mentee是什么意思   mentee怎么读

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n. 聆听教导者





An exclusive with the mentor and a manhunt for the mentee.

独家专访指导者 与全力追捕学徒

I don't know. It's more of a mentor/mentee relationship.

或者说 类似导师和学生的关系

I'm coming to bid good night to my mentee and daughter.


I wish you would give me more of a headsup before inviting a mentee for dinner.

我希望你請學生來家里吃飯之前 能早點告訴我

Let's go meet your mentees before I realize I've made a huge mistake.

还是先去看看你们的学生吧 趁我还没发现自己犯了多大的错

Well, maybe I am psycho 'cause it was psychotic of me to choose you as a mentee and confidant.

也许我真是脑积屎了 真的有屎 才会选你做学生兼密友

And even if you found one who corroborated your wild theories in some vague way, then you will know that I never explicitly directed my students or mentees to do anything criminal.

即使你找到一个人 模棱两可地证明了你的疯狂理论 你也应该知道我从来没有明确地指使 我的学生或学员犯下任何罪行