant was the metacarpal fracture.

意外的是 更难受的是 掌骨的骨折

I felt a all avulsion on the metacarpal of her thumb.


Midshaft fractures of two metacarpals but other than that, you're fine.

两根掌骨中轴骨折 但除此之外 你无大碍

Both hands clean between the third and fourth metacarpals.

兩隻手的第三和第四掌骨之間 都很乾淨

Asymmetric narrowing on the first metacarpal phalangeal joints.


You've got three metacarpal fractures, but I think you'll survive.

你的掌骨有三处断裂 但问题不大

Clean fracture of the metacarpal bone, but there's very little displacement.

掌骨骨折了 但幸好移位不严重

This fracture is of the transverse neck of his fourth metacarpal, more commonly known as the pugilist break.

这处断裂在他第四掌骨的横颈处 大家都称之为拳击断手